ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.

App crashes and will not open.
The update on July 15th is causing the app to crash when opening. Version of the app is 6.2a-fire.

Fire HD 8 - cameras not working with recent OS/App update
Yesterday I arrived home after work to find my tablet with a black screen. My assumption is an auto-update had turned it off after updating. I do have it sitting in the powered stand so it was fully charged.
Anyways, I have four cameras via TinyCam Pro web server that I can view within ActionTiles but only show two on my main view. These have worked perfectly for years until yesterday. I can view my cameras ok via Safari on my Mac & iPhone but not the Fire HD 8 tablet. Note the TinyCam web server is using http not https so I'm wondering if Amazon have decided to force this security in their update.
Has anyone else had encountered the same? Any suggestions or ideas welcome.

All of the issues serving video streams and images are due to browsers and operating systems enforcing Mixed Content policies.
Mixed content refers to a situation that arises when a secure (HTTPS) webpage contains elements, such as video streams or images that are loaded using an insecure (HTTP) connection.
More and more web browsers enforce strict security policies to protect users' data and privacy. When a secure webpage includes insecure content, it poses a risk and compromises the integrity and security of the entire webpage.
To mitigate this risk, modern browsers typically block mixed content by default. They either prevent the insecure content from loading or display a warning to the user. To maintain a secure browsing experience, it's important to ensure that all elements on a secure webpage are loaded using secure (HTTPS) connections. This can be achieved by updating the resource URLs to use HTTPS or by hosting the resources on secure servers.
ActionTiles does not host or process your local video streams and images. It is impossible for ActionTiles to upgrade connections to HTTPS.
ActionTiles cannot affect the browser and operating system and relies on them to display the content. There's absolutely nothing that ActionTiles can do to make the browser display content that the browser does not allow.
The Mixed Content limitation that is now imposed by modern browsers is not an issue that's unique to ActionTiles. Every web page and Progressive Web App is affected by this.
There are two ways to resolve this issue:
- Serve content over HTTPS.
- Configure the browser to allow mixed content. There are several issues with this option, since some browsers do not have this configuration or ignore it.

Solution: Fire, Ring Doorbell, Fully, and Action Tiles
I have seen a lot of questions related to the Ring Doorbell and Kindle Fire...I figured out a workable solution:
Sideload the Google Play Store onto the Fire (I used the instructions at )
Use the Play Store to install the Ring Doorbell app
Use the Play Store to install AutomateIt
Setup 2 rules in AutomateIt:
Rule 1: On notification from Ring, run the Ring App
Rule 2: On notification from Ring, run the Fully App with a 1 minute delay
AutomateIt will notify you that it needs permission to monitor notifications. Allow that permission.
Start Fully, ring your doorbell, see your front porch, cheer, wait another half minute or so, and Fully restarts, conduct victory lap...and profit.
If you have motion detection turned on for the doorbell, this will also show your porch if something trips the motion sensor.

Fire Tablet HD 10 frozen
On my Fire Tablet HD 10, under developer options, I accidentally changed the
minimum width to 80 instead of 800...Now when I turn on the tablet, after the
startup, the factory fire logos appear, then screen just goes to a blank page
that appears to be frozen..How can I reset wh

Android or Fire OS for Fully?
I'm currently running Fully/AT on a FireHD 10 (2019) using the instructions on this site. It works well, albeit slower than I'd like.
I have two FireHD 8 Kids (2018) tablets that I'd like to repurpose as Fully/AT Kiosks elsewhere in the house. After factory resetting them and going through initial configuration, the Kids Edition Setup screen popped up. I don't need that anymore so I started to research how to get around that, but I also don't think I need FireOS at all anymore either and maybe running Android OS could result in faster performance.
So, would it make sense to somehow re-flash these tablets to basic Android and then install Fully directly or should I just add an Adult/Parent account and use the same FireOS Fully/AT instructions I used on my FireHD 10?

[RELEASE] Recessed Wall Mount for Amazon Fire HD 8 (10th gen)
Hello, home automation enthusiasts!
NidusLabs is proud to announce the release of our new suite of products for the Amazon Fire HD 8 (10th gen, 2020). Featured is our recessed wall mount for the AFHD8, complete with POE powering options for a cable-free look!
- Injection mold design. Perfect fit every time.
- Sleek glossy bezels.
- Easily mounted to wall stud.
Every kit includes USBC cabling and POE adapter. All parts are available individually as well. For those who don’t have ethernet runs and a POE injector at home, we also offer wall injectors to power the tablet from a wall outlet.
Feel free to check out our overview and installation videos on Youtube:

We would love to see your NidusLabs installations. Use #niduslabs to be featured!

Fire HD 8 landscape rendering
I’ve set up a panel for a new Fire HD8 I just got. It’s got some very strange rendering issues. The edges of tiles and text on some portions get very jagged and illegible. It only happens in landscape orientation and seems to be related to whether or not you have to scroll to get to the bottom of the panel. I thought maybe it was the tablet but I started ActionTiles on a Fire HD8 that my kids have and it does it too. I have ActionTiles running on multiple iOS devices and a Fire HD10 and have never seen this issue. Any thoughts?

Which Amazon Fire Tablet (if any) requires least fiddling?
Now that I am “sold” on ActionTiles I need a display.
I do not need or want it to do anything other than always having ActionTiles up and running. This is a dedicated display.
8”, 10” the prices seem all reasonable, I just need to know which one will boot directly to Actiontiles, and not require constant intervention. If it has to be fiddled with, my wife will not like it, and we all know how that will turn out.
I know zero about Amazon, androids, etc... I am a iPad person, and honestly never even dealt with anything else in a tablet.
Some of the Amazon units have “special offers” that I do not understand. Is this what I’m after???
If not can you post a link(s) to what will work as a dedicated display?

Amazon Fire & Fully discussion
Just posting this link here for now for reference:
I need to use AT for pet sitters to be able to interact with ST when staying at my house. I don't want them to have access to my iPad because all of my Apple devices all linked nor do I want to share the ST app with them, so I bought the 3 pack 8" Fire tablets during Prime deals which will be dedicated to AT/ST. Last night, I was able to install Fully Kiosk Browser and set it up to turn on w motion. The only problem I can't seem to fix is that it still turns on to the lock screen. I am hoping someone can give me some settings to fix this. These tablets are Fire HD 8 (7th Generation) so I am hoping this was not just a feature in previous versions.
Readers are encouraged to browse Fully's website, as it contains a direct link to the APK and descriptions of all the features.

Actiontiles Icons are Missing on Fire 10, not Fire 8
This only happens on my Fire 10 7th gen. It does not happen on my Fire 8, same browser, same settings. Fully Kiosk Support just blanket-blames Android. I do have the proper Fire-only app for Fully Kiosk Browser. Everything is on it's latest version. I've even done a full reinstall of the table.
Pulling to refresh the page restores the icons.
This worked fine for a year when first set up, yet the icons stopped appearing 6 months or so ago. Basically the story of all home automation.

How to install a charging and/or battery indicator tile
I want to have a charging and/or battery indicator tile.
Fire 7 OS 5-6-8-0, licenced Fully-Kiosk Browser, Actiontiles

error undefined: cannot read property 'message' of undefined
My actionstiles is saying this. and nothing works. (error undefined: cannot read property 'message' of undefined)

Fully Error Too Many Redirects
I've been successfully using Fully Browser and ActionTiles for years on an Amazon Fire 7 that I modified using a published utility that worked perfectly. It suddenly stopped connecting to AT with error messages that are a mix of ERR:: TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS and ERR:: NETWORK_CHANGED_ERR. I'm also unable to load on the Chrome browser on that tablet. Microsoft Edge still opens the panel that I display on that tablet, but I would like to go back to using Fully. I can still use AT on all my other devices. I already contacted Fully and their response is below. Any ideas?
thank you for using Fully Kiosk.
ERR::NETWORK_CHANGED_ERR and ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS are issues usually caused by the web server. If you try with other web browser like Google Chrome you should get the same result. Even on another device.

Fire OS update issues
My Fire HD8 tablet I just setup for my SmartHome without Amazon link decided to update and now wants to link to Amazon. Do I have to factory reset and reload all APK files for Fully and Actiontiles to work again or is there a way around the linking?

Can't see cameras on Fire HD8 using //user:password@address
OK, so I m a new user to both AT and FK on the HD8. I have crested a peel that displays fine on my iPad, bu for some reason the camera will not show on the HD8.
The camera is a D-Link DCS932LB and the string I am using is http://admin:password@ I also tried encoding the username and password to base64
I think it might be an authentication problem, although I know the password is correct.

Yes, there's a special version of Fully browser that's designed for Fire OS. It can be downloaded here:

Kindle Fire tablet 8 Battery draining while plugged in
I have a new Kindle fire tablet 8 with Action tiles and Fully Kiosk browser running.
I have it mounted on a kitchen cabinet and the cable is running to a power strip in the cupboard.
The battery drains throughout the day and gives me a battery warning.
Any ideas? Is it the cable? I'm using one that was suggested with a right angle connection to fit in the frame.

Worth loading Lineage OS?
I just bought the HD 8 on sale for like $59 or so, its the kind with amazon ads, i am hoping they dont mess with actiontiles at all! do they?
Also, are most people not loading android like lineage os on these things? it seems the hardware was cracked w/ a cpu exploit and you can load unlocked android on to these things for a while now and it seems like its quite stable?
if so, are there performance gains from removing amazon crap/bloat/os and loading stock android w/ lineage os? any downsides/upsides?
it seems most use fully kiosk browser w/ android fire os, so maybe its pointless? thx

Good news, I was able to load lineage 16 on the Fire HD 8 with no opening it at all. Its android 9 Pie and its running really well so far. The only issue with 16 is the front facing camera doesnt work but I think it does with version 14 so if you want motion detection you can use that.
based on the eye test it seems a lot faster, less bloat really makes a difference. action tiles runs great so far with dakboard screensaver w/ fully.
No lock screen issues! very nice for $59!!!

Fully/AT - Return to Fully from Android App
I am trying to find a way to consistently return to the Fully browser on my Fire 7 HD. I have Fully setup such that the home button should always use the default start-up URL...but it isn't consistent. Say I launch from Fully into Spotify via an URL tile. If I hit the Android home button, sometimes it goes back to Fully, sometimes I have to hit it many times, sometimes it won't return to fully at all until I navigate around Spotify for a bit. Since the Fully action bar disappears with android apps, just trying to find a way to get back that "always" works. Any suggestions?
I should note that if I stay within Fully, say I navigate to a sub-panel, the Android home button will return to my main panel.
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