ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.


Activate Google Ambient Mode as a Screensaver from Fully

Ephrayim 4 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Android updated 4 years ago 2

Does anybody know of a way to activate the built in (Lenovo tablets) Google Assistant Ambient Mode from within Fully Kiosk Browser?


error undefined: cannot read property 'message' of undefined

Melvin S 4 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Amazon Fire updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 2

 My actionstiles is saying this. and nothing works. (error undefined: cannot read property 'message' of undefined)


Change displayed tile based on events

Kex 4 years ago in Configuration & Settings 0

Hi! New user here.

I love actiontiles as a product and would like to add a suggestion, or ask if its even possible.

I would like to have my screen change whats being displayed based on events. So when i activate my alarm, i´d like for the panel to only show certain things, but, when the alarm is off, it changes to another tile to display other information.

is it possible? 

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How do I delete 1 inactive license/location and keep active ones?

bsteg 4 years ago in License & Purchasing updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 1
Researching Answers

Favorites Playlist in Sonos Tile Missing?

Roger Lee 4 years ago in Media Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 1

Last week, I could still see all of my Sonos "Favorites" playlists if I expand the Sonos media tile by clicking the 3 dots at the lower right hand corner. Today, I found all my Sonos speaker tiles no longer show any favorites. Did AT change something or smartthings changed something? How can I get my Sonis favorites to show on media tiles?


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Recent Issue with Video Stream

sean2a 4 years ago updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 1 1 duplicate

A few weeks ago I noticed my video streams on a few of my panels are no longer loading. They are set up as MJPGS. When I load them in a separate tab outside of action tiles they load with no issues. I am using the newest version of Chrome (Version 85.0.4183.121). 

Waiting for Customer

Controlling TV Box & Media Players, Opening Apps?

R Gadson 6 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by jaredf33razier 4 years ago 3

Has anyone figured out to control a TV or cable box via using AT?  I am just learning but love AT so far.  Still struggling with adding music as well as I keep receiving an error that AT can't open the other app!



Harmony Shortcut

Systematix 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1
I am trying to create a Harmony shortcut app to launch my harmony app from with my panels in IOS (Ipad mini), I have tried using Harmony:// as my shortcut but it does nothing to open the app, Thanks in advance for anyone who can assist.

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Live Traffic travel time Tile! Image from query text using

Rob Cummings 7 years ago in Media Tiles / Weather & Traffic updated by Ted Chen 4 years ago 95

I thought I'd post this to help others. I figured out a way to display the travel time for my wife's commute to work. See the pink tile in the screenshot below...

Image 1599

I used a Google Maps Distance Matrix API call and displayed the result in a Shields.IO badge. (Check out Then I added the whole darn deal to the My Media section in Action Tiles.

Here's the link I used, broken into pieces...

Base URL:

Badge Options (no label, pink color, time query, badge style): ?label= &colorA=ff69b4&colorB=ff69b4&prefix=&suffix=&query=$..duration_in_traffic.text&style=flat-square

Google Maps API call: &[origin address]%26destinations%3D[your destination address]%26key%3D[your API key]

You'll have to generate and use a Google API key and the URI has to be encoded with all those silly % escape codes. The Dynamic Generator at the bottom of the page will help you out with the pieces. It was a bit of trial and error. Here's what it looks like all put together in the My Media image URL field... &colorA=ff69b4&colorB=ff69b4&prefix=&suffix=&query=$..duration_in_traffic.text&style=flat-square&[your origin address]%26destinations%3D[your destination address]%26key%3D[your API key]

As everything seems to be, it's a little bit of a hack (text not centered), and the image and text proportion is stretched/crunched from the original (just like weather maps, camera images, etc.) but it seems to be working pretty well. One of the cool things is that it's actually an SVG, so no quality is lost if you make the tile bigger or look at it in a full-screen view. 

Hope this helps!


Shortcut tile to open the Lync whole-house audio control app

Levahj 5 years ago in Shortcut Tiles updated by Systematix 4 years ago 1

Installing a  Lync whole house A/V system along with Smartthings in a new home.  Using ActionTiles GUI's on iPads in three main rooms - Master Bdrm, Kitchen & Family room.   Needed an ActionTile shortcut tile to open the Lync app in iOS but there was nothing anywhere in the internet on how to do it.   When I tried the Lync:// URL it opened the Skype app!   Microsoft Lync was the name of their videoconferencing before they purchased Skype.  And they never bothered to change the name of the link. 

Called Lync customer service to see if there was another URL and he discussed with the app developer and called back in 15 minutes. Fantastic customer service!  He shared the both the iOS link and Android links and I wanted to pass on to whomever might need this as well:

IOS URL: lyncCustomUrlScheme:\\

Android URL:

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Actiontiles running on Tesla monitor

Juval 4 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones updated by L MITCHELL 4 years ago 2

I was able to find few discussion about this topic, and it may work. But as a new owner of a Tesla Y, I wonder if any of the forum members, can explain if  and how it possible, to install the AT on my Tesla screen?


Sonos album art

Eric Stiens 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by jonathanrob 4 years ago 12

Just wanted to show off a proof of concept. I have my basic dashboard setup pulling the currently playing album art in the living room straight from Sonos. I use a raspberry pi running the Node-Sonos-HTTP-API to interact with Sonos from a variety of applications around the house. I have a little app running that pulls the album art URL from there and automatically redirects a request to show the album art and put that in a media tile. Works pretty well! Would be lovely if Sonos ever opened up their API to be able to do this without so many workarounds.

Image 1427


Maximum number of nest camera live feeds possible?

Jared Higginbotham 4 years ago in Media Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 1

BLUF: I am no longer able to select "Autoplay video in Tile (limited browser support, feel free to try)" after 6. I need to add over 60 camera feeds to my panel but the slider no longer shows up when I add more than 6 cameras to my panel. Is this a bug or does ActionTiles only support up to 6 camera feeds at one time?

Not Our Issue / Scope

New wifi router, now media tiles not working

MattS 4 years ago in Media Tiles / Weather & Traffic updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 3

I run actiontiles on 3 fire tablets throughout the house.

I just changed my home wifi.

I updated the wifi info on the tablets and everything works except 3 of the 4 media tiles.

I went to my PC to update the media tiles, but they work just fine on the computer.

What's wrong with the tiles on the tablets?


Fully Kiosk Browser turn off tablet backlight without locking screen ?

Chad 4 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Android updated 4 years ago 5
Android Fire

HTTP response tile

I love Actiontiles! What I miss is a way to show a HTTP response as a tile. I'm using Yamaha Musiccast and it would be great with a tile that can display the current track playing. Also - it would be great with an album art tile!

I have searched the forum for a similar request, but couldn't find anything.

On Hold: Discussion Open

URL login credentials for "IP Webcam" not working upon load in Media Tile

Tamathumper 8 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by The Q 4 years ago 46 2 duplicates

Is there a bug passing credentials (username and password) to my video cameras on a panel's first load?

I use old Android phones running IP Webcam as security cameras in my camp - they're great because they have WiFi, a camera, a battery backup, and they're free.

Each one is available on the local network and also is port-forwarded through the router on a unique port. IP Webcam is configured to require a different username and password combination for each one.

If I open the URL directly in a browser (passing the credentials in the URL) it opens right up, so everything is working fine with the camera, phone and router configuration.

If I place my camera feeds on a panel as media tiles, on the first load they show as gray boxes with the "broken image" icon, until I right-click on each one and select "Open image in new tab", and then once they're authorized by the standalone tab I can click Refresh and the panel displays them correctly.

This behavior is the same as in the legacy SmartTiles dashboards.

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DAKboard Issues

Gerry Chiariello 4 years ago updated by HOWARD LA 4 years ago 8

I have 4 panels in my home running actiontiles with fully and DAKboard as screensaver.  Today, instead of screensaver from DAKboard, all my panels default to DAKboards home screen instead of the free screensaver.  Any ideas? Did the address of the screensaver move?  Trying to fix this.

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Blue Iris single stream URLs broken in latest BI version

Ali Naqvi 5 years ago updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 13

For anyone who is wondering why the single-stream URLs that you are using from your BI web server have been crashing your BI, they seem to have broken that functionality in the last few releases. 

My single stream URLs that I was using e.g. http://192.168.1.*:82/mjpg/Cam5/video.mjpg&user=username&password=password 

started crashing BI. Regardless of how I was accessing (through a web browser or through actiontiles).. it just crashed it every single time.

The BI version I was using was This is the latest release from the 2nd of May 2020. I reverted back to a release from April and it works again.

I recently updated my streams and BI to support sub-streams to control the CPU usage, It seems like the new release had some improvements for the webserver and they inadvertently broke previous single camera stream functionality. THe new release has very good improvements for when you access BI through the main server URL and port.. it would stream substream and transcode to the main stream so you get the best of both worlds through the webserver.. i love that, however it broke my much needed single stream URLs that I love seeing on actiontiles.

Anyway, long story short, if you are confused about whats going on, I found the bug. 

I have now emailed support informing of this bug and I would urge you all to do the same so that we can get single stream URLs working again for action tiles.

Closed: Duplicate Issue

Ring Cameras for Media Tiles?

Daniel Kuykendall 4 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 2

Seems obvious, but probably a challenge, to support Ring cameras with the Media Tiles.