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RTSP to ActionTiles

NIS 5 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 3 years ago 3

Hello - I am new to AT but I have found it to be one of the better dashboards for custom smart homing.. Anyway, one of my biggest issues right now is live video cam feeds. I've searched for days, on different dashboard apps as well and it seems RTSP is a huge issue for apps like this. Why don't any of these people support direct RTSP? whatever... the fact is, I am trying my hardest to get this to work even just for one tile and I can't. 

I've got hikvision cameras, provision-isr cameras, even a few other IP cameras however I don't have any of those cloud based garbage cameras like nest or ring because I don't believe in having my security on a cloud where anybody can hack and gain access to millions of account including mine (i wonder where I get that insecurity from.. oh wait, it actually DOES Happen) so I prefer selling my customers camera systems which I can locally grant access and secure and know that there isn't a cloud account that can be hacked thus giving my customer, as well as my own set up a bit more security - in my opinion that is. 

Anyway, I am hoping someone has figured out a solid way to do this because I have a few actiontiles I want to set up with one or two tiles displaying cameras like the front and back door, garage, etc.

I have the RTSP part of it working smoothly and across the network and internet, I just can't figure out how to turn them into HTTP streams or any other method that is supported in AT.

Here's hoping someone has an answer. Thanks in advance!

You need to transcode the RTSP to MJPEG. There are how to articles here if you search.


I have developed a solution that I am now using after getting very frustrated with TinyCam Pro.


This was developed and tested on a Raspberry Pi 3B and 400, written in Python and uses FFMpeg to capture a camera's RTSP feed and convert that to MJPEG and then streams that to the client.


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Thank you for creating and sharing this RTSP server! I will created a knowledge base  article to point people to your repository.