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Fully "Application Launcher" page

JB Bentz 7 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated 7 years ago 1

Fully added a new option a while back, called Application Launcher.  I didn't think it was very useful, until I realized that it could 1. open URL shortcuts, 2. embed html/JS to customize it, and 3.  apply custom icons for the shortcuts.

It occurred to me, that Application launcher could potentially be a way to have a constant launcher/navigation panel, and Actiontiles could be embedded in an iframe within it.  It worked...but there's a catch.  Once you click on one of the links in the launcher, it loads the page in a new frame, and you lose the launcher.  I sent the fully team to see if there was a workaround, but I figured I would ask here to see if there was any code-slingers who might be able to figure out a work around.

Here's a Screenshot of the launcher running (at the bottom) with AT in an iframe.  (Please don't criticize the watermark.  I have 3 paid licenses for Fully, but not on my phone, where I was doing the editing earlier.)

Image 1798



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Meh.  I talked ot the Fully Developer and it appears this is idea is a bust.  You would need to host a new launcher/iframe combo for each panel....which doesn't make things any easier than just doing it all yourself.

So I guess it could be valuable if you just wanted a single panel, with some custom links/app launchers with custom icons on the same page...but as far as a dedicated notification pane, this is not the solution. O well.

Answered: Discussion Open

Meh.  I talked ot the Fully Developer and it appears this is idea is a bust.  You would need to host a new launcher/iframe combo for each panel....which doesn't make things any easier than just doing it all yourself.

So I guess it could be valuable if you just wanted a single panel, with some custom links/app launchers with custom icons on the same page...but as far as a dedicated notification pane, this is not the solution. O well.