ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

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adding devices after migration

Robert E Freeman 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

migrated my phone and 3 tablets. my ecobee does not show up although the placeholders for it and its sensors and temperature and humidity reading still exist. had to re-add to smartthings app. so how does one authorize new devices so that they show up in actiontiles now that the ide is gone?


Are action tiles for Hubitat dashboard tiles setup?

GregW 2 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 1

Can an action tile be migrated to Hubitat to be used in designing my Dashboards?

iOS Mac Windows
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Location mode not updating

John Johnston 2 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 2

Change the Name of My Hub

Jon Stolz 2 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 1

Home tile

I have made 3 scenes: Armed away, Armed Home and Disarmed. They all work flawlessly and change the arming mode in Smartthings.

I have seen that there is a tile that, when pressed, contains the same functions.

My problem is I can't get this tile to change state.

What am I doing wrong or is this tile not working?

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Sticky Note (or simple text) Tile?

NoWon 8 years ago in Media Tiles updated by Lockehaven 2 years ago 6

Anyway for you to add a sticky note tile in the future?

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How can I use an image as tile icon?

Dualtronic 2 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 1

The generic icons cannot cover all uses, so how can I use my own images for tile icons? For example, there are no icons for water pump, water heater, or boiler (to name a few). I have media tile images for these, but how do I use them for the device icons?  

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Something just changed?

TheLAD 2 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 16

This morning, several of my tiles were grey with small "?" in the middle.  Have not seen this before.  Nothing changed in the last few weeks.  When I touched some of the tiles, they resumed working, but some are still showing grey with "?".  Getting same behavior on both my Samsung Tab A and my iPad.

Closed: Duplicate Issue

I can view my wzye cam on the computer but don't show up on tablet

benchandler100 2 years ago updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 1
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SmartThings and Hubitat together

Michelangelo Cimino 2 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 1

Hi, I have in mind to manage two hubs, a Smartthings and a Hubitat, I want to know if in a single panel it is possible to insert devices managed by different hubs and to do this I need to have some special care. Thank you

Answered: Discussion Open

Solution: Fire, Ring Doorbell, Fully, and Action Tiles

Willis 7 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Amazon Fire updated by AlanHoffman 2 years ago 193

I have seen a lot of questions related to the Ring Doorbell and Kindle Fire...I figured out a workable solution:

Sideload the Google Play Store onto the Fire (I used the instructions at )

Use the Play Store to install the Ring Doorbell app

Use the Play Store to install AutomateIt

Setup 2 rules in AutomateIt:

Rule 1:  On notification from Ring, run the Ring App

Rule 2:  On notification from Ring, run the Fully App with a 1 minute delay

AutomateIt will notify you that it needs permission to monitor notifications.  Allow that permission.

Start Fully, ring your doorbell, see your front porch, cheer, wait another half minute or so, and Fully restarts, conduct victory lap...and profit.

If you have motion detection turned on for the doorbell, this will also show your porch if something trips the motion sensor.

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Lorex Home and Kumo Cloud

Jeff in Lake 2 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 2
Answered: Discussion Open

ActionTiles e Alexa

Michelangelo Cimino 2 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 1

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to link ActionTiles to Alexa. I would like to find an alternative to the SmartThing hub and thought I could use the Amazon hub. Thank you

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Allow for multiple PIN codes to be used on same Panel

Markl Farkl 7 years ago in Security updated by Robert Gill 2 years ago 13

Currently the new feature allows for just one pin code. Adding more pin codes will allow the user to assign codes to different members of the family or temp codes to guests without needing to share their own code. Individual PINs would need to be revocable.


I created a Sunrise/Sunset Tile!

Kris L 6 years ago in Media Tiles / Weather & Traffic updated 2 years ago 11

I'm sharing this for others to use!

Use this Media Still Image URL:

Use the base URL for sunset and for sunrise

Required parameters: 

lat (latitude)

long (longitude)

bgcolor (background color  - hex color without #)

fgcolor (foreground color - hex color without #)

Optional parameters:

timeformat=24 (For 24 hour time)

offset= (number of minutes, positive or negative)

Please set the refresh time to at least every 12 hours (43200 seconds) to be nice to my server.


Ecowitt Air Quality Sensor Attributes from Hubitat to Actiontiles

Bruce123 2 years ago in Panels (dashboards) 0

Currently, I can see the air quality CO2, PM2.5, PM10, AQI, Temp, and Humidity in Hubitat tiles, but in ActionTiles, I cannot access PM2.5, PM10 and AQI.  Any idea how I can get these attributes from Hubitat over to ActionTiles?

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action tiles can't access my panel on my chrome browser on my macbook but i can access it on my ipad and android phone with the sMe login credentials

mohdbaher 2 years ago updated by Jer Granzy 2 years ago 4

Suddenly I'm not authorized to see my panel or chose hubs to connect to on my laptop but everything is working fine on ios and android.. tried restarting the browser and logging off from actiontiles application with no luck.. any idea??

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Set tile color if device is offline?

Mike Thomas 4 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 3

With the death of Simple Device Viewer, I no longer have an easy way to know what devices are offline. SmartThings will spam me forever about batteries being below 15%, but it never seems to tell me when devices are offline (other than when the hub goes offline).

Is it possible to display the offline status of devices in ActionTiles? Preferably as a third option (for a contact sensor this would be open, closed, offline), but I'll take whatever will work.

It's possible that the API that SDV relied on is the same one that ActionTiles relies on, in which case I could see this would not be possible.



URL wont work in media tile

Steve S. 2 years ago in Media Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 1

I'm sorry if this is a newby question this is my first time using ActionTiles. All I want to do is show this website on one of my tiles. And for some reason it says the URL is not valid. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you.


Launch Ring to Live View

Isaac Bergman 7 years ago in Shortcut Tiles updated by Ilya Khait 2 years ago 13

I decompiled Ring's android apk and found this this activity (launched in landscape) which appears relevant to pulling up the app to get a live view:

<activity android:name="com.ringapp.ui.activities.LiveViewLoadingActivity" android:screenOrientation="landscape" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen"/>

How does one craft the url schema to call this activity? e.g.

Android Fire