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Yes/No icon or text for Switch Tile

TheChad 8 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Owen Stevens 7 years ago 4

Is there a type of simulated button or anything I can create in SmartThings that will allow me to create a Yes/No Tile?  Or a Red/Green Tile?

i.e.  If I have a sensor on the dog food container, and I want to create a tile called "Has Dog Been Fed?" and using Core set it to Yes or No for the day?  Or change the color to Green or Red?  I have the coding down and am setting a simulated switch on and off...but would rather have a tile say yes or no if possible...not just for the dog food but possible other uses too.  :)


Waiting for Customer

We have some complex Feature requests from folks wishing to display arbitrary numeric or text values from SmartThings on a Tile, but your request is a much simpler case:

  • If Yes/No are just like On/Off, then perhaps we can just provide icons that either say, or clearly represent, "Yes" and "No".
  • The ability to define the colors for Tiles of Things in the active vs inactive state is a part of a bigger scope effort on color customization.

Does this sound like it would fit your idea?


I think the yes/no option would work - if color changing came along later that would just be an added plus!

Waiting for Customer

We have some complex Feature requests from folks wishing to display arbitrary numeric or text values from SmartThings on a Tile, but your request is a much simpler case:

  • If Yes/No are just like On/Off, then perhaps we can just provide icons that either say, or clearly represent, "Yes" and "No".
  • The ability to define the colors for Tiles of Things in the active vs inactive state is a part of a bigger scope effort on color customization.

Does this sound like it would fit your idea?


I think the yes/no option would work - if color changing came along later that would just be an added plus!

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Great! I changed Topic to a Feature Request!

I love this idea, I'm tempted to impliment something similar for my dog, but this is quite a specific use case, perhaps the ability to customise the colour of the text and the background in each state would also work for this and considerably more use-cases? 

In the example above the text or icon could say anything but by making both the text and the background Red when 'off' and text and background green when "on" - It would be a clear indicator of a 'yes' and 'no'

Equally, for a door sensor the background could be red when open.

Or for a presence tile the background (or just the text if you prefer) could be green when someone is home

Or for a motion sensor, it could be red/orange when it detects movement. 

etc etc.