ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.

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Ability to set Thing default icons in Location view

Moe 8 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 1 1 duplicate

It would be easier if we could change the icons for things in the location viewer so we don't have to go through the Tile settings every time we add devices to new panels.


What are your best Panels & Panel ideas?

jp12687 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 1

So what are some of the best integrations people are finding on action tiles? i'd love some screen shots and ideas.

the things i want to do don't seem to work (Nest + Sonos) as well as i want so i'm curious what other people are doing with this!



Deferred: Voting Open

Spotify Tile

Martin Higgins 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 4

It would be good to have a Spotify Tile like you get on android Widget for playing music permanently on-screen.


Direct API Tiles are discussed in a few Feature Request Topics; but such a concept is not on short-term radar.

More details are prominent in this Topic:



Community help for Camera feeds that might work, but aren't?

Bob Smith 8 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by ajslentz@gmail com 8 years ago 14

Using same one. I wish the same about cameras however looks like my brands are not willing to play nice right now with AT.


RELEASE v6.2.4 deployed: More icons, bug fixes, in-Panel drawer menu (...) hide setting.

Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago in Announcements / Release Notes updated 8 years ago 2

Featured enhancements...

  • Additional selection of Icons now provided in the Panel Builder under each Tile Settings for types: panel shortcut, contact sensor, presence, switch, and individual routine.
  • Fixed: Shared "Individual Routine Tiles" would be view-only even on interactive Buddy Panels. Labels were also missing under some conditions.
  • Shortcut Tiles on from iOS "Home Screen" (full screen app mode) Panel now open in main Safari instead of blocking the ActionTiles App window.
  • Feature Added: In Panel Settings, Hide floating (FAB) "..." Panel Menu Drawer button!

We will update various open "Bug & Idea Topics" soon if their status has been affected.

Further details:

  • Minor Bug fixes: computer icon, IE & Edge dialog boxes and "+" FAB (floating action button) rendering.
  • Hopefully fixed: Still image (stop motion video, GIF) Media Tile refresh issues.


  • This is an update of the front-end web app only. The SmartApp "ActionTiles (Connect) V6", ie the connector to SmartThings, is unaffected. The SmartApp will change very rarely.
  • The version number of the front-end web app is found on the upper right corner of the Login Page and in the About section of in-app Help.
  • You will all receive the update automatically and simultaneously as we force a "reload" of the web page after deployment.
  • You can use in the in-app reload button if you suspect your browser did not refresh to this version (check About to see the Version number).
SmartThings Resolved

Resolved: System-Wide ActionTiles Outage: "error" when issuing commands / tapping Tiles

Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago in Announcements / Outages updated 8 years ago 16

We experienced a system-wide outage and will update this Topic as more information becomes available.

  • The outage is resulting in "error" shown when a Command is issued.
  • Please use the "Follow" option on this Topic for updates.
    • Image 671

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have this fixed as soon as possible.

Updates posted on:

Image 672

ResolvedThe issue impacting third party integrations has been resolved. Posted 1 minute ago. Apr 08, 2017 - 01:00 EDT
Deferred: Voting Open

Deeper / Richer Kodi Control Tile

Spencer 8 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-SmartThings APIs updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 1

It would be great to have a tile with deeper control and display of the Kodi Media center. A control that used upnp to view what was playing on a particular Kodi player and control basic functionality like play, forward, backward, stop, and volume. I am really enjoying the application so far thanks for creating a solid application at launch.


Adding direct APIs to non-SmartThings devices (and/or even supporting SmartThings Things with non-standard Capabilities - Commands & Attributes) is something we are deferring indefinitely. Folks have requested direct control of Nest, Wink, Hue, etc., etc., etc. -- it is a popular wish list.

The implementation timeline depends on whether or not we make the effort to first develop a framework for non-SmartThings APIs (i.e., an abstraction layer), or whether we just ad hoc hard-code each API or device type on a case-by-case basis, incrementally enhancing ActionTiles.

The first case is a good long-term strategy for growing ActionTiles "beyond SmartThings". Right now, we pay tribute and respect for our "Works With SmartThings™" designation by focusing on them (not to mention keeping things focused is best for efficiency!).

In the latter case, we would need know that expending the effort to add Kodi Tile would pull in enough revenue to justify the investment.

Another option we will research is the feasibility of embedding existing web-UIs of some products / devices. This may be perfect for a few services ... but it's going to be sub-optimal in most cases.


Media & Shortcut Link dialog renders wrongly on IE Explorer (& Edge)

Whyintheworld 8 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Windows updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 8

When trying to create media or shortcut links from Edge or Explorer on a PC the pop up window doesn't always display within the browser borders. The OK and Cancel buttons may be off screen. There is no way to grab the title or top border and drag the pop up window back within the browser borders which eliminates the option to click OK and save the link or to cancel.

The fix is to resize the browser until the pop up resizes within the border but I believe it can be coded differently to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

Image 586

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Photograph Tiles

Den 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Tamathumper 8 years ago 13

It would be great to be able add a few of my favorite photos to my panel. At least a 3x2 would be great! A picture from a local folder or even off my Google drive could be selected under the Media Tile menu.

Deferred: Voting Open

Allow "sparklines" (miniature line-graphs) on Tiles to track/trend data like temperature

Tamathumper 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Event History updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Would it be possible to display a simple sparkline graph on select Tiles, so we could get a quick visual of variables over time, like temperature, humidity, lux, or even binary variables like open/close, or motion/no motion? This would save me from having to use InitialState or stream my events into Google Sheets to get charts.

Something like this (bad) mockup...

Image 642


Media Tile with GIF image not refreshing or updating

bne 8 years ago in Media Tiles / Images updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 47 1 duplicate

I have a media tile for national radar and it doesn't seem to update on its own. If I refresh the browser it updates but not otherwise. The one on the left is SmartTiles and the right is ActionTiles, screenshot taken side by side. I have tried adjusting the refresh rate without any luck.

Image 547


OK doke...

Thanks everyone for your patience with this problem, your helpful symptom and diagnostic details, and your validations / verification of the fix we implemented in ActionTiles v6.2.4.

While there's a chance there are still some remaining or new glitches with similar symptoms to this Topic; we're going to close this one off and start with a clean slate.

Happy ActionTiling!



How to move Tiles?

Svp50 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 3

Maybe I missed it somewhere but is there a way to rearrange tiles within each Tileset? Or at least to insert? I'm add more devices and I want them in front of tiles that are already installed.

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Photos for Presence Tiles

DGHome 8 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 1

It would be great to allow the photos from SmartThings to be used rather than the presence icons.

Deferred: Voting Open

Set a global default Panel Theme for entire ActionTiles Account

Krystm 8 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 1

I looked around and couldn't find anything so maybe I am missing it, also didn't see any topics on it... so hopefully this is a first post. If not just let me know where I can change it.....

But is there a way to change the default color theme when creating new dashboards/panels? Right now I create the new panel, then go to it's properties and change it.

If there is a way I could say make all Cobalt... or even an "Apply to all Panels" could be very useful.


Not a bad idea, Krystm, but, honestly, we're likely to give this a low priority until we can slipstream it in with some related features at some point in the future.

Changing the Theme of a Panel only takes 3 taps (Settings, Theme, Save).

So we're putting this on the back-burner where it can still collect Topic Votes.


RELEASE v6.2.3 deployed: Variety of icon choices now presented in Panel Builder Tile Settings

Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago in Announcements / Release Notes updated 8 years ago 9

Featured enhancements...

  • Small (but growing) selection of Icons now provided in the Panel Builder under each Tile Settings for types: panel shortcut, contact sensor, presence, switch, and individual routine.
  • Added Theme "Cobalt": White text, Azure Radiance icons on San Juan tiles. Ported from SmartTiles v5.8:
    Image 598

We will update various open "Bug & Idea Topics" soon if their status has been affected.


  • See above... exciting stuff, right?!
  • Some additional tweaks, wording / spelling fixes, and various back-end improvements.


  • This is an update of the front-end web app only. The SmartApp "ActionTiles (Connect) V6", ie the connector to SmartThings, is unaffected. The SmartApp will change very rarely.
  • The version number of the front-end web app is found on the upper right corner of the Login Page and in the About section of in-app Help.
  • You will all receive the update automatically and simultaneously as we force a "reload" of the web page after deployment.
  • You can use in the in-app reload button if you suspect your browser did not refresh to this version (check About).
Solution Exists

Changing Tile color based on status

I'm not sure if I missed it or not but I'm looking for something that would change the tile color based on status.

For example with doors. Any door that is unlocked would be red.

The use case, for me at least, would be that I could glance at the dashboard and see important status's without getting closer and then trying to identify the icons.

My assumption, which is probably false, would be that if the lock icon is changed from a locked lock to an unlocked lock then the same trigger would change the tile from one color to another.



Each of the current included Themes uses color a little differently, but all of them change the color of the icon (at least from grey to white) to indicate the "active" state (i.e., on, unlocked, motion, etc.).

(and "sbolloz" changes the color of the entire Tile).

We already are considering ways for the color choices to be customized other than just the current selection of Themes.


Is there a way to trigger a Shortcut or open a Panel based on a SmartThings Event?

Jim 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 9

Can a switch trigger a shortcut tile? Or as an alternate, can a switch be used to auto switch to another panel?


iOS calendar shortcut goes to 2001

tradeorbuy 8 years ago in Shortcut Tiles updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 3

I've created a shortcut to iOS calendar, but when I click on it it goes to the year 2001? Any ideas?

The url is


Waiting for Customer

GE Link Light Bulbs

BrianAg95 8 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by Brett 8 years ago 9

So I am testing ActionTiles out, and I have some "unofficially supported" LGE Link Light Bulbs.

When I imported them into my panel, some showed up with dimmer control, and some did not. I am not sure why they would import differently. I verified that in smarthings app I have dimmer control over each light that in actiontiles doesn't have a dimmer control on it.

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Pre-Alarm notification sounds when triggered in SHM Armed

sec dom 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Notifications & Sound updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 1

I think the alarm system part in a smart home is very important. But it is always second place in all systems. Lights and routines are always first. If your Dashboard supports the alarm system part it will become a must in my opinion.

I created with CoRE Piston a entry delay in smartthings. I replace the real Entry door sensor by a Simulated sensor. When I armed system away, I make noise for 1 minutes, after 1 minutes I stop sound and if real entry door is open I make noise 1 minutes and if system is not disarm in this minutes I turn on Simulated entry door sensor and smartthings send Alarm.

Possibility for add sound noise when arming system away. And in the future maybe add the entry delay.