ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.


Google Home Hub

jd 6 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones updated by Richard Kane 3 years ago 8

Could anybody do a quick comparison between ActionTiles and the recently released Google Home Hub?  Thanks in advanced.

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Smoke alarm

lee nesss 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Markus 3 years ago 6

I've added a Z-Wave Smoke Alarm to Smartthings. The icon shows a smoke alarm on the ST app, which is great. On the AT maintenance panel, it shows a smoking cigarette, which is fine, but the panel display only shows a question mark. 


Panel Background transparent

Jer Granzy 3 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated 3 years ago 2

Is there currently a way that I can make the Panel Background transparent?  I have tried to add a comma after the last RGB number and in the preview it shows as transparent, but that actual panel does not when loaded.

Image 6686

Image 6688

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Default Tile Colors

admin 3 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated 3 years ago 2

Sorry for a noob question, I did search.

I have been working on building out my dashboard in both ST and AT.

AT is looking the best with usability, but I have one item that confuses me.

I am using the elements theme

When I add a door lock, the entire tile is red.

I understand the intents, so I was hoping “green” when locked.  Red when unlocked 

But I can’t seem to get the tile off of “red”.  In fact red isn’t even a theme color.

where did the red come from?

It seems some types of tiles are preset to a specific color.


Status of flood lights when offline

Colin Armentor 3 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 3 years ago 1

I have a zwave light switch in smartthings that controls a number of devices on my back patio such as 2 fan/lights combos and 2 flood lights with wifi bulbs in each. When I turn the light switch on, actiontiles accurately reports the flood light bulbs as being on. When I turn the light switch off the flood light bulbs still show as turned on in actiontiles. I am assuming that is because when I cut power to the bulbs their status shows offline vs turned off. Is there a way for them to show as turned off when they lose power? 



MJPEG feed loading delay

I am currently using VLC to encode my RTSP camera feeds from Unfi Protect so that they are usable on AT.

The issue I am having is that if I refresh one of my dashboards, the feeds will take 20-40 seconds to load. When using these Cameras to check all is ok around my property it can obviously become quite frustrating with such a wait before getting a live view.

Is anyone else experiencing delays with this?

I am using a server with plenty on resource for VLC.

I am having the delay with all devices whether it be edge, chrome, android tablets running AT app. Even tried safari on an iPad.

Android Fire iOS Windows
Answered: Discussion Open

What does it means by "Location / Hub" for licence??

Jean-François Villemure 4 years ago in License & Purchasing updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 3 years ago 8


sorry if the question has already been asked, I did some research and I didnt seem to find the answer; when it says "one license per Location / Hub" does that mean one license per house (like no matter how many smartthing hubs are in that house), or is it a license for each physical smartthings hub (like if I have more than one hub in the same house/smarrhing location will I still need to buy a license for each one?) ?

thank you! and again sorry if the question has already been asked



Hi Jean-François, thank you for this great question, which is asked frequently.

ActionTiles requires one license per one logical Location/Hub.

A Location in SmartThings is an entity that encapsulates a set of devices, apps, automatons and scenes. A location is not tied to a geographical coordinate. Usually, one location contains one hub, but it's possible to set up so called "hubless" locations or locations with multiple hubs that act as repeaters.

Let me give you some examples:

Boat house with a constant hub that moves across the globe requires one license.

A Location without a hub that only uses cloud connected devices requires one license.

A large house with several repeater hubs connected to the same logical Location requires one license.

A large house with several hubs connected to distinct logical Locations requires one license per hub.

A multi unit building that has several hubs connected to distinct logical Locations requires one license per hub.

If you replace a hub, or reset it due to malfunction, then SmartThings considers it a new Location. All your existing hub data and tiles will be lost. We permit license transfer to a replacement hub, no new ActionTiles license is required. Please contact ActionTiles support and include your account information.

If you move to a new place and take your hub with you, the hub will remain licensed, no action required.

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Activity Event history for Things, Tiles and Panels

Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Event History updated by Jer Granzy 3 years ago 61

I have created this Topic as a home base to discuss this Feature Request Idea which has been coming up a few times on the Forum and Helpdesk.


  • The SmartThings App offers a "Recently" tab when you look at the detail of a Thing or a Room.
  • SmartTiles has an "Event History" Tile which listed activity (status change) events for all Tiles on the entire Dashboard in a single list, ordered most recent to oldest.
  • SmartTiles allows developers to pull at most 7 days of activity history directly from their Cloud.
  • ActionTiles launched without this feature.

Why not already in ActionTiles?

  • One major factor in prioritizing what Features to offer at launch date was feedback from our tremendously helpful and valuable Beta testers. They used the product for months ... longer than we anticipated, since we found their ideas and recommendations to be compelling enough to implement some of them before launch.
  • Beta Participants have a private section of the Forum where they opened and discussed Idea and Bug Topics. We also sent out individual polls.
  • Event History was among the lowest popularity of all Feature requests.
  • They are a diverse enough group that we weight their opinions highly. This open ActionTiles Support & Ideas forum will bring us even more information to help prioritize.

What's the Current Plan?

  • We recognize that this feature may be "under-requested" at the present time, and yet would be highly valued by some customers.
  • Like every feature, it presents some challenges to implement. There are lots of design decisions to consider... We are already brainstorming!
  • When we're ready, we'll start with something basic, and then add enhancements based on your feedback.
  • Let's start by using this Topic to capture your Topic Votes and an open discussion of how you would personally use and value activity event history feature(s).


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RTSP to ActionTiles

NIS 5 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 3 years ago 3

Hello - I am new to AT but I have found it to be one of the better dashboards for custom smart homing.. Anyway, one of my biggest issues right now is live video cam feeds. I've searched for days, on different dashboard apps as well and it seems RTSP is a huge issue for apps like this. Why don't any of these people support direct RTSP? whatever... the fact is, I am trying my hardest to get this to work even just for one tile and I can't. 

I've got hikvision cameras, provision-isr cameras, even a few other IP cameras however I don't have any of those cloud based garbage cameras like nest or ring because I don't believe in having my security on a cloud where anybody can hack and gain access to millions of account including mine (i wonder where I get that insecurity from.. oh wait, it actually DOES Happen) so I prefer selling my customers camera systems which I can locally grant access and secure and know that there isn't a cloud account that can be hacked thus giving my customer, as well as my own set up a bit more security - in my opinion that is. 

Anyway, I am hoping someone has figured out a solid way to do this because I have a few actiontiles I want to set up with one or two tiles displaying cameras like the front and back door, garage, etc.

I have the RTSP part of it working smoothly and across the network and internet, I just can't figure out how to turn them into HTTP streams or any other method that is supported in AT.

Here's hoping someone has an answer. Thanks in advance!


how to toggle off smartthings home monitor "arm" tiles when selecting disarm.

drew571 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 3 years ago 7

Hello.  Very new to AT but trying to dig in a bit.  I have Smart Things Home Monitor, using the new app, and have figured out how to set virtual switches to arm and disarm the alarm system from AT.  My question is, how do I configure AT to turn off the Arm Away or the Arm Stay switch when I select Disarm.  Is this possible?  Is it possible if I disarm it from my smart things app as well?  would like it to sync.  right now the Arm switches always show as "on" even after I've disarmed the system and i have to manually turn off the Arm switches.  

Waiting for Customer

Location Mode Tile Displaying Incorrect Mode

xdreamwalker 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 3 years ago 13

I have noticed that my Mode tile does not always show the correct mode. It seems to happen when SmartThings has switched from Away to Home.

A screenshot shows that AT shows Away, but ST shows Home.

Image 1485

I have tried to change the mode using the AT tile, the tile will show home, but after a refresh of the page it shows Away again. The ST IDE Log shows this after I try to change the mode to home via the AT tile.

Image 1486


Live video from Amcrest NVR

Albert H 3 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Ray Clem 3 years ago 3

Can an Amcrest NVR output a format that could be shown in ActionTiles?

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Blue Iris MJPEG Video stream stops or locks up

jwebstas 7 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by TheLAD 3 years ago 31 1 duplicate 

Basically its the same thing thats is occuring in the topic above

OS -  android

Browser - Firefox 52

Camera Feed - Blue iris Mjpg feed


The feed works great for 5-8 hrs then it freezes on the panel, a refresh fixes it and it works again for another 5+

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Tile is labeled a Placeholder, so it seems to not update

Jon Stolz 5 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-SmartThings APIs updated by JennyB617 3 years ago 5

I have a tile based on switchbot humidity level, but it seems to not update.  It is connected to smartthings, and not sure if it is updating smartthings. In the info area on ATiles it says it is a Placeholder.  what is that?



Chrisitian Scherf 3 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Ray Clem 3 years ago 1

Hi there!

I just purchased the Aeotec 360 Cam.

Works fine in the Android Smartthings App. But I cant find any information how to extract the stream and get it work with ActionTiles.

Any suggestions?




Fire Tablet HD 10 frozen

On my Fire Tablet HD 10, under developer options, I accidentally changed the

minimum width to 80 instead of 800...Now when I turn on the tablet, after the

startup, the factory fire logos appear, then screen just goes to a blank page

that appears to be frozen..How can I reset wh

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SHM & STHM options?

CrankyCowboy 5 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by NicoTxItal 3 years ago 30

So I recently decided to dive into all of "this" (ie. actiontiles, smartthings etc.) It's sort of hard to keep up since things constantly evolve and when you read older topics sometimes those issues have been resolved etc.  I wanted a "dashboard" or "frontend" to interface with smartthings. I only had a couple of conditions that needed to be met. I wanted to be able to control all/most of my "smart devices", I wanted Alexa integration, and I wanted to be able to control my home security via the panel that I chose. I did a lot of reading and it appeared that smartthings with actiontiles would do all of what I wanted. I purchased a ST hub, a actiontiles license and a Konnected alarm module. I've learned a lot along the way and things have been relatively smooth. But here is where I've hit a roadblock...

It looks like actiontiles doesn't (yet) support the v3 new app where STHM is concerned...and apparently, SHM is no longer an option in the classic app (at least for new no longer shows up and can't be added). I've seen some workarounds that sort of make the v3 app work by using some virtual switches and the classic app...but without SHM in the classic app, I don't think that workaround works. So that means the Konnected alarm module I purchased won't work via actiontiles (I have it working in smartthings v3 STHM). Are there any solutions to bring it all together given that I can't add it in the classic app? Any help would be appreciated.



TinyCam Pro - Only loads 6 camera's

ayalad1962 3 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated 3 years ago 3

Hi, I am using Tinycam pro on a Fire tablet. I have 8 camera's I am only able to see 6 of the 8. No matter what combination I can only get 6 to stream. I can see the stream of all the camera's in the Tinycam Pro live viewer. I can see all the camera's in My Media. The camera tiles populate in actiontiles but 2 of the 8 are blank, no stream. Is there a limit to the amount of camera's or some setting to allow all the 8 camera's to show? Thanks.

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Web login on Apple Watch silently fails

sourceholder 3 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Apple updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 3 years ago 2

I am trying to log into my ActionTiles account to view a panel on my Apple Watch.

The AT login page loads fine. However, after entering credentials and pressing the "LOG IN" button, nothing happens. Other links on the login page seem to load fine, such as Forgot Password and Terms of Service.


I am using µBrowser on my Apple Watch (Watch OS v8.3 - latest). The mobile browser is built on WebKit.

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Lutron Serena Shades issues

rbeckert 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 8

I've added 7 SERENA SHADES by LUTRON to SMARTTHINGS and 'authorized' them. In the ActionTiles app, they appear in LOCATION/HUB DETAILS but when I go to create HubTiles in a tileset, they are not listed.
