ADT ST Security Hub Arm / Disarm
Is it possible to arm / disarm (with pin) using the ADT ST Security Hub from a Tileset?

Hi Paul,
I changed your Question into a "Feature Request": Control of Arm/Disarm (and possibly other SmartThings ADT Security Hub functionality) is not a currently available ActionTiles function.
- SmartThings has not published an API or any specifications for controlling the ADT Security Hub features.
- SmartThings Community developers / power-users / hackers have discovered undocumented and unsupported APIs that seem to work.
- ActionTiles could attempt to use these APIs, but we always hesitate to use unsanctioned hooks.
- Since it is undocumented the functionality may be unstable and may change or be disabled by SmartThings and/or ADT at any time.
- As a "Works With SmartThings"™ (WWST) certified app, we might be penalized for using the unsanctioned API, even after putting in the effort, testing it, and rolling it out to our customers.
That said; if there is significant customer interest here ( Topic VOTES! ), we might consider taking the risk: Though, seriously, we would be much more happy if the indication of customer interest convinced SmartThings to officially open the API, or at least grant ActionTiles a formal exception.

Thanks for your response. I've been troubleshooting for days trying to figure this one out.
How are other people arming / disarming from the Tilesets? Using non ADT hubs?
Thanks, _paul

Not all that many people have purchased the SmartThings ADT Security Hub, yet, I presume. If they were and they all contacted SmartThings support... maybe the API would be updated to at least allow Routines to arm/disarm (etc!).

I contacted SmartThings support about not being able to arm/disarm ADT SmartThings security system using ActionTiles. They claim that it was a stipulation of ADT for reliability of their security system. He also said he would sent in a request to allow ActionTiles to arm/disarm the system.
I'm not holding my breath on that one. If enough customers complain, maybe SmartThings will do something.

Thank-you for having checked with SmartThings and letting us know their answer. Indeed, it sounds completely accurate. SmartThings Support always passes along customers' feature requests to product management and engineering, but we don't know what threshold of interest is required for them to be influenced.

If there is anyway possible to make this work, would be greatly appreciated. I have added a URL to open smartthings, but i can't passcode protect a URL Tile. So if an intruder tapped on the ADT panel Tile, they would be right in.
I'm in a 3 story house, we enter sometimes through the main floor & sometimes through the basement (garage is in the basement, circle drive to the front door on the main floor). The goal is to put a tablet in all 3 floors but to start off, the Smartthings ADT panel is mounted on the main floor. I wanted to mount a tablet in the basment so i can disarm the panel in the allowed time. Sounds easy to go up or down the stairs in 30 seconds but not when you have a 3 yr old & 18 month old.
The ability to passcode protect the URL Tile would be a good workaround for my situation. I can turn on Thumbprint verification in Smartthings but that gets annoying real quick as much as i'm in smartthings. When the weather gets cold, the skin on my thumb starts to peel & makes the thumbprint recognition not work so well (and then i'm locked into an Ipad when i wanted to try a cheaper tablet). Please help!!!

Until (if) we add PIN to the URL Tile, Steeler, I recommend using one of the existing Tiles that offer PIN Protection, like Switch or Lock. These can be based on a simulated (virtual) device instance in SmartThings.
Such Virtual Switches can already be "easily" linked to ADT Armed Mode by using WebCoRE.
We'd love to support ADT Armed Mode directly, but please reference the current Answer to this Topic ... i.e., SmartThings is not offering us an API, and with the relatively low level of customer interest (9 votes), we don't have incentive to pushback hard on them. Frankly, the only way to make this happen officially will be to ask our Customers to raise the issue directly to them in large numbers.

I was just searching the Internet for options with ActionTiles and my Samsung Smartthings ADT panel. The tool/application below seems to be an excellent option. I have not played with it yet, but seems to do some of the things people mention above.

Any news about this topic? Not only I am unable to arm and disarm the alarm (Samsung ADT Gen.1) with ActionTiles, I cannot read the actual status. Or is it a setting that I don't know of?
Thanks in advance!

After adding the mavrrick apps, https://community.smartthings.com/t/released-adt-tools-2-for-smartthings-adt-alarm-sytsems/124951, I am able to arm, disarm, see status without issues in actiontiles. While I can not recall exactly how to set it up I am sure mavrrick has instructions. Very satisfied. My family uses the disarm everyday.

Thanks for the quick response Shane! Nothing really comes easy huh..? :-)
Okay the next couple of days I'll check for mavrrick apps (is that actually an App for Action Tiles?).

it is a SmartApp that would be added to your SmartThings. When the installation is complete there will be maybe 3 new "devices". These devices will be the tiles in Actiontiles.

Thanks again Shane! I was able to install SmartApp "ADT Tools 2" and see it in SmartThings. I am able to add, select and adjust settings. One of them is creating virtual buttons for the mode change (or is that something else?) functionality. Don't see those virtual buttons and so far it's not working... What am I missing?

Ah, some good news is that the status is displayed in AT; I just now cannot arm/disarm. I'am getting closer! ;-)

Great news! It sure is good to have something to do during these times and technology challenges is a great way to consume time. Myself working on learning Linux.
This site, http://thingsthataresmart.wiki/index.php?title=ADT_tools_2, seems to have a more details on installing. Look for the virtual buttons section. Hopefully that will clear things up.
I went a step further and have things configured so when someone locks/unlocks my Smart Schlage lock it automatically arms/disarms ADT. Here is the SmartApp for this. http://smartthings.rboyapps.com/
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Paul,
I changed your Question into a "Feature Request": Control of Arm/Disarm (and possibly other SmartThings ADT Security Hub functionality) is not a currently available ActionTiles function.
That said; if there is significant customer interest here ( Topic VOTES! ), we might consider taking the risk: Though, seriously, we would be much more happy if the indication of customer interest convinced SmartThings to officially open the API, or at least grant ActionTiles a formal exception.