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Do I understand the licensing correctly ?

MevetS 2 years ago in License & Purchasing updated by Mike Puiu 2 years ago 2

I currently have 3 hubs.

1) Inside the house.

2) Inside the Garage

3) Inside a RV 

Based on the Licensing information, I've found, it would seem that I need 2 Licenses.

Is this correct ?

If so, will all those hubs still be able to interact?

Answered: Discussion Open

What does it means by "Location / Hub" for licence??

Jean-François Villemure 4 years ago in License & Purchasing updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 3 years ago 8


sorry if the question has already been asked, I did some research and I didnt seem to find the answer; when it says "one license per Location / Hub" does that mean one license per house (like no matter how many smartthing hubs are in that house), or is it a license for each physical smartthings hub (like if I have more than one hub in the same house/smarrhing location will I still need to buy a license for each one?) ?

thank you! and again sorry if the question has already been asked



Hi Jean-François, thank you for this great question, which is asked frequently.

ActionTiles requires one license per one logical Location/Hub.

A Location in SmartThings is an entity that encapsulates a set of devices, apps, automatons and scenes. A location is not tied to a geographical coordinate. Usually, one location contains one hub, but it's possible to set up so called "hubless" locations or locations with multiple hubs that act as repeaters.

Let me give you some examples:

Boat house with a constant hub that moves across the globe requires one license.

A Location without a hub that only uses cloud connected devices requires one license.

A large house with several repeater hubs connected to the same logical Location requires one license.

A large house with several hubs connected to distinct logical Locations requires one license per hub.

A multi unit building that has several hubs connected to distinct logical Locations requires one license per hub.

If you replace a hub, or reset it due to malfunction, then SmartThings considers it a new Location. All your existing hub data and tiles will be lost. We permit license transfer to a replacement hub, no new ActionTiles license is required. Please contact ActionTiles support and include your account information.

If you move to a new place and take your hub with you, the hub will remain licensed, no action required.

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How do I delete 1 inactive license/location and keep active ones?

bsteg 5 years ago in License & Purchasing updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 5 years ago 1

Actiontiles Kiosk Plus License

Keaton Hoskins 6 years ago in License & Purchasing updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 1
Where can I purchase the license for the Kiosk Plus of Actiontiles for my Kindle fire Actiontiles App? After purchase where do I enter the license in the app to activate it? I looked through all the settings and don't see a location to enter a license in the Actiontiles branded version of fully
Android Fire

Shop Down

brian dembinski 7 years ago in License & Purchasing updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 2

Any idea when the shop will be available again? The 18% off coupon ends tonight but I can't use it if the shop isn't up. 


The ActionTiles License Shop should now be functional again.

Sorry for the inconvenience... Our Memorial Day-Week Sale temporarily overloaded the Shop and License Generator.

Please contact if you have any Purchasing or License Issues.




Is there any memorial day coupon

Sukh 7 years ago in License & Purchasing updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1