ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.
Panel shortcut - option to bind to switch
Hi, I'd like to request a feature by where it's possible to bind the status of a switch device (virtual etc) to how a panel shortcut tile is presented. The use case is that I have a master panel, which breaks out into several sub panels for the house; garage, pool control, office, etc. When something is going on in a given sub panel, I would like it to light up (accent), letting me know something is out of the ordinary. I control all this with a dedicated webcore piston, keeping an eye on the status of specific devices in a given area, flipping a virtual switch,placed as a (security:read-only) tile underneath each shortcut tile, It currently looks like this:
The It works as intended, however it's wasting valuable tile space.
In summary I'd love to see an option by which a shortcut tile's appearance could be modified by way of a switch.
Notification tile
I have some room sensors that work through smart life , is it possible to have a tile that notifies me of movement detected by triggering its tile to flash , icon change etc and even better trigger a sound ?
Only show tiles for Open windows and Doors?
Is there a way to make tiles "disappear" when they meet certain conditions? My use case is for the alarm - I only want to see tiles for the open windows and doors so that I can see at a glance if there are issues. Is that possible?
Feature request: "Show device status" checkbox for power meters
Hi Terry & Alex,
I have a small item which I'd hope you'd consider including in the next update (presuming universal text tiles aren't around the corner just yet)
As of today we have the "Show device status" in the footer section for switch-type tiles and others.
My ask is to have the same option on powermeter-type tiles
Why? Because power meters are the only tile which currently supports showing an integer, which I can fudge backstage
What do I need that for?
So I created a webcore piston, which among other things queries the page count of my printer via it's built in web interface. In the ST IDE I created a virtual power meter, which I'm displaying in AT with the caption "Page count". Unfortunately one can't turn off the footer text/device status for a power meter, so underneath the page count it reads "power (w)", which irks my persnickety sense of order in the cosmos.. :)
Hope this makes sense.
ADT ST Security Hub Arm / Disarm
Is it possible to arm / disarm (with pin) using the ADT ST Security Hub from a Tileset?
Hi Paul,
I changed your Question into a "Feature Request": Control of Arm/Disarm (and possibly other SmartThings ADT Security Hub functionality) is not a currently available ActionTiles function.
- SmartThings has not published an API or any specifications for controlling the ADT Security Hub features.
- SmartThings Community developers / power-users / hackers have discovered undocumented and unsupported APIs that seem to work.
- ActionTiles could attempt to use these APIs, but we always hesitate to use unsanctioned hooks.
- Since it is undocumented the functionality may be unstable and may change or be disabled by SmartThings and/or ADT at any time.
- As a "Works With SmartThings"™ (WWST) certified app, we might be penalized for using the unsanctioned API, even after putting in the effort, testing it, and rolling it out to our customers.
That said; if there is significant customer interest here ( Topic VOTES! ), we might consider taking the risk: Though, seriously, we would be much more happy if the indication of customer interest convinced SmartThings to officially open the API, or at least grant ActionTiles a formal exception.
How to: Plex Tiles!
I started this project some time ago just don't have time to make it a "official project/app."
A (very basic) PHP file uses the Tautulli API to get the most recently played movie TV show ETC and re-displays the image.
Possible upgrades if anyone is interested in forking it. Adding a global host and API Key, adding global specific methods to each action, image caching ETC..
- Some basic tech knowledge (I will answer some questions but have no plans of fully supporting this.)
- Plex (obviously)
- Tautulli - (Even if you don't want to do this, is still a great tool.)
- PHP web server
1. Enable the Tautulli API from: /settings#tab_tabs-web_interface
2. Get Tautulli API Key also at the bottom of that page.
3. Note all the section ids from /libraries using Tautulli (example: /library?section_id=8)
4. Save the attached file (recently_played.phprecently_played.php) to your web server.
5. Edit that file and add your $host and $api_key values (from step #2)
6. Add the media title to AT. This will be your web server url along with the section id. Example:
Map Attribute value to custom value in Tile Footer
I want to suggest a small change, but very important for my future projects.
I want to be able to change the tile status in the footer to a custom WORD status.
e.g.: When a contact sensor reports OPEN, the tile status should show ACTIVE, LIFTED or NOTHING AT ALL. -or- When that contact sensor is CLOSED, the tile status should show INACTIVE, LOCKED or NOTHING AT ALL. Same thing for other sensors.
Please check the picture attached to have a better idea. Please thumbs up in case you guys like the change.
is there a way to make an infomation tile also execute a seperate url command?
Dynamic Panel Shortcut?
Is there anyway to create a panel shortcut tile that can return you to whatever previous panel you came from?
At present I have four Fire Tablets around the house and I am at a point where I have enough smart devices in my home that I have them grouped across several Action Tiles panels: Bedrooms, Kitchen/Living Room, Basement, Yard, Cameras.On each table I have a home page panel that is unique that tablet location with location specific content. At the bottom of that panel I have a set of panel shortcuts to navigate to the shared panels mentioned above.
From the Home page panel (Kitchen home page panel shown below) I can navigate to any of the shared panels such as the Downstairs panel show below that. However, the only way back to the main menu I came from would be to have a main menu button to go to each tablet home page or an addition shared page with panel shortcuts for each. The panel shortcut tiles needed for the first idea eat up to much screen real-estate. the second idea works but requires two steps to get back to a main menu.
What I would like to do instead is have the main menu panel shortcut tiles trigger a script that notes what main menu I came from before sending me to the sub panel. And, when use the Main Menu panel shortcut tile on that sub panel to return the script then sends me back to where I came from.
Any ideas on how to do that? I'm wondering if I can use a URL shortcut tile instead of panel shortcuts and use those to trigger a script that would manage this...
Any ideas or input would be greatly appreciated.
Tom G.
Lighting Presets
Just wanted to share some work I did to create lighting pre-sets (but really can apply to any controls that have varied levels for which you want to create presets. WiIl recommend trying only if you have familiarity with Webcore, and using IDE. Will also welcome the community's input on this - I'm new to the game and still learning the ropes.
Also the only advantage of this versus doing through setting up a couple routines is the ability to show which preset is active (i.e. on/off and will only show one active and other off at any time), which probably only appears to obsessives like myself :-)
1. Create simulated dimmer via Smartthings IDE. I've found the ST Classic Smartapp for creating virtual devices to be a bit wonky, so will recommend the manual method through IDE. (, but select simulated switch. Create one for each pre-set (example, High, Medium, Low, Off)
2. Add these devices to Actiontiles through the Smartapp
3. Create a Webcore Piston such that when a switch is flipped on, the other switches in that preset will flip off (eg if High is On, then Medium, Low, Off are turn off). Don't link any of these simulated switches to other devices. Below you will see my example.
4. Optional: Create an additional Webcore Piston that will "sync" your switches in case you have other devices/automations/manually controls that change light states. For example, I have other simple switches around the apartment that will turn on and off these same lights, and I wanted my panel to be synced to this. I also included my piston as an example below - note that it will have odd behavior at times since I think Smartthings devices don't all report status instantaneously, I've tried my best to use execution delays and a "pause" variable to prevent an unintended loop (where my "clean up" piston changes the state of a preset switch, which then triggers another run of the clean up piston - this causes a 10s delay as Webcore pauses execution to break the loop (you will see "paused at semaphore" in the logs). For the below, I purposely left the clean up such that all the preset buttons are turned off if the lights are set something other than one of my presets.
5. Add tiles to Actiontiles that correspond to the switches. See my panel below as an example.
Note: the fuzziness in the screenshot is not a function of Actiontiles, I have some issues with my Fire and awaiting a replacement.
If the above screenshots don't work, here are the picture files:
Living Room Presets.png
Living Room Preset Cleanup.png
Annotation 2020-01-25 221639.png
Colour picker not showing up for my device
I'm having issues getting the colour picker to show up in ActionTiles when using an H801 RGB device. It will show the current colour of the LED strip at the bottom of the switch tile but I can't see any way to enter the colour picker menu.
I saw previous threads around ensuring the color, hue and saturation attributes are populated correctly and that appears to be the case.
Creating Multi-Section Panels using iFRAMES
Some people are wondering how I created my iframe Action Tiles panel and I wanted to share a very simple guideline here.
First of all, if you want to use Iframes your pages must be hosted either in a local web server or one of those cheap web hosting sites. Creating a local host is actually a very simple process.
Let me share how my iPad on the wall looks like:
This is a simple webpage with a bunch of Iframes in it.
Each frame reads a panel URL or Jpeg picture from the server.
If we break it down it would look like this:
And if I took everything out, it would look like this:
You can use any webpage editor to create Iframes. You just give the coordinates, the size and that's it. I even saw online iframe creators while searching for ways to do this.
Here is an example of how Iframe looks like in an editor:
Pros :
- Your imagination is your limit:) You can create amazing looking panels.
- You don't have to switch between the panels. you can direct an URL to any Iframe you want.
Cons :
- Tablet browsers are not in love with Iframes. Especially older models. Maybe once a month or so I see my browser just shut down, I have to start the browser again. (though that might be due to camera feeds, not to sure)
- addition to above, Ipads are sooo not friendly to iframes:)) (2015 and earlier)
Please feel free to ask any questions (keep in mind I am not a coder and/or web site designer, just a hobbyist:)))
Bigger time tile
Is it possible to have the Time/Date tiles to formatted differently? i.e bigger font for the date, bigger overall tile, reduce space between the date and the time, etc? I don't have much on my dashboard at the moment, so my idea is to have a time/date tile to take up most of the screen space, so I could use it as a wall clock.
Radio buttons anyone?
Hi, wondering if anyone else are doing something along these lines.
I have several devices for which I wish to offer a set of choices using tiles.
Example 1: Run poolpump at 1200, 2900 or 3450 rpm
Example 2: Run sprinklers for 5, 10 or 20 minutes.
Example 3: Pan outdoor camera to position 1,2,3...N
So far I've manage to McGyver this by creating tiles for virtual switches and having a CASE statement in webcore turn the others off when one is pushed, setting variable values as required (if anyone wants to know how to set it up, contact me separately):
the above all works nicely, but it's slooow. Some times it can take up to 5-8 seconds before the previous button in an emulated radio button set is released as I have to wait for webcore to flip the other switches and do it's thing.
Dear Terry/Alex. Was wondering if you had given though to if it was possible to somehow bring this capability into AT? As I'm sure you'd agree given the few examples above, the possibilities are vast and many.
I suppose that besides my webcore-frankensteining multiple tiles into one radio-button, there are other more neat and efficient ways to implement a selection GUI element (perhaps a single tile offering the equivalent of dropdown selection box?)
However I guess the real question is how to communicate said selection back to smartthings. What if it was agreed to use a custom virtual button/button panel DTH, where the button pressed was equivalent to the selection? Would that make any sense?
Even though this feature request probably would not be around the corner any time soon, I'd love to hear your initial thoughts on it
We are not planning on interfacing directly to various non-SmartThings platforms (be it Plex, Wink, Vera, Home Assistant, ...) at this time.
If someone develops a conforming "Media Controller" Device Type Handler for Plex for SmartThings, then ActionTiles's Media Control Tile will interface with it.
All or Multiple Contact Sensors Tile and Multiple (view-only) Switches Tile
How about a tile that combines multiple contact sensors? On my phone it takes up a lot of space to have a tile for each sensor. Could we have one that says "All doors - closed / Door open". Then if a door is open have a pop up window that lists the open doors.
Another description from Merged Topic:
Would it be possible to add a summary tile, for the purpose of summarizing a bunch of similar devices?
For example - if any open/close sensor (in a specified group of sensors) is open, display an orange tile, else a gray tile. Possibly if you tap on the tile it would take you to a user-defined panel (which the user would have set up up to display the appropriate devices).
I thought about setting up a virtual switch, but I don't see a way to have that switch represent "all windows closed" vs. "any window open".
Another example (more complicated than I need, but might be useful to some) - the average, minimum, and maximum temperatures of a set of temperature sensors.
My rationale - on my main panel I have an "at a glance" section that displays the status of three doors (open/closed) and two door locks (locked/unlocked). I have now added 6 window sensors, which would make the "at a glance" be more like a novel.
"Connecting" displays weekly.
I've got action tiles on my iPad which is amazing when it works. At least once a week I've noticed that when I get up it is displaying "connecting" with the spinning orange icon. I end up needing to delete the bookmark, add the bookmark again, sign back in and it will work for a few days and go back to "connecting". Any solutions if you've ran into this before? Thank you!
ActionTiles has a tolerance of 15 seconds to network outages and should resume operation when Internet connection is restored.. Network outages could be caused by any of the following.
- Internet outage
- WIFI / local network outage
- Power/network management of the client device
Considering that we have no other report of this problem, it looks like this problem is fairly uncommon. I can only attribute it to some far-flung network/hardware issues.
We could add a "refresh" button that would appear when ActionTiles is "connecting", but I'm not sure if it will solve anything if the browser thinks there's no internet.
We also have a feature request to reboot the Panels periodically, we will have to revisit this task,
Please let us know if there's any other information that can help us to resolve this glitch.
Weather Tile That uses a forecast to output what kids should wear?
My wife has challenged me to create a tile that looks at the weather forecast for the day and tells the kids what kind of clothes/coats to wear that day (Michigan weather...right?)
Before I go down this journey of discovery I was wondering if anyone has done anything like this? Essentially I believe that it needs to call on something like openweather and then output based on parameters i set. It then needs to create a jpg of that and deploy it to a webserver that i'll run off a raspberry pi with python.
Worse comes to worse i'll just do an excel formula on a cheap screen, point a RPI camera at it and stream that. (i've got that code).
Any ideas?
Final update if anyone cares.
I basically followed this guide:
I connected the open weather data and to pull it in.
I then made a clean sheet in the front that had formulas to determine if its going to rain/snow or require jackets. I created a bash script that ran the phantomjs function and then did a curl function to that uploaded that file to the free website I got.
Put that URL into the media spot and done! It auto updates hourly and even comes with Icons to show the weather.
Custom Location Modes
I created 2 custom location modes in the SmartThings IDE, but only the 3 standard location modes are available when I tap on the ActionTile Mode tile.
House floor plan (using a background image) and transparent icons?
I’d like to arrange the icons on my house plan.
Is it possible update actiontiles to add a back ground image and semitransparent icons?
It will be not easy to arrange the icon exactly on the hose map right position, but feasible.
Samething like this:
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