ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.

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Command "tap" History with Panel & Account logged

Erin775 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Event History updated 7 years ago 2

I see a major use in event history. If I share a panel to enable my gardener to switch the Smart Home Monitor on/off I would like to be able to see either the user or otherwise the specific panel that was used to switch the SHM on/off.

The user information in the log on SmartThings does not seem to identify the specific user.


License agreement too long

Greg J. 7 years ago in Security updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

I was interested in the free trial for ActionTiles, but the license agreement was way too long. I got sick of studying it and decided to write this post instead. I noticed that the agreement makes me responsible for actions carried out by others in situations outside of my control, such as if someone hacks my account. :(

Mostly Answered: Topic Closed

PHP media support

sgrayban 7 years ago in Media Tiles / Website Views updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 9

I have a loop radar that is generated by a php script is this going to be supported anytime soon?


Any experience with the Kwikset Smart Locks?

Andres 8 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 4

Ecobee thermostat questions

I have an Ecobee3 connected to my SmartThings hub and have created two tiles. One tile for the dual thermostat and another for the remote sensor. When I use the tile to adjust the temperature the ecobee responds almost immediately, as seen through the ecobee app. However if I use the ecobee app to set the temperature back to its original setting the tile does not update unless I force an refresh through the SmartThings app.

  1. Is there a tile thing to force the SmartThings refresh?
  2. I cannot find a tile thing to view the main ecobee sensor. I have the remote sensor tile already added. How do I add the main sensor?
Waiting for Customer

Fully Browser - Weird Behavior?

TWE 7 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Amazon Fire updated 7 years ago 4

So, I have fully set up to keep the screen on, screensaver at 30 seconds, and the screensaver URL set to Dim: on my Fire 7 2nd gen.

It works great! ....  for a day or two.  Then, randomly, it seems to go back to the lock screen.  I also notice that the screen brightness is reset to minimum after I unlock it.

Is anyone else experiencing this?  Is there a setting I need to find to fix this?  Or is it likely that someone in the house is fiddling with things?  (They swear they are not)


Media streaming with Login/password

Jeff2 7 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by Dan Hunt 7 years ago 14


Is it possible to specify logins and passwords for the Media streams? All my Cams are protected.

Thanks in advance for your support


List of Spit Screen Android Apps

Den 7 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Android updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 0

So far, I can display my ActionTiles panel on the top half of my Nexus 9 Android tablet while viewing a Ring doorbell camera on the lower half of the screen. In addition, but not at the same time,  I can also run the Zmodo app and view one of my Zmodo cameras on the bottom half of the screen. I cannot use the MeShare app, which supports my Zmodo cameras, in the split screen mode. I realize that not all phones and tablets can do split screen. It is nice to control lights, alarms and sprinklers while you are viewing your front yard on a fairly big screen. 

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Thermostat setpoint 0.5° increments

Dmitry Trofimov 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

Is there any way to make ActionTiles thermostat tiles step the temperature up and down by 0.5 degree, not 1 degree.

Thank you!


Hi Dmitry,

There is no way to change that at the moment, but we are aware of this limitation. It's in the pipeline, but we don't have an ETA yet.



Launching Apps via a Javascript Tile (& other Javascript modules?)

faze 8 years ago in Shortcut Tiles updated by Alan 7 years ago 10

I was unable to find a way to get an external app to launch via a shortcut in ActionTiles via Fully Kiosk Browser. Despite what the Fully documentation says the URL and intent methods don't work...

However the javascript method does, therefore I have knocked together a quick bit of JS (mostly sourced from Stack Overflow!) which I have dumped in a plain old HTML page (to make hosting easier). No documentation yet but its very basic so not really required file is here

As a side it would be really handy to be able to use JS in ActionTiles! This is just one use, back navigation would be another etc..

Android Fire

Thank-you for your creative and innovative research, Faze! -- Especially for sharing it with the ActionTiles Community...

This is worth exploration and discussion.

We can't allow "arbitrary" JS to be added to ActionTiles as it would introduce a range of risks. We may, however, be able to come up with a way for "plug-ins" to be officially submitted, reviewed, and made available.

For basic functionality like "back navigation", though, it is a lot easier for us, and both simple and beneficial to the maximum number of Customers, to just offer Special Tiles for the most obvious and popular requests.

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Geo-Fence: Allow shared panel action only while on site

Olivier Massard 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Sharing updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

On top of the Pin code which is pretty cool, would it be possible to have a Geo-Fence functionality on the Panel, allowing only “on-site” Arm / disarm action? Could be good to prevent your guest or housekeeping to play around with the alarm while not onsite!

Android iOS

URL shortcuts to iOS Apps stopped working

brian sartor 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 19 2 duplicates

I have set up a URL shortcut to launch the Sonos App from my Action Tiles panel and it has been working fine until today. The shortcut is Sonos:// . It does still open the app when I test it by clicking on it within My Shortcuts but it doesn't work from the panels. Using Safari on iPad and/or iPhone.



Change Thermostat Mode (heat, cool, off)

John Miele 8 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 28

I have two CT-30 thermostats and they show up in Action Tiles just fine but I have no way of changing the mode or fan setting Heat/Cool/Off Fan On/Auto. I've seen on the Smart Tiles where people have switches put together but i think it would be ideal to have a drop down list or popup with options. I don't think a dedicated button would be necessary as it may lead to inadvertently changing the setting. Also, on the dual Thermostat tile, the mode shows idle when smartthing shows heating/cooling.


Wow. Looks great! Thanks for adding this functionality. One less reason to fall back to other apps.

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Ability to issue delayed or timed actuations?

Adam Lewis 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 2

I would love a way to delay the "clicking" of a tile by a certain amount time. For example, sometimes I need to run a device for 30 minutes. Not on a schedule or anything, just for 30 minutes. I wish I could delay the clicking of the tile for 30 minutes so that I could turn the device on, set the 30-minute timer, and be done. As it is now I have to come back in 30 minutes and turn the device off.


Adam, this could be easily done natively with "Smart Lighting" (SmartThings SmartApp). There's a feature there to turn off devices after a certain timeout.


RELEASE v6.6.1: Thermostat operating mode & related enhancements, iOS App Shortcut fix

Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago in Announcements / Release Notes updated 7 years ago 4

Overall, this is a minor release; though the improvements to Thermostat Control are really  COOL!!! 

Enhancements Detail:

  • Implemented Fan mode & Thermostat operation mode (cooling vs heating)
  • Ability to change tile size and orientation of Heating Thermostat, Cooling Thermostat. Notably, 1x1 minimal tile size is now available to optimize real estate.
  • New default size for Heating Thermostat, Cooling Thermostat tiles is now 2 wide x 1 tall:
    • Horizontal tiles flow better. The original thermostat tiles from SmartTiles were 1 wide x 2 tall, for the sake of being more interesting, but it doesn't flow quiet as nice as horizontal tiles (but tall orientation is still an option).
  • Changed thermostat setpoint buttons to +/- (replacing "^" type arrows).
  • Thermostat setpoint buttons are reduced in size to the standard MD-Icon-Button size. These buttons remain the same size across different tile sizes to maintain consistent size as secondary actions. This draws more attention and gives more space for thermostat setpoint value to be seen from distance, while being big enough to be interactive from close distance.
    • This is the new direction/standard for Tiles.This will be applied to the only other complex tile we have right now, which is the Music Player and whatever else we come up in the future.
  • Fix implemented for iOS Bug of on Shortcut Tiles: They should now be again able to open native Apps (if native app provides a URL).

We will update various open "Bug & Idea Topics" soon if their status has been affected.


RELEASE v6.6.0+023: PIN Protected SHM and many other Tiles. Few other touches.

Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago in Announcements / Release Notes updated 7 years ago 3

Featured enhancements...

  • Individual SHM (Smart Home Monitor), Mode Tile, Routines (and individual Routine) Tiles, Switch, Lock, Garage Door, Lock, Valve, Momentary... can now be set to "Interactive" (normal default behavior), "View Only", or "PIN Protected". Find these options under the Tile Options / Tile Security for each Tile you wish to PIN protect.
  • Note: All Tiles on a Panel instance share the same PIN code. Set this PIN code in Panel Settings.

  • Cue Card / Help has not been provided for this PIN feature yet. We encourage you to explore and comment on the complexity or simplicity of the feature.

Itemized Details

PIN code for individual Routine Tiles
PIN code for Image Capture, Momentary
PIN code for Lock, Valve
PIN for Garage Door
PIN code for Switch
PIN code for Modes Tile & Routines Tile
Tile security moved to a separate dialog
Rearrange icon changed to arrows.
Smoke, CO supports value "tested".
Bumped connection loss timeout from 5 sec to 15 sec
Fix for tile icons, tiles 3x2, 3x1
Prevent text selection on PIN pad.
Disable elastic scrolling for ios
Prevent pinch-zoom on ios safari
Added direct "big" button to AUTHORIZE on Location Viewer if Uninstalled Location.
Show Location ID on Location Viewer, Copy Location ID to clipboard
Removed overflow menu on Location View page.
Removed location settings page, merged to Location View page.
Location Viewer: changed everything to view-only
Add link from Tile Properties to Panel Properties#security
PIN unlock entry: Removed ENTER, DELETE, CLEAR buttons

We will update various open "Bug & Idea Topics" soon if their status has been affected.

⚠️ Security Alert:

PIN Protected Tiles are a super new Feature that we are proud to finally release.  But please heed this warning below regarding the inherent vulnerability of this Feature. This is not a design flaw -- it is the intentional behavior:

PIN Protection can be bypassed (with a little bit of effort) unless used by a Buddy using Shared PanelIn other words, if you are logged in as the creator of a Panel with PIN Protected Tiles, then whoever is using that browser can pretty easily edit the Panel and disable the PIN. But if you share the Panel to a Buddy, they cannot edit the Tiles or Tile Security Settings on the Panel, or add new Tiles, or change Panel Settings; and thus, it is much more secure.

We will be publishing a Knowledge Base / FAQ (and perhaps even a Blog and Video) to give a more comprehensive explanation of this. Your questions are welcome in the meantime, as they will help us know what the "Frequently Asked Questions" are that we will need to cover! 😁

Have a great weekend!


...Terry (& Alex)

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Support for Tesla browser

nimrooz 7 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 6

Would be great if it would support Tesla's browser's. 

Perhaps like:

But I wonder what the difference between your code and the is.

You know the expression: "you can't prove a negative"? That's what applies here. Just because some particular specific piece of code i.e., the website, is able to run, does not give us any clue as to what portion of our complex (but completely standards compliant!) ActionTiles web-app is not being handled properly by the Tesla browser.

My understanding is that their browser is very "locked down", and I presume a relationship-agreement is required in order to get the specifications and an emulator, etc., in order to the necessary debugging and possible accommodation of its quirks.

If you know of any other path to debug Tesla, we're open to hearing it.

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Slow to load when switching over on IPad

Tasmin 7 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Apple updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 3

My goal was to run this on an IPad with it being on a photo frame app most of the time, but double-clicking the home button to switch over to Action Tiles panel. However when I do this I see a white screen for up to 17 seconds before it loads the tiles. Is there another way to do this?

Answered: Discussion Open

Using jggdev weather link: How to use in Chile?

Andres 7 years ago in Media Tiles / Weather & Traffic updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 2

hi guys. Anyone here know how to customize the jggdev link to use another country? I'm currently in chile the code is cl but using the link.. is not working

For example this link show another country

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Timer display Tile - Capability "Timed Session"

rontalley 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

I am looking for a way to have a countdown or count-up timer displayed in ActionTiles that is direct correlation with a webCoRE Piston or any other App that can send out timer or schedule information.

I have many Pistons that are on Timers and instead of going in the App and then opening up whatever app that has the timer, I would like to mount a Table on the Wall with ActionTiles and easily have access to various timers.

Example 1. If back door has not been opened for 5 hours Then Nag the family:

webCoRE sets an internal timer counting up to 5 Hours

Action Tile Displays

Potty Time


Example 2. If dryer stays on for 1hr 30minutes then shut off and Nag the family

Action Tile Displays


30 minutes and counting upward to 1:30

Example 3. If Kitchen Lights are on and Motion is inactive Then wait 3 minutes Turn Off

Action Tile Displays

Kitchen Lights

-1:15 and counting down