ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.

Weather Tile replacement
My weather tile and tiles that depend on virtual sensors just stopped workiing. Any suggestions?

Use Action tiles with echo show 15
Did anyone figure out a way to use the Echo show 15 with Action tiles? this would be a great thing to have as I have many tiles in my dashboards so the bigger the screen the better it would be.
I see there are all type of challenges with Amazon blocking any side loading apps on this specific device so I wounder if anyone figured this out and if there is a way to run action tiles on this device?

How to dismiss smartthing notification for intrusion?
Smartthing Home Security workaround 2013 works fine for me [].
But I have a related issue that I couldn't find a solution. When you disarm the Home Security through AT (or through ST itself), after opening a door for example, one needs not only disarm the system, but also dismiss the ST notification saying that there is an intrusion. Otherwise the siren goes off...Is there a workaround for this? Otherwise disarming via AT tile on the tablet becomes useless since I have to pull my phone and dismiss the ST notification for infaction as well

Media Tiles update interval has been 'sketchy' since about the time of the retirement of groovy
Since around the time of the the retirement of Groovy my static image media tiles have not been updating on a consistent basis. It does not seem to matter what I set the refresh interval to - I have also tried leaving it blank.
Clicking on them does not refresh them which I also find strange. I can 'force' a refresh by reloading the panel or restarting the browser but that is not what I want.
Any thoughts?

Hubitat - actiontiles stuck on INIT after working fine for many weeks - Initializing SmartApp Version: 6.10+002-Prod
After working fine for many weeks, I went this morning to authorize an additional device in Actiontiles and now the app shows "INIT" and won't go beyond INIT, and I see "Initializing SmartApp Version: 6.10+002-Prod" in the logs over and over. I have rebooted my hub, updated the connection on the actiontiles side, and none of this is making any change.

Puffin browser
Hi, has anyone used puffin browser to display panels?
Have a problem it's loging me out every 4hrs approx

SmartWeather Station Tile location Authorization issue
I recently had to authorize my AT panels with my Samsung account. It always seems like there's something new that I have to do with AT, but I think this was a requirement from ST I believe.
I currently have two ST hubs in different locations with two AT seat licenses. I noticed that once I authorized my (at home) AT with my Samsung account, the SmartWeather Tile app stopped giving me its location and other weather data.
I looked at the panel with the same SmartWeather tile app connected to the other hub (different house, different AT seat license) had not been authorized yet, and the weather tile was still working perfectly. Once I authorized that panel through AT and Samsung, the SmartWeather tile was also not working correctly.
I had to authorize my AT with my Samsung account because AT was not updating the status of switches and lights correctly. I am wondering if anybody else is experiencing the same situation.

adding devices after migration
migrated my phone and 3 tablets. my ecobee does not show up although the placeholders for it and its sensors and temperature and humidity reading still exist. had to re-add to smartthings app. so how does one authorize new devices so that they show up in actiontiles now that the ide is gone?

action tiles can't access my panel on my chrome browser on my macbook but i can access it on my ipad and android phone with the sMe login credentials
Suddenly I'm not authorized to see my panel or chose hubs to connect to on my laptop but everything is working fine on ios and android.. tried restarting the browser and logging off from actiontiles application with no luck.. any idea??

Lutron Serena Shades issues
I've added 7 SERENA SHADES by LUTRON to SMARTTHINGS and 'authorized' them. In the ActionTiles app, they appear in LOCATION/HUB DETAILS but when I go to create HubTiles in a tileset, they are not listed.

Control volume of Echo Dot
Hi all. is there a way to control the individual echos I have around the house?
I just want to alter volume for upstairs echo when downstairs via panel.

error 400
I have Lutron Serena Shades that worked a few days ago. I believe Samsung did some update and I'm no longer able to control my shades and add a tile with them. I get Error 400: device failed to execute command off, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command 'off' is not supported by device xxxxxxx of type 'placeholder'. Supported commands: [setShadeLevel, refresh, ping]

add echo button to actiontiles
Hi there. I am fairly new to AT and it is great.
I have a few of the large echo buttons that do a routine when pressed. Is their a way to get them on AT as a tile at all?

Countdown timer
Hi all. I see clocktab looks a useful site but cant work out how to use the countdown timer in AT, any idea please?

Kore running through AT via Fully Kiosk Browser PLUS edition
Has anyone gotten Kore running through AT via Fully Kiosk Browser PLUS edition? Following instructions I've found elsewhere on this forum I believe it should be working but I'm getting an "App not found for intent" pop up.
So in short what I think I'm looking for is Intent information for Kore if available (or confirmation that it is not available".
Thank you.

Smartweather tile
Is it possible to add more tiles than the ones listed (see attachment). I'm not interested in the weather tile as it is too busy but it would be good to break out the other parameters as separate tiles. The second attachment from the IDE lists all the parameters and several are much more useful than the ones already available.

Swimming pool automation
Anyone tried to enable/display swimming pool automation into A/T?
i've got an Omni PL controller from Hayward that is SmartThings integrated...
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