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Smartweather tile

bluebanana 4 years ago updated by Sidney 4 years ago 15

Is it possible to add more tiles than the ones listed (see attachment). I'm not interested in the weather tile as it is too busy but it would be good to break out the other parameters as separate tiles. The second attachment from the IDE lists all the parameters and several are much more useful than the ones already available.

Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 7.20.05 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 7.45.08 AM.png

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At this moment we don't have the option to add non-standard attributes as tiles. The weather tile was coded around this, but it's unique in this regard...

What makes Illuminance, RH, Outside temp & UV index (which can all be checked off to create separate tiles) different from the other properties (e.g. humidity, windspeed, localSunrise) which cannot?

Relative Humidity Measurement = Humidity

Illuminance Measurement

Temperature Measurement

Ultraviolet Index

These are standard capabilities that many devices use.

The other attributes of the Weather Tile are custom capabilities are unique to this weather device and we didn't create tiles that are able to display them.

Any options as a replacement? Using Hubitat beta and I miss my weather tile. I found a number of options but nothing with simple text/icon information.

This feature is under consideration. The next Hubitat deployment window is about a month from now, so we will aim for that time-frame, but we don't provide any guarantees.

That's great! I can't seem to get any weather tiles to function using the open weather map api. The data does not seem to be pulling; leaving me with an empty tile. I have spent way to much time trying to figure it out. Maybe I need a different api source??? This should be fun, not frustrating.

Started from scratch one last time and I finally got it to work. Had to have been a bad api. Excited to get a Smartweather tile replacement!!!

Alex - thanks for letting us know about this - I've migrated everything off my old SmartThings hub onto a new Hubitat hub without any issues - except for the weather tile. Once that's resolved I can shut it down for good.

Will check back regularly!


I ended up making my own weather tile..... using OpenWeatherMaps, webCoRE, PHP and ActionTiles:

Can you provide the info on this?

Hello!  You have to have your own local server running.

I have webCoRE installed on my Hubitat (HE) with OpenWeatherMaps.

Here is webCoRE using OpenWeatherMaps fields:

Every 3 minutes it captures and sets the Variables at the top.  The Variables are passed to PHP code using the GET request pointing to the "getSetSmartTile.php" with query data.

The piston above also determines which .png file the PHP code will use to create the image.  There is an "images" folder in the same directory as the PHP code.  There is also a "fonts" folder in the same directory.

The "images" folder has a .png image (that is 312x200) for each possible "$weather.current.weather[0].main" which becomes the variable "currentcondition".  Clear, Clouds, Drizzle, Fog, Haze, Mist, Rain, Snow, Thunderstorm, Tornado.

The very first one, "Active_Background.png" is what is created by PHP and used by ActionTiles:

You will see in the piston above, that I'm using 2 variables to determine which image to use by time of day (Clear or Moon).

PHP code (broken into 3 parts, because it's too large to capture all at once.  But this is all one.):

Part 1:  Get the variables, determine the image to use and setup fonts

Part 2: Text and centering, grab the image and font colors (most are not used):

Part 3: Add text to the image, save the image:

When the code runs, it grabs the corresponding image (Clear, Clouds, Rain, etc.) and adds the text (variables) and saves over the existing "Active_Background.png" file.

ActionTiles is setup to use this file as a tile, and update every 3 minutes.

I hope this helps.

I am no expert with PHP, I learned everything by searching online for specific topics.

how are you still able to pull $weather as it is no longer available?  Also, how are you calling to get the current wind direction?

It is available through OpenWeatherMaps on HE.

Go to Apps in HE and find webCoRE_HE Storage and do a dump.  It will show you all of the available fields,  It will always start with "$weather".

I am not seeing any of the images you refer to in the PHP directory.

The images shown above? I create those. No images come with PHP.

You would have to create the images, just make sure they are 312x200.  Make them whatever color you want, and add any image you want.  I found those icons online.