ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.

Answered: Discussion Open

Changing units of Voltage Measurement Tile

Hi All,

I have a voltage sensor in ST actually measuring Water Tank levels and so was wanting to be able to have a % symbol rather than the 'V' units on the tile. I do have % showing in ST but I presume AT doesn't pull the unit from ST.

So is there a way for me to change the measurement unit symbol for the Voltage Sensor tile?



How to download & install NST Manager to SmartThings?

Have looked all over and do not see the exact link to use to download the NST Manager.


These two links are your starting point:

If you have further questions about NST Manager, please direct them to the SmartThings Commnity at the first link above.





I have a Garageio setup in SmartThings and it functions correctly.  Controls Open/Close and tells me status.  I'm trying to get it to function on ActionTiles and am only able to get the Open/Closed contact sensor to work.  I have an option for Garage Control and an option for Switch.  Neither of those options actual trigger the garage to do anything.  Any ideas of what could be going on here?  

Waiting for Customer

Nyce Hinge Door sensor & Contact sensor not working...

Does A.T. not support the Nyce Hinge Door Sensor? It’s not showing up in the things list in the connect app. Lint to sensor: .

P.S. You all of have done a great job with A.T. and so far im loving it.




NYCE sensor is now recognized by ActionTiles.


Airscape Device Not Updating

I have an Airscape whole house fan and I use this device handler to control it:

I've added it as both a temperature sensor (attic temp) and fan controller. For some reason, the fan status and temperature never update in ActionTiles. In fact, they don't seem to update in SmartThings either, unless I manually go into the device and click the Refresh button.

I noticed the device has the Refresh capability. Is it supposed to have the Polling capability as well? Or any idea what might be causing it not to update?

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Netatmo Rain

I'm just setting up and have added my Netatmo system including rain gauge to Smartthings.

All measurements I get correct from the base station and outdoor module in the SmartThings App and AT.

From the rain sensor, not so much.  I get a battery reading, but nothing on rain.

The app displays all correct, Battery, Rain, sumHours, SumDay, units and last update., 


Hi John,

ActionTiles is only compatible with official SmartThings "Capability APIs" which are published in the Developer Docs. (We're not compatible with all of them yet, but we add more of them from time to time...).

Netatmo is not a certified "Works With SmartThings"™ Device. It is making up it's own ad hoc custom Attributes.

There is no Capability "Rain", "sumHours", "sumDay", etc...

We know that a lot of devices use Custom Attributes and Commands; but ActionTiles doesn't have a way of handling these. We're keeping watch on the issue, though.




Harmony Remote: How to turn OFF activities?

merrick777 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated 7 years ago 2

Posting this here in case there've been new developments since the last round of discussion on this topic about 9 months ago... Let me know if there's a more appropriate place to post ask....

So I want ActionTiles to have the ability to Turn OFF Harmony remote activities. No further abilities needed. Since it cannot connect to AT directly, I created a virtual switch in IDE. Then I created 3 routines in ST:

1) Turn ON the virtswitch, when any of activities a, b, or c, etc. go on.

2) Turn OFF the virtswitch, when any of activities a, b, or c, etc. go off.

3) Turn OFF any of activities a, b, or c, etc., when the virtswitch is turned off.

(Routines 1 & 2 are designed to keep the virtual switch in sync with whether or not any activities are running. Routine 3 allows me to put an AT button into tileset which will actively turn off harmony activities.

The problem: When I use the regular remote control (or Alexa) to turn ON an activity, that activity should go ON in the ST app -> Which would then trigger the routines -> which syncs the virtswitch to actual device status.... But I cannnot figure out why the activities in ST app are NOT going on as they should. The physical devices (tv, fios box, etc) are going on as they should, but the status isn't getting reflected in ST.  If I go into ST App -> In the harmony activity's options, when I hit the 'manual refresh' button, it DOES update to correct status (on) in ST (and therefore the routine runs and the ActionTile updates.  Any ideas why I would need to manually refresh?? Is there another way others have accomplished what I am trying to do??

(Note: I wanted to do this is webcore instead of ST, but I couldn't figure out how to write the piston with the options I was shown).

Answered: Discussion Open

Nest Outdoor Camera

M2 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by WB70 7 years ago 10

Just picked up two of these.  Does anyone have it them working wth ST or Actiontiles? 

Ledfordhouse 7 years ago

OK... After many days of screwing around with this I was able to get my Outdoor Nest Cam integrated into Actiontiles (NOT AS A VIDEO STREAM) But as an public image url that I am updating every 2 seconds. Since this is my outdoor camera public sharing is not a problem but obviously is not ideal for the rest of my cameras or if I wanted to pretend like I have any privacy.


Here is a screenshot of my integration into my main panel:

Here are the steps taken to get this functioning (using google chrome browser):

1. Login to - select camera - go to settings - sharing - and enable public sharing (NOT SECURE AT ALL)

2. Get Camera URL and navigate directly to that page in another tab (ie.*********l0F)

3. Right click anywhere on the public camera page and choose "View Page Source"

4. Locate entry that says <meta name="twitter:imagecontent="***********fe970cf&width=560"> and copy the text

5. Go to ActionTiles - My Media - Add - and choose still image - paste url from above

6. Set Refresh Rate every 2 Seconds

HOLY CRAP - you can at least see your Outdoor Nest Camera in ActionTiles now


Is there a way to integrate

Alexa has a skill for my account.  Is there any way to integrate that with ActionTiles?


Ecobee thermostat questions

I have an Ecobee3 connected to my SmartThings hub and have created two tiles. One tile for the dual thermostat and another for the remote sensor. When I use the tile to adjust the temperature the ecobee responds almost immediately, as seen through the ecobee app. However if I use the ecobee app to set the temperature back to its original setting the tile does not update unless I force an refresh through the SmartThings app.

  1. Is there a tile thing to force the SmartThings refresh?
  2. I cannot find a tile thing to view the main ecobee sensor. I have the remote sensor tile already added. How do I add the main sensor?

How to control my garage door opener (Gogogate)

Hi there,

Looking for ideas. I have a gogogate controlling my gate and garagedoor. I use IFTT and some virtual switches in Smartthings to make them work together. Basically when the virtual switch is ON, IFTT will open the gate. IF Closed, IFTT will close. I can add the switch to actiontile but if someone closes the gate not using actiontile it does not go back to the previous state so next time I want to use it I have to press the button to turn the switch "off" before I can turn it "on" again to open the gate.

Any suggestion to improve this? 


Answered: Discussion Open

Set Switch Tile state without sending physical change?

I'm not sure if this is a DTH or Tile type. I want a virtual tile (let's say switch) that controls multiple device (Easy with webCoRE), but if one of the devices that is controlled by that virtual switch changes state, I want the Action Tile to change state to On (without turning on the other devices controlled by simulated switch) thus allowing that device to turn off with simulated switch.

I hope I'm making sense


Hi Darold,

The Rachio Device Type Handler (DTH) you have depicted is apparently non-compliant with SmartThings's specifications for Capability "Valve".

The value for Valve must be either "open" or "closed" (not "close"; the attribute value is missing the trailing letter "d").

Please contact the developer of the Device Type Handler to have them correct it.


Solution Exists

Any plans to Support capability "Button"

Any plans to support "Button" capability.  Have have a custom device handler that provides multiple buttons.  They work great thru the smartthings app.  Would like to add some buttons to my ActionTiles Panels.


Neato Robot Vacuum

Can I get my Neato on ActionTiles?



I found the Community Device Type Handler that you are likely using. Indeed, it is missing the proper tagging Capability lines.

Please contact the Developer of the DTH and have him/her add these lines. You can add them to your personal copy of the Device Type Handler code in the meantime.

capability "Sensor"
capability "Actuator"

You can direct the Developer to our KB entry on this topic:


Simulated Presence Sensor not listed

I've added a virtual presence sensor (as a "Simulated Presence Sensor") which supports the presence capability. But it is not showing up on my list of things when I authorize...


Wemo Power Meter Tile for ActionTiles?

Samsung outlets allow a power usage tile, but not wemo. Any plans to Include Wemo?


Authorized Simulated / Virtual Buttons not available as Tiles

I have authorized my devices, switches etc... including a number of virtual simulated buttons that I'm using to trigger some webCoRE pistons.  For some reason these simulated buttons appear in the 'authorize' smartthings UX, however when I look in ActionTiles they do not appear.  Am I doing something wrong here?  Also, is this the best way to trigger a piston for webCoRE?

Waiting for Customer

CO2 (carbon dioxide sensor) Tile showing just a question mark...

I have a Foobot in my house that has a CO2 reading works in ST, etc. But in ActionTiles, that tile just shows a ?

Waiting for Customer

GE Link Light Bulbs

BrianAg95 8 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by Brett 8 years ago 9

So I am testing ActionTiles out, and I have some "unofficially supported" LGE Link Light Bulbs.

When I imported them into my panel, some showed up with dimmer control, and some did not. I am not sure why they would import differently. I verified that in smarthings app I have dimmer control over each light that in actiontiles doesn't have a dimmer control on it.