ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.

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I am not present??

I use Life360 from my mobile phone as a presence in my automations.

But now I'm constantly not present in ActionTiles.

My wife's phone is working as normal.

In the Smarthings app, my mobile is listed as connected just like my wife's.

The function has worked flawlessly until Monday when I was suddenly not present.

Android Windows

Home tile

I have made 3 scenes: Armed away, Armed Home and Disarmed. They all work flawlessly and change the arming mode in Smartthings.

I have seen that there is a tile that, when pressed, contains the same functions.

My problem is I can't get this tile to change state.

What am I doing wrong or is this tile not working?

On Hold: Discussion Open

Fan speed control (but not 0 to 100 dimmer slider...)

Josh Fink 8 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by twiseva 3 years ago 27 2 duplicates

Hi, is there any plans to create a toggle for a fan control that isn't a slider? Right now, as you know, the fans are operated the same way the lights are in that there is a slider that is 0-100%. Whereas a fan works by having a low, medium, high which on mine is associated with 33%, 67% and 99%.

Here is an example of mine on the ST app.


Image 566


Capability "Fan Speed" is still marked as "proposed", which makes us hesitate to spend effort to implement it, as it might be radically changed:

I'm not sure what steps SmartThings goes through (and how long it takes) for them to move a Capability out of the "proposed" status to something else.

Perhaps it is in the "proposed" status because it is so poorly defined. The speed is supposed to be a NUMBER - and the specs say it is a minimum of 0 (zero), but no maximum.

So is speed (NUMBER):

  • A value from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of maximum speed?
  • A value from 0 to infinity to set the number of revolutions per minute (rpm)?
  • A value from 0 to 3, or 0 to 4, to set off, low, medium, high?

The last possibility is the least likelyBecause the proper implementation of an Attribute with enumerated distinct string values is ENUM, as in:  switch(on,off); or fanSpeed(off,low,medium,high,auto).

I just realized I wrote this exact same Answer a year ago. The fact is, the situation has not changed. The only "Fan Speed" Capability that exists, takes an unbounded NUMBER, and there has been no update from SmartThings to define what the number's domain is.



Echo Show 10 with AT

Is anyone using AT on an Echo Show 10? If so have you found a way to have AT as the default screen? 

Feature in BETA

Support for Hubitat?

Armand Welsh 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by brumster 4 years ago 132

I have a license for ActionTiles that I only just did a minimalistic setup of to POC wall mounted tablets as an interface to my smart home. I am writing to officially ask if ActionTiles can be enhanced to support Hubitat.

I would love it if This system could be migrated over to support it, and will happily buy another device license for that system.



Hubitat has created their own specialized web-app which mimics a lot of the functionality of ActionTiles. We're happy to see that product continuing to evolve and attract interest.

Realistically, we have plenty of consumer facing and non-consumer facing SmartThings related development to focus on before we can even consider diversion of resources to a niche platform. SmartThings is our birthplace and it is the platform of all our supportive customers' homes. The Votes on this Topic indicate that the future is open to many possibilities and the door remains open to anything ... eventually.

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Can you add google home devices to actiontiles?

Wondering if there are any plans to incorporate google home "hubs" into actiontiles?

Waiting for Customer

Controlling TV Box & Media Players, Opening Apps?

R Gadson 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by jaredf33razier 4 years ago 3

Has anyone figured out to control a TV or cable box via using AT?  I am just learning but love AT so far.  Still struggling with adding music as well as I keep receiving an error that AT can't open the other app!


On Hold: Discussion Open

Artik Cloud Fitbit step counter won't show in authorize

Haden Cruickshank 8 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by Diana 5 years ago 4

I played with Samsung Artik Cloud and was able to assiciate my Fitbit so that step data could be accessed in SmartThings via a thing which was created for me after I added the Artik Cloud smartapp which is available under automations -> Samsung Home. It reports my steps inside the snartthibgs app but I can't get it to show in ActionTiles :-( I can't find a evuce handler In order to add in the capability statements either!  Any ideas?

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simulated co2 sensor - highlighting

Mike G 5 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by Kevin1 5 years ago 2


I've created a simulated CO2 sensor DH (basically by butchering the simulated temperature sensor DH). This allows me to display a number in a tile without an associated unit (like degrees or %)

Is there any way I can set this so that at a certain value, ActionTiles can tell this is a warning condition and change the tile colour accordingly?

Put another way, how does actiontiles know when other DHs are in alert conditions?

Use case: I'm trying to create a summaries tab that tells me how many doors/windows  are open and how many lights are on and various other summaries so that I can have one sheet which gives me an overview of the whole house. (Summarising is being done in webcore). - so if there's one or more windows open I'd like actiontiles to highlight the tile.

I realise mine is likely an uncommon use case - but surely with any environmental monitor it would be useful to move into alert status once a monitor hits a specific high or low value?


On Hold: Discussion Open

Compatibility with other platforms?

JonnySax 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by Glen 5 years ago 16

wow!  this seems like a beautiful way to have quick intuitive access to my smart home controls.  Its just a shame it only works with SmartThings ... Is there any plan to expand to other smart home platforms?  I specifically use Axial Control with an Aeon Labs stick on a windows PC, but I'm sure owners of other hubs would love to have AT as their visible interface.  

Android Fire Windows

We've actually answered this dozens of times, so I'm just leaving this open for discussion until I get a chance to merge or paste in any existing answers.

ActionTiles is not a portal app. It is the #1 Dashboard Panel builder for SmartThings, which, in turn, is the #1 smart home platform, which, in turn, can intergrate with hundreds and hundreds of devices (Things) from many different vendors. It would take a significant distraction and diversion of our resources to integrate with "other platforms". Not saying it won't ever happen; but this is further down on the to-do list than Features which will benefit our thousands of existing, loyal Customers.

On Hold: Discussion Open

Logitech Harmony Activities

Good Evening,

Love the app! Harmony Activities (not direct integration with the Hub) would be awesome.

They are listed currently in the 'other device' settings when you set your devices and panels because it appears the only supported state is "switch"

If you all could accommodate this device type it would be great!!!


At the moment, the only way to integrate ActionTiles with Harmony is via Harmony Activity Switches.

Waiting for Customer

Amazon Dash Button Tiles / Panel

Kenny 5 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by Kevin1 5 years ago 2

Would love to see ability to have a panel of (virtual) Amazon Dash buttons. Now that Amazon is retiring the physical buttons, having them on action tile panel would be handy as hell.

Waiting for Customer

Sonoff / Tasmota / TH10 or TH16

Anyone integrated Sonoff or Tasmota Flashed devices? 

Specifically I am working on displaying pool and hot tub temp reading data from the Sonoff TH10 or TH16. 

I think I can get control to turn on and off Sonoff devices with Tasmota flash by pushing IFTTT Web urls but not usre how to get a read from the Sensors. I can get a device page to return txt version of Temp information. Not sure how to parse it out and display it with action tiles. Loving ActionTiles.. 

Answered: Discussion Open

Nest NST Manager Home/Away tile

JRamlow 6 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by Kevin1 6 years ago 3

Is there a way to access the Home/Away status on the Nest Thermostat through ActionTiles? I'm using the NST Manager in SmartThings and everything is working great. The number of available tiles is also very good. The one thing I'm not able to find is a way to change the status from Home to Away (and vice versa). A separate tile for this would be very helpful. I utilize home/away for setting ECO mode on/off. I've tried using Presence but have run into too many problems where all of a sudden I show as being away and my heat would go off. This wouldn't be a problem but I am in a cold climate and my normal heating is around 70 and my ECO heating is down around 45. The temps are currently in the teens. I've temporarily setup a virtual button and use Webcore to command it Present() or Away(). It works, but its not very clean as is not without its downsides keeping them in sync.


Auto-lock for Door Locks

I just added a door lock to my setup.  I used the rboy : Universal Z-Wave Lock With Alarms device type and it gives me the ability to turn on and off the 60 second Auto-lock feature.  I would love to have this as a tile on my wall mounted tablet inside the door.  Auto-lock is a huge help for me as I often forgot to lock the door previously.  But I've found when running out to get the mail or bring in a load of groceries it can be a hassle. I realize I might not be typical use case but I was hoping either it would be relatively simple to add or their are more people out there that would like the same capability.


Anyone control Robovac hoover with ActionTiles?

Has anyone know or have done  on action tiles that controls there if hoover. Just something I through the of last night as mine is set on a timer. But if I need it to come out for a reason I have to use the remote to get it out or ask Alexa. But would be good if I could just press a tile to start it. 

I’m quite new to scene of tiles and all.  I have  added what I have as smart devices to it. But a couple I can’t at the moment which I no can’t as yet but I’ve not seen or heard anything bout a hoover. 

Anyone got any ideas?!!

Answered: Discussion Open

Skybell image or alerts in ActionTiles?

I have a SkyBell HD on the front door. Is it possible to get the  Picture or Alert when the door bell rings into AT ? 



Control Abode home security?

Hello! I am looking for a way to use my actiontiles to control my Abode home security system. I have 3 wall mounted tabllets by all entrances into the home. I dont want to add the Abode keypad as it is not very attractive. I know there is no direct support but is there a workaround someone can help me with?

Android Fire
On Hold: Discussion Open

FortrezZ Flow Meter Interface

Mike Wren 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by Kevin1 7 years ago 2

We just installed a FortrezZ Flow Meter Interface (FMI) on our main water line. This device measures water consumption (tallies number of gallons) and flow rate (gallons per minute).  The device handler also stores a resettable tally of usage and high flow rates.

If we could show a tally of number of gallons, flow rate (gpm), or even a resettable tally to display on a spare tablet in our kids bathroom - it could be a very useful tool to help show the impact of leaving the water running while brushing teeth, length of time in the shower, water usage of bath vs. shower.


Below is the hardware description in SmartThings API, please let me know if there's any additional data I can provide to help integration of this product with ActionTiles! 

Image 2496