ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.
Action Tiles control as a drop down menu so we don't need to use a browser.
I'd rather not have to open a browser window to control things. Better an application that runs in background where control is accessible via an icon in the Mac menu bar.
I have a few Mobotix cameras. Any recommendations on adding them to ActionTiles?
Anyway I can stream my mobotix cameras to a media tile?
Ha. I figured it out. Some helpful info came up after I posted. Worked great.
I used.
D-Link Camera Feed - Which URL to use?
I’m trying to get my D-Links into ActionTiles and not sure which URL to use. Shouldn’t it be one of these? I’m not sure which URL to even use out of 1-4.
Camera Popup triggered by a Thing Event
I am looking for an way to popup camera for a XX seconds by any trigger like motion or switch(now we can popup when click on camera image).
I believe could be more simple then this Fire, Ring Doorbell, Fully, and Action Tiles I do not want to open other app, just see the full screen camera on AT.
Custom height (aspect ratio) for Tiles to use all vertical screen space?
Any way to be able to have a custom width and height or aspect ratio for buttons? Currently my panel layout works perfectly on my 7” fire tablet but on my 8” fire tablet there is a big space on the bottom of screen. Would be nice to be able to fill the screen by customizing the aspect ratio of the layout.
ActionTiles and raspberry pi
Yes, I have it working on a raspberry pi with an 8" touchscreen. Basically you just have your pi boot up in a kiosk mode for chromium (or other browser) and then set the default page to the one for actiontiles. I'm reloading it this morning (since I want to update to the latest Raspian OS) and will document what I did to make it work.
Routine Tiles with Countdown (for Arming a house and leaving during countdown)
The basic scenario is when you leave the house and want to activate the "Goodbye!" routine for smartthings. It arms the house while you are still inside and triggering motion and open door sensors.
It would be great if there was a setting to run the routine with a time delay leaving me time to exit and lock the door etc.
AUTHORIZE and SYNCHRONIZE buttons missing from unlicensed yet unexpired Location Inventory page
AUTHORIZE and SYNCHRONIZE buttons are missing from unlicensed yet unexpired Location Detail page. These buttons appear once a Location is Licensed.
The My Locations / (+) Add Location function can be reused at any time and will not add a duplicate Location. This brings up the same SmartThings "Thing Authorization web page" as the missing AUTHORIZE button.
This Add Location function also performs the SYNCHRONIZE activity if you need to force ActionTiles to import new Routines and name changes on Things.
Color control not working LIGHTIFY A19 RGBW / Flex RGBW
I have added 3 OSRAM LIGHTIFY A19 RGBW bulbs which I get a light level adjustment slider for in Action Tiles, but not the color changer.
I have also added 1 OSRAM LIGHTIFY Flex RGBW which was working just 10 mins ago, but now appears to be in the same state. All I did between this working and not working was to review what was set in the SmartThings device info.
From the description this seems to similar to this fixed bug. Has this fix been rolled out yet?
Here is the info of the devices..
- model: LIGHTIFY A19 RGBW
- application: 01
- manufacturer: OSRAM
- endpointId: 03
Current State:
- switch: on
- level: 5
- hue: 0
- saturation: 0
- colorTemperature: 2702
- checkInterval: 720
- colorName: Soft White
- model: LIGHTIFY Flex RGBW
- application: 01
- manufacturer: OSRAM
- endpointId: 03
Current State:
- switch: on
- level: 100
- hue: 0
- saturation: 100
- colorTemperature: 2702
- checkInterval: 720
- colorName: Soft White
Thanks for your help.
Great! Well... I guess there's a pretty simple workaround until we fix this little bug. 🐛
... Terry.
State label not updated on SHM Tile in view-only Share
I think there may be a bug, or unexpected behaviour, with the view only mode for the Smart Home Monitor. If I keep the tile unsecured, the tile displays the status as a padlock (locked or unlocked) icon and with the word "armed" or "disarmed" below it. The same behaviour is true if I PIN protect the tile. But if I set the tile to view only, the tile only shows the padlock icon, the armed/disarmed text is not shown.
PIN bug when copying panel
I copied a panel that had a PIN set up on it. I then applied the PIN security to a switch on the new panel. From multiple devices, the PIN pad popped up, but it gave a timeout error after about 30 seconds (Error: request timed out) and never did anything to the switch. I went into the panel settings of the new panel and entered the PIN again, and then things worked properly. I have replicated this twice.
BTW, I love the PIN option. Thanks for implementing!
UV Rating?
I have a Bloomsky unit in my backyard that is integrated into SmartThings. In the SmartThings app it will show me a UV rating of 1-10 and change color depending on UV severity. I want to have this show on action tiles, but I don't see a way to do this. This way my wife can easily tell if the kids need sunscreen on, etc. Right now all it shows is LUX, which is pretty irrelevant. (Temperature, humidity, etc, show up no problem, but it would be nice to be able to label what that tile is for. It's possible it already allows this, I just haven't had a chance to dedicate a lot of time to actiontiles yet...)
We have not implemented the UV Tile yet because there was no demand for it, up until now. We will consider UV Tile implementation it in the upcoming cycles.
Looking for a Window Shade "Tile Icon".
First off, Hi everyone!
I'm just started setting up my ActionTiles and I have 8 of the z-wave controlled window shades that are controlled with ST. A few run as (Somfy Z-Wave Shades and Blinds Multi tile) and the others run as (Z-Wave Dimmer Switch Generic).
I was able to add them all in AT, but I don't seen an option to change the Switch icon to a Window/Shade icon from the choices to choose from. Will a Window Shade Tile Icon be added any time soon?
More Icon selections, please.
Would like to change the default icon for my window contact sensors.
Priority for icon requests is currently being given to our Beta Participant members.
Rest assured that they have great ideas and various icons will rollout over our next few releases!
We're also looking at possibly viable ways to offer extensive "libraries" of hundreds of icons. No timeline is set for this.
D-Link cam working on MacBook and iPad but not on Fire HD tablet
D-Link DCS-943L
I am able to view the camera feed in my ActionTiles panels on my MacBook and iPad but not on Fire HD tablet using Fully Kiosk.
I have tried a few different formats and this is what works:
The error I get when editing the URL in My Media on the tablet is 'Enter valid URL to preview video stream.'
I tested it and was able to view the cam feed using the same URL in the Silk browser on the Fire tablet.
Also, it worked when I accessed if from My Shortcuts in AT (opened in a new screen not in a panel) however it required my username and password even though the URL contained that info.
Three other cams (Foscam FI8910W) work fine on all devices.
Any suggestions?
SmartWeather Station Tile - no data and no refresh?
After installing SmartWeather Station Tile into ActionTiles, it only shows:
ActionTiles supposedly refreshes this Tile every 30 minutes. However, when I go to IDE, click on that Device, then "List Events", there are never any events listed unless I click on that device in ST App and click on the Refresh icon. Uninstalling and reinstalling that device makes no difference.
I have Weather Station 2.0 installed from GitHub, and when I click on "List Events" for that device, I see it polling for updates every 15 minutes, even when I'm not logged into ActionTiles. So it always seems to display the current status in ActionTiles, while SmartWeather Station never does (unless I manually refresh).
Is that a known issue?
Tile for Sound Pressure Capability
SmartThings recognizes sound pressure (loudness, SPL) devices, such as the Netatmo Weather. It has an indoor sound level meter. I would like a Tile for that.
Video Stream with password
I have a Linksys WVC80N video camera. I can view the video in a tile on my PC and iOS device. But on an Android Nook with Chrome browser, the video feed does not work, most likely as it won't let me add a username and password.
I can access the video via URL, if I could pass the username:password. How do I use a URL like: ? the ActionTiles media tile won't let me use this syntax.
Chrome now blocks "basic http authentication in embedded URLs" (i.e., URLs of the form "https://username:pwd@address").
You might have success with Firefox; or find out if your camera allows authentication as parameters (i.e., video.mjpeg?user=userID&password=pwd) ... but the parameters are not standard across camera vendors and models, so I don't know what they would be.
Media Tile image not displaying on Mac Safari
The layout of this community site is hard to follow, apologies if this is in the wrong spot.
I made some google sheets charts with data from ST. I added my published sheets charts to AT in my media and then placed the media on panels. AT displays the charts no problem on iPad and iPhone using safari. However if I open the panel on my iMac, it won't work. I have 6 different charts. All 6 display correctly on iPhone and iPad.
Here is the same chart on all three devices. All 6 of my charts have this same issue. Anyone else seeing something like this?
Request for Tile Font Size Setting
My first request would be to be able to change the font size on the tile labels. I note the comment about CSS and customization. However, I have MANY instances of labels overlapping icons and values and it looks bad. I know I can change the tile labels but you can only abbreviate so far before it becomes useless. I'm using medium-small tiles.
Overall impression thus far is this is well executed. I would like the font size issue handled and be able to enlarge the icons.
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