ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.
Camera recommendation for live streaming?
I am looking for a recommendation. I am building a new house and want to add a real-time video stream of my front porch. Ideally, this would flow from an internal IP address to my Action Tiles app and not consume external bandwidth.
The house comes with a Ring Pro doorbell which would have been ideal since it is hardwired, but I know the proprietary nature prevents this.
I have a set of Alro Pro cameras but now realize this is not an option.
Can someone recommend a low-cost Wifi IP camera that can be hardwired for power, and gives me the ability to stream video real time to Action Tiles? Preferably that I can interface directly with the app via IP address and doesn't need to flow outside the LAN to interface.
I am thinking something like this:
I like the night vision capability
I like the PTZ capability but not sure if ActionTiles would support this?
Thanks for the guidance!
HomScam Camera Feed as Video Media Tile?
Hello Everyone,
First this is my first post as I'm new here and doing the trial for ActionTiles now, but I'll keep as I liked it.
I'm migrating all my lights from Wink to Smartthings only for this App "ActionTiles", so I want to say thanks for create this. Also I just got a spare Android Tablet that I'm looking the way to install in my wall to Replace the WinkRelay. I know that maybe not all my lights maybe will not me compatible buy I'll be doing my best. Thanks Again for ActionTiles.
Now to my question:
I have a Outdoor Light called HOMSCAM Outdoor Video Security Camera that I got couple weeks ago and work good in the app were I can see the camera live in the Phone and also I can download the Recorded Videos/Pictures, so I want to know if someone was able to add to as Tile or if someone think that maybe is possible to add as I'm really interested in add as Tile.
Thanks again for create this.
I'm adding a screenshot of my ActionTiles, remember, I just started couple days ago, and still pending add all my others lights
Jose Bourdier
Help voting for Web Screensaver Win 10
Link to Vote at Bottom 😀
Hello everyone hoping you could help vote on this feature request for Win 10. I have submitted feedback in the Windows Feedback hub requesting they allow the capability to set a Web Page as a screen saver. Not sure if anyone else would find this useful, but I thought it would be awesome when not using my PC for it to load my main AT dashboard so I have a quick view of my security status. Of course in screensaver mode you can't interact with it, I have Amazon fire 8 tablets for that. But having it display on our main computers 24inch screen would make it easier to see at a distance. I have found other tools that will allow you to set a web page as a screen saver, namely a tool called web screensaver on GitHub however it uses chrome as its browser and apparently chrome is blocking passing of credentials in the URL. Hope I am not missing something but I have not been able to figure out a way to make this work. Plus it seems like this would be easy for MS to implement, and would be especially useful in business where dashboards are often displayed on large displays.
Here is the link where you can vote on it in the Windows feedback forum, unfortunately not sure you can do this from a device other than windows ten since it seem to cross launch the windows feedback hub application -
Advanced: Running ActionTiles inside an iFrame of own website
I'm experimenting with iFrames to run the panels with a side menu system. It make it easier to jump from panel to panel. This is set up with my old iPad 2 (which is kind of slow now... thanks Apple) and the reason the tiles are a bit bigger than I would really care to have... but it works.
AT and Ring Video in Splitscreen
Fully "Application Launcher" page
Fully added a new option a while back, called Application Launcher. I didn't think it was very useful, until I realized that it could 1. open URL shortcuts, 2. embed html/JS to customize it, and 3. apply custom icons for the shortcuts.
It occurred to me, that Application launcher could potentially be a way to have a constant launcher/navigation panel, and Actiontiles could be embedded in an iframe within it. It worked...but there's a catch. Once you click on one of the links in the launcher, it loads the page in a new frame, and you lose the launcher. I sent the fully team to see if there was a workaround, but I figured I would ask here to see if there was any code-slingers who might be able to figure out a work around.
Here's a Screenshot of the launcher running (at the bottom) with AT in an iframe. (Please don't criticize the watermark. I have 3 paid licenses for Fully, but not on my phone, where I was doing the editing earlier.)
Meh. I talked ot the Fully Developer and it appears this is idea is a bust. You would need to host a new launcher/iframe combo for each panel....which doesn't make things any easier than just doing it all yourself.
So I guess it could be valuable if you just wanted a single panel, with some custom links/app launchers with custom icons on the same page...but as far as a dedicated notification pane, this is not the solution. O well.
Netatmo Rain
I'm just setting up and have added my Netatmo system including rain gauge to Smartthings.
All measurements I get correct from the base station and outdoor module in the SmartThings App and AT.
From the rain sensor, not so much. I get a battery reading, but nothing on rain.
The app displays all correct, Battery, Rain, sumHours, SumDay, units and last update.,
Hi John,
ActionTiles is only compatible with official SmartThings "Capability APIs" which are published in the Developer Docs. (We're not compatible with all of them yet, but we add more of them from time to time...).
Netatmo is not a certified "Works With SmartThings"™ Device. It is making up it's own ad hoc custom Attributes.
There is no Capability "Rain", "sumHours", "sumDay", etc...
We know that a lot of devices use Custom Attributes and Commands; but ActionTiles doesn't have a way of handling these. We're keeping watch on the issue, though.
Power Meter Threshold
I see in my Smarthings logs that there is a threshold for Power Meters which seems to be set at 15%. For low power devices this means that a 1w change will be over the threshold, resulting in very frequent updates. Is there anyway to change the threshold from 15% in the app / website?
How to control christmas lights with smartphone?
I had the bright idea of controlling my led lights for the christmas tree with my phone, and i also see the youtube video show how to control christmas lights by phone. It's so cool and special. How can i got this? Need smart christmas lights?
A new set of festive icons will be included with the upcoming ActionTiles updates. It's a great time to get smart with your Christmas lights!
Temperature Tile should show decimals
This tile used to show the decimal value reported in smarthings (78.1 currently). Now it is rounded to a whole number. How can I get the decimals back?
Virtual Light created by "Trendsetter" smartapp not reflected completely in ActionTiles
I added a virtual light created using "Trendsetter" smartapp (by grouping a set of physical lights). The virtual light has colors & is dimmable. The Tile created in AT just shows the ON/OFF and the DIM functionality and not the color control.
Central Florida weather url Media Tile?
so I can’t figure out how to add media. I got to weather websites. Go to radar and copy web address. Paste it in my media and it says it’s invalid. I’ve right clicked it to try and get url with no luck. I live in central Florida if anyone can help me
Customizable fonts request
I know it's vaguely in the "future" list of options, but I didn't see any topics to upvote / prioritize this feature, as it's one of the things I would really appreciate to modify.
I really don't think anyone needs to have more than 1 font system wide, but it would be great to have that slight level of customizing.
Really love watching the AT development move along, and I've got some big plans for a full-home integration on my new house with multiple touchscreens. Thanks again for all the awesome work!
How to I get my Weather Font more balanced size wise?
Please see the attached picture. How can I get that weather tile more balance? I really can not read the fonts at the top and the bottom.
Reference the Level value to determine state when state is "unknown"
New user here, - just started the trial, will likely buy a license in a few days... :-)
You have a KB article referring to why some tiles show a question mark instead of the correct state of a switch device. Following that article, I have established that just as you suggested, the device handler for the device in question is not updating the state value, but is only updating the level value... - I've logged this with the dev's for the device handler in question, and hopefully they'll update it to write the state as well as the level. However, it occurred to me that you could probably handle this condition in a smarter way... - if state in ST is "unknown" for a switch device, then why not check the level value as well, and deduce the state from that - it's easy enough: if $level=0 then $state=off, if $level>0 then $state=on.
Then you won't have to deal with users asking "why the question mark" again... :-)
Paul G.
Hi Paul,
There could be several reasons for the question mark to appear in the tile. For switch in particular, the value could be known, but unexpected or nonconforming to the API (f.e. "turning on", "mostly on"). This value is not necessarily linked with Switch Level value and we can't make any assumption about Switch state based on the Level.
If the switch is unreachable, but reports a switch level of 80%, we can't assume that the switch is "on".
Cater for Level values that are not natively a percentage
Actiontiles appears to append a percent symbol to every level displayed on a tile... - I've not found any indication that this is user configurable...
I have devices exposed in ST (CBUS lights) that do not store levels as a percentage (which would only allow 100 distinct dim levels), but rather the level is a value in the 0-255 range, which allows a greater range of dim levels...
This means I get get tiles that show a level value of 255% - obviously not ideal... the 'best' way to deal with this would be IMO, to allow the user to specify how to display the level... (i.e. as a percentage, or a raw level value, and to handle the conversion if I choose to have a raw value displayed as a %).
When you read a level value from ST, can you make it user-configurable whether that is interpreted as a raw level in the 0-255 range, or a % level in the 0-100 range, - and handle the conversion so that a value which is the correct % is always calculated & shown on the tile?...
That way, I can have the correct level values shown on tiles as a true % value (i.e. 255=100%) -> (<current level> / 255) * 100 = the % value to show on the tile...
This should be configurable on a per-tile basis, as I do also have other devices which use 0-100 level values... the range upper value should also be configurable, as there may at some point be other devices which use other level range min & max values (although I'm not aware of such devices currently). Thus the calculation would be: (<current level> / <rangeupper>) * 100 = the % value to show on the tile...
Paul G
Hi Paul,
As a Works With SmartThings application, ActionTiles conforms to device capabilities per official API.
Per ST Documentation, Switch Level attribute is a value between 0 and 100, therefore the value is representing a percentage.
If you are using a custom DTH, please contact the developer to add conversion in the DTH. We don't support non-conforming DTHs.
Logging into ActionTiles in iFrame with no keyboard?
Hello All,
I have a quick question, I am trying to add ActionTiles in a MagicMirror project through an iFrame but am having difficulties authenticating.
How can I pass my credentials to the ActionTiles site? I've tried adding username:password in the URL after https:// but that doesn't work.
Thank you!
Backend UI Suggestion
If you didn't need to constantly click the vertical dots to access the menu that only has 2 or 3 options it would make bulk editing quicker. Seems like a good way to cut the amount of clicks in half.
Show website contents in a Tile as a refreshed image?
Is there a way to show this site in actiontiles as an image that is updated? It shows the local traffic departures close to my house.
Kind Regards
Elias Obaid
Customer support service by UserEcho