ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.
Whitelist IP addresses for sharing without Login
Would be handy if we could white list IP addresses to dashboards so no login is required.
This isn't an option within our security architecture, and we resist doing anything to reduce security — people tend to want even more security, not less.
Login is only required once (or rarely thereafter) due to long lasting secure session cookie. That's the most convenience we can offer for now.
Questions about Tile elements and layout chosen for v6.7.2
I have a design question, how come you removed the battery percentage to streamline the design but left in the open/closed text. That info only has two variables and it is displayed in the icon status. The battery percentage is nice additional info that takes up minimal space. I actually wanted to put in a request to have a way to add more info to a single tile. Most of my door senors have a temperature also. I wanted to be able to have a single tile show temp and door status instead of having to split it up over 2 different tiles. For me the tile space is extremely valuable as I try to fit everything on to one screen.
With the introduction of Tile Intentions, it's now possible to have a tile with distinct states to be displayed with the same Intention and that would make the states indistinguishable. Also, some states icons are a little bit confusing and require a text label.
Battery levels are very transient values. They usually don't change often and not rapidly. They do, however, take up valuable space and distract from the primary value that needs to be monitored.
With the release 6.7, we tried to optimize and unify the layout of Tiles making the icons and text stand out and be legible from the distance. Tiles have limited real estate and it's impossible to squeeze all available device attributes into the same tile. Negative space is important for design too.
If you find it important to monitor the battery statuses closely, I recommend creating a dedicated Panel or Tileset to display these values.
The Battery Tiles have Info Intention by default. When the battery level drops below 25%, such tile will light up with Accent Intention and when the battery is depleted to below 5%, the tile will change color with Warn Intention.
Customize Panels Settings (icon size) per Browser / Tablet
Currently I use a raspberry pi with 8" touchscreen, 3 Amazon 8" Kindles, and multiple iOS devices (ipads,iphones of various sizes). the ability to modify via cookie or even a URL setting &size=[small, small-med, medium, med-large, large, or x px] to the specific viewer device...
Yes/No icon or text for Switch Tile
Is there a type of simulated button or anything I can create in SmartThings that will allow me to create a Yes/No Tile? Or a Red/Green Tile?
i.e. If I have a sensor on the dog food container, and I want to create a tile called "Has Dog Been Fed?" and using Core set it to Yes or No for the day? Or change the color to Green or Red? I have the coding down and am setting a simulated switch on and off...but would rather have a tile say yes or no if possible...not just for the dog food but possible other uses too. :)
We have some complex Feature requests from folks wishing to display arbitrary numeric or text values from SmartThings on a Tile, but your request is a much simpler case:
- If Yes/No are just like On/Off, then perhaps we can just provide icons that either say, or clearly represent, "Yes" and "No".
- The ability to define the colors for Tiles of Things in the active vs inactive state is a part of a bigger scope effort on color customization.
Does this sound like it would fit your idea?
Amcrest Camera delay lag of 10 seconds?
Is anyone else getting live action delay of about 10 seconds with their camera or is it just Amcrest? No problem otherwise...
Need help to Set Up Christmas Lights For House
It's nearly Christmas, How to set up Christmas lights to get a festive home for the holidays? Do you have a good suggestion ?
anyone else seeing an outage?
panels will not come up, can't log in, generally not working
Tile Setting to disable Media Tile zoom on tap
Currently "view only" is available to other tile types under tile security, however i think this should be an option for Media Tiles, as it could be used to disable the Zoom function if desired.
I'd like to make my Media Tiles not do anything when tapped.
Default/Elements css for Info incorrect?
Just started using AT. On the Elements(default) panel style, I am getting green background for Info intentions instead of blue. Am I missing something?
There is also a Feature Request related to this. Please Vote & Follow.
Dimmable light but no dimmer control?
I have 3x Phillips Hue lights which are both RGBW controllable and dimmable. We established in another thread that an enhancement is required for ActionTiles to put the RGB controls on it, but that is not my question for today (although I am waiting and hoping for that feature.... :) )
Recently we had a power outage, and afterwards one of the 3 lights did not reconnect to the smartthings hub. I ended up deleting and re-creating it and it is now working fine through Smartthings.
However, in ActionTiles it only appears with an on/off, and no 3 dots to allow dimming. Both of the other 2 lights (same model, but which did not have to be deleted and recreated) have the 3 dots, and did this light before it was deleted and re-added.
Any suggestion on how to get it recognised as a dimable light again?
Chromecast audio volume control?
Hey All,
Is it possible to have a tile that controls chromecast audio volume. It wouldn't need to select songs or anytjibg like that, just control volume. This would make it perfect for a whole home audio setup.
There is Generic Media Renderer that's worth checking out.
I'm not sure if any other popular devices claim the "Media Player" capability.
View-Only for individual Switch Tiles
But now I have the same question for lights.
I have a bunch of Hue lights integrated w/ Smartthings.
I'd like the bulb tile to only show status (on/off) and not be able to turn it on/off via panel.
In my use case... the panel is accessible to family (including kids)... want them to see status only, not interact.
The interaction happens through app that wife and I have access to.
Thanks again. Eric
In app full-screen command not working on iOS
Trying to get into fullscreen mode, but won't go.
Using iPad , tried with chrome and safari... Seems to do nothing...
Haven't read through all the docs and postings, apologies if it's answered elsewhere
iOS does not support the Full Screen API and therefore it's impossible to fix it. This is applicable to both Safari and Chrome for iOS.
ActionTiles will not display Full Screen button if the browser does not support it. This is a recent change.
With regards to running ActionTiles from Home Screen, it is a known issue for older versions for iOS. Such apps are indeed suffering from a significant performance hit.
Unfortunately, there is no workaround for either of these issues.
Emailed updates/newsletter
It would be great to get a once monthly / once quarterly email newsletter outlining recent updates (visual, device integrations, security issues etc.) as well as outlining/teasing features that are on there way——especially now that ActionTiles has become a paid consumer product.
Windows Full Screen mode?
Is there a way to make Action Tiles open in full screen mode in Windows 10? I don't see how to even make a shortcut for Chrome. Edge allows one to pin a website to the start menu, but I don't see how to get that short cut to open in full-screen mode.
F11 works. Also, there's a Full Screen button accessible via the Hamburger Menu or Panel Options Menu.
Microsoft is embracing Progressive Web Apps. We are following news on this subject and we will take advantage of the new Windows functionality as soon as it becomes available.
The upcoming Windows updates will enable ActionTiles to look and feel like a native Windows app.
Shortcut Tiles break when given custom label on a Panel
I have noticed that when the "Tile Label" field is filled out for a Shortcut Tile, the tile links to instead of the intended URL. I was able to reproduce this with several of my Shortcuts, all of which work fine when the "Tile Label" field is cleared in the tile settings.
Is anyone else able to reproduce this? I have only tried on Windows.
iPad 2 clock is off 5 hours
I have an iPad 2 and the clock in ActionTiles is off 5 hours. I use the same link on an iPhone and a droid and the clock is correct. What is wrong with this iPad?
Update: I wiped this iPad. Now it is showing the correct time. No idea what was causing this issue but it's working now. Thanks for following up.
Going between panel shortcuts
I'm trying to setup my action tiles layout. I basically have a Home Panel. Then below it, I have Rooms. I have a Living room panel. When I go to the living room panel, how do I get back to my Home panel.
Two options:
- Put a Panel Shortcut Tile on your "Living Room" Panel that points to your "Home Panel".
- and/or Use the Panel's floating options button (...) and tap the Favorite Button ⭐.
login not retained between sessions
I get prompted to log in every time I close my browser window. This happens both on Chrome and Safari for Mac as well as Safari for iOS. All are set to allow cookies and maintain sessions with many other sites. I saw the entry in the knowledge base that states that you maintain sessions "for a long time" however something does not seem to work correctly - any idea? I am currently on the 14 day trial.
Fingerprint Authentication
Now that SmartThings has added it. What if you had fingerprint Authentication for:
* Accessing Administration Console
* Accessing a Panel
* Accessing a Tile (instead of pin code)
Customer support service by UserEcho