ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.

Media Tile Camera Aspect Ratio
Is there any way to make the media tiles for camera feeds crop instead of stretch to fill the tile? I'm trying to squeeze some tiles in but it's stretching my wide feeds so they look funny. Home Assistant dashboard just keeps the width and crop the top and bottom which I'm fine with.

FIXED: UniFi Camera Snapshots Working with Action Tiles
After spending MANY hours trying to get ActionTiles to work with my UniFi Cameras (G3 Flex, G5 Flex) Snapshots, I have come up with a solution. I am writing my first forum post to hopefully save someone else hours of troubleshooting. Please note, the snapshots can updated at like 0.1 seconds so it's a decent solution for UniFi Cameras to work with ActionTiles.
Issue: My UniFi camera snapshot, would not work due to the lack of SSL provided by the snapshot. ActionTiles uses Android WebViewer which, thanks to an update, doesn't display insecure content.
I did uninstall Android Webviewer updates.. and the cameras would work but after a few days it would reinstall (I had every single update feature turned off in my Samsung tablet it didn't matter)
Solution: Download Fully Kiosk Browser & Lockdown app for Android. Sign into your ActionTiles account with it. Go to Fully Kiosk settings, Set Start URL at Your Action Tiles Panel URL.
Now under Fully Kiosk App go to Advanced Web Settings, TURN ON Ignore SSL Errors and Mixed Content Mode set to ALWAYS ALLOW MIXED CONTENT
Now, go to your UniFi cameras (using IP 192.168.1.XX - camera IP) login (default is ubnt, password can be found in your online Protect app under device passwords it's a long complex password usually), enable Anonymous Snapshot Mode.
In ActionTiles, create a new Media Item, This Media is a Still Image of GIF, with the Camera IP with HTTPS with this pathway to access your Snapshot (ex: https://192.168.1.XX/snap.jpeg)
Set Refresh rate to the desired refresh rate in seconds (I even did 0.5 seconds on the one camera I wanted frequent updates)
Click Save and Add that Media to Your Panel. Done!!
PS - you can enter the camera IP in your browser on your computer to view the snapshot image to ensure it's working. Also make sure your cameras are set to a static IP and not DHCP otherwise the IP address would vary.

Has anyone setup a count down/up tile, with sound?
I'd like to receive a beep, or sound, when ever the security status changes. Also, want a sound for when we trip the alarm is tripped and the 30 second timer starts (before the siren goes off). We don't know we tripped it until the siren goes off.

Share your favorite Weather Media Tiles?
This national weather radar is so far my most useful Media Tile. I configured it for 3x2 tile size. Someday I intend to have a front door camera Media Tile.

- If the image in a Post has been placed with a full URL link to the original; just right-click and choose "Copy image address."
- There might be enough clues in the address to find the source website so you can find variations, such as local weather.
- When posting, if you used the "<>" (HTML edit feature) to surround the URL of the image source with <pre> and </pre>, then the URL will be show in text instead of the image ... or try the "Code" Formatting option (under the paragraph symbol ¶).

Hubitat Safety Monitor Status HSM
Hi there,
Has anyone managed to get the HSM Status of a Hubitat hub onto a panel? If so, how? I've got WebCore if that helps?
Thanks :-)

Images on media tiles are not loading
Images on media tiles are not loading on Google Chrome browser on PC, however they load on the phone browser. When I try to edit those "Media" tiles, it says "Enter valid URL". Please note that the URL is valid and that media tile is showing correctly on the Android phone browser (Google Chrome). It is happening with all media tiles on the PC browser. It used to work fine till last week on PC as well as on phone. Please help, thanks in advance.

All of the issues serving video streams and images are due to browsers and operating systems enforcing Mixed Content policies.
Mixed content refers to a situation that arises when a secure (HTTPS) webpage contains elements, such as video streams or images that are loaded using an insecure (HTTP) connection.
More and more web browsers enforce strict security policies to protect users' data and privacy. When a secure webpage includes insecure content, it poses a risk and compromises the integrity and security of the entire webpage.
To mitigate this risk, modern browsers typically block mixed content by default. They either prevent the insecure content from loading or display a warning to the user. To maintain a secure browsing experience, it's important to ensure that all elements on a secure webpage are loaded using secure (HTTPS) connections. This can be achieved by updating the resource URLs to use HTTPS or by hosting the resources on secure servers.
ActionTiles does not host or process your local video streams and images. It is impossible for ActionTiles to upgrade connections to HTTPS.
ActionTiles cannot affect the browser and operating system and relies on them to display the content. There's absolutely nothing that ActionTiles can do to make the browser display content that the browser does not allow.
The Mixed Content limitation that is now imposed by modern browsers is not an issue that's unique to ActionTiles. Every web page and Progressive Web App is affected by this.
There are two ways to resolve this issue:
- Serve content over HTTPS.
- Configure the browser to allow mixed content. There are several issues with this option, since some browsers do not have this configuration or ignore it.

Using VLC transcode Video RTSP stream to MJPEG
I posted this for another user but though I would create a topic on how I was able to access my Samsung SNH-v6410PN camera feed in action tiles using VLC. There are a lot of variations when setting this up so this is not comprehensive to cover every camera type but hopefully it gets you most of the way there.s
To do this through VLC with my Samsung camera I took the following steps. Before proceeding identify the url for you cameras RTSP stream - Great database to find this:
1. Make sure you can access your cameras RTSP stream from a browser. In the case of my samsung camera I accessed the RTSP stream with this path, rtsp://user:password@ (Make sure to replace with the RTSP format for your camera (it will vary). Note: If camera is user/password protected you may not be able to pass the user:password in the URL when trying to access the feed. This depends on the browser you are using. Chrome and fully do not allow them to passed so simply enter the URL as shown below and then you should be prompted for the user name and password. Firefox should work ok with the user:pass being passed within the URL as shown above.
2. Install VLC (im using version 2.2.8) and access VLC command line. To do this from windows open up Windows CMD prompt as administrator and navigate to you VLC directory path below. Note: Some VLC versions are buggy with trans-coding so thats why I reference the version of VLC I am using to do this successfully.
C:\>cd Program Files (x86)
C:\Program Files (x86)>cd VideoLAN
C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN>cd VLC
C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC>
3. Once there enter the command string shown below and REPLACE the part highlighted in bold with your cameras RTSP stream link. Note: you only need to enter the user:password part of the string if you have assigned the camera a user name and password logon. Also replace the IP address with your IP address. After you press enter if you dont receive any errors go to step 4.
vlc.exe -R rtsp://user:password@ --sout
"#transcode{vcodec=mjpg,vb=2500,scale=1.0,fps=10,acodec=none}:standard{access=http{mime=multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=7b3cc56e5f51db803f790dad720ed50a},mux=mpjpeg,dst=:8888/videostream.cgi}
4. Change the IP address below to the IP of the PC running VLC that is doing the transcoding. Try to access the stream from a web browser or action tiles (only will work on your local network). If camera is user/password protected you may not be able to pass the user:password in the URL when trying to access the feed, this depends on the browser you are using. Chrome and fully do not allow them to passed so simply enter the URL as shown below and then you should be prompted for the user name and password.
5. If all is successful grab yourself a Beer and celebrate :)
Hope this helps

How Send notifications/text sensor is triggered in actiontiles
I have tried to use Smart Home Monitor to send a text or notification when motion or multi-sensor is triggered. Problem is that it is sending reminder text every hour. 1) I know you can dismiss it in the samsung smartapp, but I would like to do it on the actiontiles panel. 2) If 1 is not possible can we send notifications/ texts in actiontiles or another way through Samsung besides using the monitor. Thanks in advanced

Windows shortcut tile for Spotify and other apps
Hello all! I have tablets running Andriod and all can launch into Spotify and various other apps using the intent URL no problem. However i also have a windows surface i am trying to get working similar. Is there a way for me to launch Spotify, Sonos, Harmony etc, from a windows exe in action tiles?

Show Spotify "Now Playing"?
I have a 10" Fire tablet mounted above my PC monitors with an always open AT Panel showing various home stats. While working, I frequently have Spotify playing from my phone. I would love to have a tile on AT that shows what is currently being played on Spotify. Spotify has an API that will show this, but if it isn't GUI based, my technical skills start to falter. I was hoping someone may have already done this, but if not was wondering if one of the more technically inclined AT users would be able to help get the right syntax for a media tile that would work.

Weather Tile replacement
My weather tile and tiles that depend on virtual sensors just stopped workiing. Any suggestions?

SSL certificate for iframe over https on local network
Is there a way to load a certificate into the Android Webview (I think) that displays each iframe ActionTile?
I've been doing a lot of yak shaving on this one.
Main goal: run my own local python webservice to display some content (anything; weather, notes, whatever - this is a bit of a fun task to play with)
I note that the iframe will only work if it is an https url not an http url. (Is there a way to disable this for local network addresses so I can avoid all of this faff?)
So, I enable ssl in my python Flask service - and the tile now displays a security error, as I don't have a ceritifcate.
After a LOT of faff because I don't know what I am doing, I have now successfully made a certificate, and installed it on both my Windows machine (successfully displaying my locally hosted page with no security errors; on Chrome and Internet Explorer).
I have also successfully installed the certificate on my Fire tablet, so that the Silk browser can successfully load my page without complaint.
So my certificate clear works, or at least works to a decent extent.
However, the ActionTiles iframe still says there is an ssl error when I load the panel.
1) Is it possible to get better information on this error?
2) Is it possible to install the certificate so that ActionTiles app can actually use it? How?
3) Can I just avoid this all together by using http instead of https somehow?
Or, scrap this entire idea, does anyone else have a better method of having locally generated content shoved into a tile?
Thanks for any help,

Media Tile Generator Issue
I noticed this morning that my weather, news and calendar tiles are all not loading. I have tried it on different platforms with the same result. Does anyone know if this is a widespread issue or what the solution could be?

Token access to panel
Hello I have a custom built facility software that I would like to display my panel in. Even at an additional charge, is there any way to tie a token into the URL so it automatically authorizes each time I'll log into my system?

Use Action tiles with echo show 15
Did anyone figure out a way to use the Echo show 15 with Action tiles? this would be a great thing to have as I have many tiles in my dashboards so the bigger the screen the better it would be.
I see there are all type of challenges with Amazon blocking any side loading apps on this specific device so I wounder if anyone figured this out and if there is a way to run action tiles on this device?

Echo hub installation?
Echo hub looks interesting but seems to require more power than my existing fire tablet, which runs off wiring from my previous alarm system. As it stands, Echo requires an ugly looking power cord running to a power outlet. Anyone got a better idea?

Please List your Camera brand here if you got it working
Since the rtsp support seems to be on hold for now I had to return the second camera I ordered on Amazon. But I managed to make one of my old camera work.
PLEASE list the exact brand for your camera here if you can confirm it works for you. This will help others with the new purchases.
Please list the http mask (URL format) you used.
Amazon purchase link also very much appreciated.
Feel free to add sreenshots to your camera tile too.

Solution for wall mounted screens
Hi, i have been investigating a good solution for a touchscreen mounted on the wall. First idea was a tablet with nice looking wall bracket, but i hear it isnt really safe by having the battery plugged continuously, and removing a battery and just plugging into a different power source is not easy and not always working, from what i can find. So i started looking into either tablets or screens with and android OS that dont have a battery or a touchscreen that i can control with an external source. And here
I am getting a bit stuck, so i am wondering about the solutions you have at your homes and what kind of recommendations there are in the market.

App crashes and will not open.
The update on July 15th is causing the app to crash when opening. Version of the app is 6.2a-fire.
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