ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.

Deferred: Voting Open

Offer +/- or up/down controls on Slider Controls

WB70 7 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 9

I'm not talking about little burgers.

The Slider functionality that was added for Tile Sizing, Tile Spacing and Corner Radius, it would be very beneficial to have a - on the far left and a + on the far right of the slider so that we have the ability to increase or decrease by 1.

Having to either tap or manually slide the slider is very difficult and trying to pinpoint an exact number takes quite some time. It's great for coming close to a number, and then being able to adjust 1 by one with plus or minus would be a great value add for everyone. I know I'm not the only one that this is tedious and cumbersome process for.



Understood; but we had to focus on the immediate issues folks were reporting in some browsers with Sliders functioning inconsistently.

Input Boxes are completely reliable. We will keep an eye on this topic, but may have to reframe it now that the Sliders for Tile Styling are no longer in the app.


Media tiles loading

parac 7 years ago in Media Tiles updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 12

I have 2 media tiles, 1 is a weather radar from a local tv station, the other is a gif from my camera that updates every second. They used to work fine, but for the last couple weeks or so they go back and forth between working and a loading screen. 2nd screenshot shows an example of the loading screen. It happens to both the weather and camera tiles. It seems fairly random. They can both work fine for an hour or pretty much flicker between the image and loading screen. Any idea what is going on?


v6.7.2 Tile sizes cause Panel size & scroll bars

parac 7 years ago updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 4

Something with the tile size is a bit "broken" for me with the update. My tiles used to fill up the screen almost completely without a scroll bar showing up. Now I have to have more than a full tile height of empty space in order for the scroll bar to go away. It does the same thing in Chrome and Firefox on windows 10

Image 1431
approx half tile height empty space on bottom and scroll bar is still there

Image 1432

more than full tile height empty for scroll bar to go away


Grouping lights for off/on commands

zmz1230 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 12 2 duplicates

I am new to smarttiles as well as actiontiles. I am trying to group the lights in my house together by room so that if I click a button titled "kitchen lights" all the lights in the kitchen turn off/on. I have a panel for kitchen lights, with a tileset of all the kitchen lights I have. I am not sure how to add a button that allows all of them to turn on or off.

Thank you for the help!

Related Topics:


ActionTiles is currently "just" a control panel / viewer and doesn't contain any next-level functions like automations or triggered actions.

Linking the On/Off commands for a groups (a Tileset?) of lights is a nice contained case that we have as a Feature Request already, but not sure it will get priority because there are a few fairly easy workarounds.

Consult the SmartThings Community for more options, but the simplest recommendation is to use the official SmartThings App "Smart Lighting"...

Solution Exists

Handle "mostlyOn" State for Trendsetter light group Switches

Jay Fisher 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 3


I noticed on a couple threads you guys mentioned Trendsetter as a good option to group lights.  I use Trendsetter and specifically the color light and light groups.  The only problem I have with it is if all lights arent the same status (brightness and on/off state) the icon changes to a ?

I know thats just the app responding because it doesnt have a valid state of ON/OFF for the button.  But the ? just looks really out of place.  I would love to see it change to the default state icon of the tile instead of the ?.

Image 1460

I love the app and just a request here, or if you know of any way to work around it I'd be willing to try it :)

Kudos for a great app and thanks in advance for the consideration of this 


I took a closer look at Trendsetter to understand the exact situations it uses "mostlyOn" (and other non-standard State Values for Attribute "switch"). At this time, ActionTiles only handles the Commands, Attributes, and Values documented in the SmartThings Developer Documentation for Standard Official Capabilities. A Switch has Attribute switch(on,off). That's all.

I do personally think the implementation of additional States in Trendsetter is clever and certainly not entirely unusual for custom Device Types, but without a standard, we would be constantly hardcoding additional customizations to ActionTiles. For a few "very popular" Device Types this may be justifiable, and/or, we can see what, ahem, trends arise in SmartThings development as more and more clever / creative DTHs are developed and shared. Non-Standard DTHs, though, just can't be expected to work with any or all arbitrary SmartApps, including ActionTiles. That means an entire sub-species of DTHs and SmartApps could evolve outside of SmartThing's documentation. It's a scary prospect, frankly.

In the meantime, the easiest workaround is for you to modify your personal instance of the Device Type Handler code to replace the non-standard Values with standard ones. In other words, decide to use either "on" or "off" instead of "half, almostAllOff, mostlyOff, or mostlyOn".

This is a code snip provided by one of our Beta testers when he experienced this same issue. Edit your DTH accordingly.

   if (percentOn == 50)
      //value = "half"
        value = "on"
    else if (percentOn > 0 && percentOn <= 25)
      //value = "almostAllOff"
        value = "off"
    else if (percentOn > 25 && percentOn < 50)
      //value = "mostlyOff"
        value = "on"
    else if (percentOn > 50 && percentOn < 100)
      //value = "mostlyOn"
        value = "on"


Discuss & Vote

Add a global "Friendly" name field to "Things" Inventory to alleviate need to manually override Tile Name

Bergstrom, Gunnar 7 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

Some Things are commonly used on many Panels. Globally customizing the name (Label) requires editing the Label field for it every instance of every Thing Tile on every Panel.


Hi Gunnar,

Managing Thing or Tile attributes on a "global" level (i.e., closer to the Location - Thing Inventory) makes a lot of sense, but requires some significant development overhead.

I think the benefits are pretty clear, but we have to prioritize this with everything else, so don't forget to   Vote  on your own Topic, thanks!


Large Font Sizes are terrible (v6.7.2 release)

Nathan Schnell 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 2

The large font sizes are terrible. Can we get an option to put them back to the way they were please?



Panel Style: Tile Size setting doesn't stick (inconsistent)

Bob Smith 7 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 4

I am having problem setting a custom tile size. I am trying to set at 145 and when I go to view I see no change. When I go back to settings, I find setting set for custom but setting has changed to 100. 

Thanks for any and all help. Great update loving the higher visibility selection in the themes!


Fix has been deployed.

Panel Style slider controls have been replaced with numeric input boxes to ensure maximum reliability.

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Bose Soundtouch presets missing

StaneP 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated 7 years ago 2

Hi guys,

is it any possibility to add in AT a presets from Bose Soundtouch? In ST app shows correctly and work like a charm. In AT work all functions from all of my Boses, except presets!

Sorry for my english!


Answered: Discussion Open

Nest Outdoor Camera

M2 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities / Non-"Works With SmartThings" devices updated by WB70 7 years ago 10

Just picked up two of these.  Does anyone have it them working wth ST or Actiontiles? 

Ledfordhouse 7 years ago

OK... After many days of screwing around with this I was able to get my Outdoor Nest Cam integrated into Actiontiles (NOT AS A VIDEO STREAM) But as an public image url that I am updating every 2 seconds. Since this is my outdoor camera public sharing is not a problem but obviously is not ideal for the rest of my cameras or if I wanted to pretend like I have any privacy.


Here is a screenshot of my integration into my main panel:

Here are the steps taken to get this functioning (using google chrome browser):

1. Login to - select camera - go to settings - sharing - and enable public sharing (NOT SECURE AT ALL)

2. Get Camera URL and navigate directly to that page in another tab (ie.*********l0F)

3. Right click anywhere on the public camera page and choose "View Page Source"

4. Locate entry that says <meta name="twitter:imagecontent="***********fe970cf&width=560"> and copy the text

5. Go to ActionTiles - My Media - Add - and choose still image - paste url from above

6. Set Refresh Rate every 2 Seconds

HOLY CRAP - you can at least see your Outdoor Nest Camera in ActionTiles now


Video Sessions Accumulating, not Ending Properly

Tamathumper 8 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 20

Because I use Android phones running IP Webcam as security cameras, I can connect to them remotely with TeamViewer to see what's going on with each device.

SmartTiles would show each camera's video feed, and I could see on the phone that IP Webcam's "Video connections" would go from 0 to 1. When I switched SmartTiles dashboards, IP Webcam would reflect that "Video connections" went back to 0. All good.

With ActionTiles, if I open the panel with my video feeds, each IP Webcam (there are 4) will go from 0 to 1. All good.

If I click on one of the video feeds, it opens it up in a larger view. The IP Webcam now says "Video connections" is 2. Not a great use of bandwidth, but I can live with it.

When I close the larger view, IP Webcam does not decrement the video connections back to 1. In fact, each time I open a camera in larger view, it creates a new IP Webcam stream, but the stream never goes away. After a few days I can end up with 5 or 6 streams, multiplied by 4 cameras, and the network gets laggy.

If I close the ActionTiles browser tab, then the "Video connections" finally decrement back to 0, so something in ActionTiles is keeping old video streams alive.

Can you please help?

Android Windows

CO2 (carbon dioxide) Tile incorrect format

StaneP 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 5


Humidity from the same Netatmo station is showed correctlly, but CO2 dont. Look:

Image 1361

Value for CO2 is showed in bottom left corner!?

Device handler have for both values exactly the same logic. 

In Smartings "My devices" i have this data from Netatmo:

Image 1364

So, CO2 value is showed correctly. Just like humidity!

Smartthings have also exactly the same capabilities-reference for carbonDioxide and humidity:

Image 1362

Image 1363

It must be something on your or Smartthings side. Please help with this issue.

Thank you!


Hi @StaneP

We have made some significant changes to most tiles, CO2 Tile in particular. The changes are now in Beta. We are preparing for an imminent release to Production. Please stay tuned.




RELEASE v6.4.1 deployed: Invitation Codes no longer required & ActionTiles Connect SmartApp improved

Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago in Announcements / Release Notes updated 7 years ago 4

Featured enhancements...

  • This Release is primarily the elimination of the requirement for an "Invitation Code" to create an ActionTiles Account.

    Now it is super easy to:
    • (a) Sign-up and use ActionTiles instantly (including 14 day free trial).
    • (b) Create additional Buddy Accounts to share Panels with.
    • (c) Promote ActionTiles to your friends and social media connections!
  • We have also made substantial improvements to the "ActionTiles V6 (Connect)" SmartApp which links your SmartThings Locations to ActionTiles. The effects of these should not be noticeable to most Customers, but ... This Topic thread will be updated with any important information or issues that arise.

We will also update various open "Bug & Idea Topics" soon, if their status has been affected.


  • The version number of the front-end web app is found on the upper right corner of the Login Page and in the About section of in-app Help.
  • You will all receive the update automatically and simultaneously as we force a "reload" of the web page after deployment.
  • You can use in the in-app Reload button if you suspect your browser did not refresh to this version (check About to see the Version number).
  • FYI: Beta participants have been deployed a slightly different version of the SmartApp -- Please report Beta issues only in the ActionTiles Beta Forum.

RELEASE v6.6.2: Media Tile & Video stream stability enhancements

Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago in Announcements / Release Notes updated 7 years ago 12

Fixes / Enhancements

  • There have been various reports of "generally working" Video Stream Media Tiles consistently exhibiting various quirks, including:
    • working for a while, but then suddenly being stuck or broken, but work again with a manual reload / refresh.
    • sometimes requiring the browser cache to be cleared in order to restart video.
    • sometimes displaying stale data (particularly for Stop Motion Video / Still Image with Refresh).
  • This Release attempts to address the above and perhaps a few similar quirks.
    • Beta testers reported noticeable improvement, even though some Video Streams issues could not be resolved consistently without causing other problems.
  • NB: Unlike most Tile types, if you modify a Media definition, a reload of the affected Panels is required. Except during building and testing Panels, we presume this situation will not be very common.


This update does not add support for new streaming formats like RTSP, nor fix the problem of "https://user:password@address" (basic HTTP authentication) being blocked by newer versions of Chrome and perhaps some other browsers.

We continue to research ways to expand video handling, but there are no imminent breakthroughs expected. We are still excited about this Release of stability fixes and appreciate your observations! Thanks!

Itemized Details

resume video stream if it failed, recover from errors
show camera full screen (click on Media Tile to expand image)
close video stream prior to zoom in order to save concurrent sockets

We will update various open "Bug & Idea Topics" soon if their status has been affected.


...Terry (& Alex)


We have deployed a patch (v6.6.2+004) that fixes interruptions of MJPEG streams.

We hope it brings stability across the board.

If you experience any issues, don't hesitate to contact us.


Text & icons in sbolloz Theme should be amber instead of white

Moe 8 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 7

Hello everyone

Firstly I would like to thank you for the great job you're doing, keep up the good work.

Now if I may ask, could you please change the fonts and icon colors in the sballoz theme to yellow instead of white, similar to SmartTiles? Thanks

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Dynamic Text On A Tile

Jim 8 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 2

Is there anyway to have custom text on a tile based on whether the tile is on or off? Meaning on or off state being the state of a switch. In other words instead of off/on I would like it to say something like Here/Gone. Hope that made sense.

On Hold: Discussion Open

Pressure capability

kampto 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

Gonna be adding a water pressure sensor to one of my Arduinos. Please consider adding a pressure tile.



Voucher for temporary access for guests

Look, I like your security-minded approach to actiontiles but registering for an account, especially for those who operate a B&B and want to give access to a specific panel to control the lights in the apartment, is not an option.

Please implement a voucher based, calendar integrated kind of system to grant access to our guests. There's gotta be a way to do this securely! It will likely increase the overall usage.

Thank you.

Android Fire iOS Mac Windows

Cameras with local storage that work with Smartthings and ActionTiles (on Android)

Bubba 7 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

So I'm looking to buy a camera, but I have a couple requirements:

A)  Must have local storage (I don't want to mess with any clouds, Blue Iris, or NVRs)
B)  Must work with Smartthings, more specifically I just want be able to have it record to local storage when a contact sensor is opened.

C) Must be viewable from Action Tiles.  I would prefer a live view directly from action tiles.  (AT will be running on an Android in the same LAN as the camera).

Most of the cameras on the other threads either do one or two, or don't have enough information for me to tell if they do all three.  I would love to hear from the community regarding what you guys use that would satisfy the above requirements.


Video stream stops...

Tony 8 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 22

I have a video stream that stops updating after a while.. manual page refresh fixes.. using on Fully Kiosk on an Android Nexus 7 gen one tablet.. Video feed stops, and continues. A manual refresh fixes. Same Symptoms in Chrome on my mac. Any ideas on what might cause the feed to stop refreshing??
