FIXED: UniFi Camera Snapshots Working with Action Tiles

techdude274 4 weeks ago in Configuration & Settings 0

After spending MANY hours trying to get ActionTiles to work with my UniFi Cameras (G3 Flex, G5 Flex) Snapshots, I have come up with a solution. I am writing my first forum post to hopefully save someone else hours of troubleshooting. Please note, the snapshots can updated at like 0.1 seconds so it's a decent solution for UniFi Cameras to work with ActionTiles.

Issue: My UniFi camera snapshot, would not work due to the lack of SSL provided by the snapshot. ActionTiles uses Android WebViewer which, thanks to an update, doesn't display insecure content.

I did uninstall Android Webviewer updates.. and the cameras would work but after a few days it would reinstall (I had every single update feature turned off in my Samsung tablet it didn't matter)

Solution: Download Fully Kiosk Browser & Lockdown app for Android. Sign into your ActionTiles account with it. Go to Fully Kiosk settings, Set Start URL at Your Action Tiles Panel URL.

Now under Fully Kiosk App go to Advanced Web Settings, TURN ON Ignore SSL Errors and Mixed Content Mode set to ALWAYS ALLOW MIXED CONTENT

Now, go to your UniFi cameras (using IP 192.168.1.XX - camera IP) login (default is ubnt, password can be found in your online Protect app under device passwords it's a long complex password usually), enable Anonymous Snapshot Mode. 

In ActionTiles, create a new Media Item, This Media is a Still Image of GIF, with the Camera IP with HTTPS with this pathway to access your Snapshot (ex: https://192.168.1.XX/snap.jpeg)

Set Refresh rate to the desired refresh rate in seconds (I even did 0.5 seconds on the one camera I wanted frequent updates) 

Click Save and Add that Media to Your Panel. Done!!

PS - you can enter the camera IP in your browser on your computer to view the snapshot image to ensure it's working. Also make sure your cameras are set to a static IP and not DHCP otherwise the IP address would vary.
