
Harmony Remote: How to turn OFF activities?

merrick777 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated 7 years ago 2

Posting this here in case there've been new developments since the last round of discussion on this topic about 9 months ago... Let me know if there's a more appropriate place to post ask....

So I want ActionTiles to have the ability to Turn OFF Harmony remote activities. No further abilities needed. Since it cannot connect to AT directly, I created a virtual switch in IDE. Then I created 3 routines in ST:

1) Turn ON the virtswitch, when any of activities a, b, or c, etc. go on.

2) Turn OFF the virtswitch, when any of activities a, b, or c, etc. go off.

3) Turn OFF any of activities a, b, or c, etc., when the virtswitch is turned off.

(Routines 1 & 2 are designed to keep the virtual switch in sync with whether or not any activities are running. Routine 3 allows me to put an AT button into tileset which will actively turn off harmony activities.

The problem: When I use the regular remote control (or Alexa) to turn ON an activity, that activity should go ON in the ST app -> Which would then trigger the routines -> which syncs the virtswitch to actual device status.... But I cannnot figure out why the activities in ST app are NOT going on as they should. The physical devices (tv, fios box, etc) are going on as they should, but the status isn't getting reflected in ST.  If I go into ST App -> In the harmony activity's options, when I hit the 'manual refresh' button, it DOES update to correct status (on) in ST (and therefore the routine runs and the ActionTile updates.  Any ideas why I would need to manually refresh?? Is there another way others have accomplished what I am trying to do??

(Note: I wanted to do this is webcore instead of ST, but I couldn't figure out how to write the piston with the options I was shown).


you can use the SmartApp "logitech harmony trigger" and create a virtual button that triggers the all off command of the harmony remote. Works perfect!

Then set: when button press: activity off

You can create the virtual button in the ide also ...

You can find the app under marketplace - smartapps - more ...

Thanks! Somehow I missed that SmartApp. But I think I lost you somehow... I installed the SmartApp. In the  configuration I set it so that when my virtual switch (which I had previously set up in the IDE) goes OFF, then 'Activity Off'. Does that sound correct?  But how would this keep the virtual switch in sync?