ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.
New How to turn off multiple lights. from one tile named Kitchen
I have linked to my location and pulled all my devices. I can create a tile for each light and turn off/on but how do I say add two bedroom lights under one tile. so the both turn on/off. I tried creating a routine that says bedroom on and bedroom off but could not get them into actiontile. Im familiar with how to do this in hue and wink, but im lost on this please help.
As of June 2018, I think the best way to control multiple lights with a single Tile is to use a combination of Smart Lighting and a virtual switch.
This is a straight forward and native method that works locally if you want to tie the master switch to other automations.
- In SmartThings mobile app, go to Automations / Add a SmartApp > More > Virtual Device Creator : create a new virtual switch/dimmer.
- Then, go to Add a SmartApp > Lights & Switches > Smart Lighting > New Lighting Automation.
- select devices you want to control
- under "What do you want to do?" select "Mirror Behavior"
- under "Mirror which switch" select the virtual switch that you created in the first step
- Now, the master switch can be added as a Tile.
- If you don't see the newly created virtual switch in your ActionTiles device inventory, in ActionTiles go to My Locations / <Location> and tap SYNCHRONIZE.
Alternatively, if you don't want to create a virtual switch, you may chose to designate one of the devices in the group as the master switch. Using Smart Lighting for grouping lights is the official SmartThings way to handle this use case.
Show multiple sensors of same or similar Type on a single Tile
I'm thinking if maybe will be possible to group/combine some sensor info in only 1 Tile, so we can save space for others tiles, and that maybe will help when you have a limit space to add your tiles, like small table or Cell.
For example in my case I have 4 Ecobee Sensor and planing to add more as I like to know the Temperature/Presence inside the house at the room level
Same maybe can be for example same sensor that also give you the Presence in the area were the sensor is located.
For example this is what I have now:
And if we combine those ones can be as below:
Asking if possible as those sensor only provide information, so there is any interaction with then. Also maybe we can have different positions or maybe the tile should/can be larger.
Thanks in advance.
Jose Bourdier.
Important notifications
There are some notifications (alerts?) that require attention (e.g., water leaks, refrigerator door left open, etc). It'd be nice if those could result in a dialog pop-up window overlayed on the Action Tiles page and would require acknowledgement / dismissal by the user.
(We like this idea and it may be a duplicate, but Votes will automatically be merged if I find relevant similarities.)
Using the thermostat outside temperature in a tile
I have the Ecobee suite smartapp installed to read Ecobee thermostat and remote sensor data. Is there a way to take the outside temperature attribute of this device and put it on a tile? I figured if I am already getting the weather from Ecobee why make calls to other services on the internet. I am attaching a screen shot of the variable that hold that value as a reference
French (français) language availability
Hi everyone,
I'm new to ActionTiles and I'm searching how to change the display language to french. Not on the Panel Builder but on the view portion.
I want the clock to display "Lundi" in place of "Monday" and the date to be "28 Mai" in place of "MAY 28". Samething for the presence tile, door lock, etc.
At this time, SmartThings is an English language only platform. All the developer documentation is only in English, and, more relevantly, all enumerated state values are explicitly in english, and SmartThings does not yet provide any sort of internationalization / localization / translation engine.
For example, here are the specifications for a "Lock":
So notice:
- The Capability and Attribute is hardcoded to be called "lock" ... not "serrure" (pardon my French).
- The ENUM (enumerated) valid State Value are "locked / unknown / unlocked" ... not "fermé / inconnu / déverrouillé".
Samsung is planning to take SmartThings to global markets ("all of them") and is already working on internationalization of stuff; but they have not shared the details of this. We do not know how they will implement translation functionality for SmartApps, or if it will be entirely the responsibility of the 3rd party App itself.
Our resources are limited, so we certainly don't want to spend time on implementing internationalization / localization; especially if SmartThings may provide this functionality for us!
"Pages" of different panels?
I'm a complete noob to AT so I'm sure I'm not doing this the correct way but I'm hoping someone could kindly nudge me in the right direction. I created my first panel and setup things I'd like visible right up front. I'm using Fire 7 tables so the screen real estate is limited. I currently have shortcut's on the main panel that open up my "lighting panel" and another "sprinkler panel" but by doing it this way, it's actually creating a new tab in the browser each time a shortcut is pressed.
What's the correct way of accomplishing this?
PIN Input doesn't show progress indicators as digits tapped.
hi all,
Now, I'm not sure if i'm going crazy or not but....
I'm sure when i first got ActionTiles about 4 - 5 months ago, when entering the PIN, it used to update and show you having entered a number. Now, when you press a number it waits until the full PIN has been entered before displaying that you have entered a PIN.
Is it just me actually going crazy or did this change? If it did change...Can we have the old way back please :)
Show user who activated Thing (e.g on/off) in SmartThings "Recently" Event Feed
Is there any way to add some sort of user identification in the device event log in the SmartThings app for who performed the action? This would be nice when sharing panels.
Smoke and CO Tiles show "Tested" as status
I have 3 smoke alarm / CO detectors. Two correctly shows the status as clear. The third one shows the CO status as "tested".
SmartThings, it shows the status correctly.
I've tried retesting the alarm to clear the status, remove and reads the tile, but no luck. Any thoughts?
Fixed in Release v6.8.0+027 today. Please contact with related questions.
Temperature Icons
Hi -- I'm wondering why in the Builder, the temperature and humidity icons have their respective appropriate icons – but in the panel, they show as battery icons. I attached screenshots as an example.
The icons in screenshots are battery indicators. They show percentage of battery remaining.
There are some enhancement requests to show numeric percentage in addition to/instead of battery icons.
Cycle through Panels every few minutes
Hello , Can we have a new feature that allows automatic transition between panels, based on time.
So for example every 2 minutes panel changes to your next panel and so on. This way when displayed on a tablet in the home (often wall mounted) you could have a panel for status, one for sensors , camera etc.
Please vote for this one.
Report or display timestamp of last Event for sensors, etc.
I don't need a full event history, but I would like to see a timestamp for the last event. Specifically, the last event for motion sensors and presence sensors.
Foreign International Extended Unicode (European, Asian, etc) ÅÄÖ characters not being imported from SmartThings Thing labels
Hi, live in Sweden and have the letters ÅÄÖ in the alphabet. After the last update, these letters appear as a question mark. Can I do anything to fix this myself? Exampel: V�der
Hi Hans,
Thanks for reporting this issue with foreign/extended unicode characters not being imported from SmartThings Thing Labels:
- We are investigating the root cause. It is certainly an undesired and unforeseen effect of our v6.4 SmartApp update Tuesday, but we don't know yet if it is fixable.
- In the meantime, a partial workaround is to use the custom Tile Label option on each affected Tile in each Panel. Use the Tile Settings menu in the Tiles List on the Panel Builder Page.
Idea: Global City Tile (weather and time local to city...)
Name of city, local time (regardless of my time zone), current weather icon and temperature, forecast hi/lo, sunrise sunset. Searchable by zip code. Custom Label. (i'd like one for where each of my kids live)
Useful App: Audify for announcements
I just installed the Android app "Audify" on my Nexus 9 tablet that runs my ActionTiles panel. Now whenever I get any SmartThings push notifications, the announcement is made through my tablet's speaker. For now it announces when any of my homes outside doors are opened and also when someone opens my mailbox. You can even cast announcements to all your Google Home speakers.
Account logs and conditional login restrictions?
Is it possible to share a panel?:
- only when the user is at the location
- only in a schedule time interval
- when the user is at location with a panel and with another panel when the user is away
Is it possible to see with AT, (real time) logs with what users are use the panels now and what time was spent at location each user?
Thank you.
Confirmation dialog option for Tiles? "Are you sure?"
Is there a possibility to get an option to get a pop up question if you are sure you want to do an action? I have created a routine, "panic button" which turns on the sirens, all the lights and locks the doors.
It would be nice to get an "are you sure you want to do this" confirmation to prevent accidental pressing. I currently have it pin protected, but that could be to cumbersome in an actual emergency. Thank you!
Option Thermostat Tiles to show config drawer on Tap
I find the three eclipses on the thermostat tiles to be hard to target on smaller displays and unintuitive for some. It would be nice to have the option to forgo +/- and the “...” and have it set to just pop up the control draw for the thermostat on topping the tile.
Pet food scheduler - every other day?
Hi Everyone - loving ActionTiles and have a tablet permanently mounted in the kitchen for monitoring, weather and lighting scene control. We have a turtle that gets fed once every 2 days - but it's easy to forget which day she was fed and difficult to know if someone else fed her already.
I was thinking ActionTiles could help here. Two possible designs;
1. A tile that lights up at a pre-programmed time every other day. Pressing the tile would turn it off. Smartthings can almost do this as a routine (turn on a virtual switch at a certain time). The limitation is that it can't do "every other day" only specific days of the week).
2. A calendar view that highlights every other day with a way to check off the highlighted days somehow.
Does anyone have an idea on how to implement either option?
How to call or activate a Scene? SmartThings Scene Tiles?
SmartThings just added them to their App and you can now set them up.
SmartThings has not provided SmartApps (like ActionTiles) with the ability to directly Activate (trigger, call) a Scene.
Easy Workaround!
The easy workaround is to create a trivial "cover-Routine" for each one of your Scenes and have it trigger the Scene. Perhaps name these Routines "!Scene scene name" or "zScene scene name" so they are all grouped alphabetically in your Routines List.
You can then use these "Scene Routines" like any Routine:
- As a Routines (plural) List Tile
- and/or Individual Routine Tile(s)
Just like a Routine, a Scene is a "momentary pushbutton". It does not change state when you tap it. There is no "Scene On" / "Scene Off". A Scene is "activated" just as a Routine is "executed".
If SmartThings opens up a direct API to Scenes, we would make them their own new special Tile Type... though they would act the same as Routine Tiles anyway. We would just give them different default icons!
Customer support service by UserEcho