ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

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ActionTiles switches to different panel on its own

thenrich 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 7

I have a “main” panel (overview/dashboard) with a tile to open a “lights” panel (that has ALL the light controls). Every couple days, the dashboard just switches itself to the lights panel. I’ll go to bed and it’s on the main panel, then in the morning it’s on the lights panel. Neither my wife nor me touched it in the meantime.

help? not a huge issue but definitely annoying when the point of the main view is to be the ever-present overview at a glance.

running through FullyKiosk on an Amazon Fire HD 8, if it makes a difference.

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added an additional tablet to actiontiles on same account

SugarVee 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Sharing updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 1

I have been using actiontiles on Fire HD10 tablet for awhile now and am adding an additional tablet. I tried sharing panels and that worked well except I am not able to view my Camera feeds. So I bought another license, but I am not sure how to see the same panels. What am I missing? Thanks

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Custom tiles: group room information/controls into a single tile

SteveP 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Tom Bering 4 years ago 2

Not sure if there is already a feature request for this, couldnt find it, but please point me to it if there is.

I would like to group information/tiles for a single room. I know have different tiles from a single device, that really clutters the screen if you have a lot of rooms. Ideally you would also be able to include a light group/virtual switch

So the ideal user case, for example in case of heating/temp/humidity

min 2x2 tile


Thermostat -  20*  +

Room temperature 26*

Humidity 40%

Lights OFF  /  ON or icon

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Actions Tile App (android) can it default to a Panel

Rey Rios 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 3

I have AT app on my Android phone.  When I open the app, it does not go to my preferred panel (starred) but to My Panels.  I would like to always go to my starred panel called Phone.  Is there a way to do this in the app?

I don't want to use an URL because it does not (or I don't know) how to always open in full mode.  I would not like to install another browser if possible (like Full Kiosk)


Change value into variable

Gian Marco 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 1

Image 5157


my necessity is change a numeric value into a variable by my action tiles panel …

I’d like to a simulated thermostat (not %) but without the options of a normal thermostat (only up - down and numeric value).

I tried Simulated Dimmer switch but it’s not really that I want …

Can you help me ?

Answered: Discussion Open

ST Anything Virtual Contact Sensors

Kevin Ruschman 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Cesar Guiterrez 4 years ago 4

I currently have an Arduino with SmartShield running ST Anything with 4 virtual contact sensors. Is there any way to get the individual virtual contact sensors to show in ActionTiles? I don't think I can just add the capabilities to the DH because that would only be for the Arduino itself and not the virtual sensors. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Kevin,

See if the concept of "Composite Devices" is applicable in your case.

ActionTiles is able to display only standard Capabilities.


Can mobile app be made to go straight to a panel by default?

Inge Jones 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated 4 years ago 4

I am trying to set it up on my Fire 7 and I have the Amazon store version of the app installed. Now on a Fire, you can't add URL shortcuts to the home screen so I was hoping to use the App icon which is on my homescreen and have it go straight to displaying a particular panel. This should only apply to that one device - obviously if I log in via my PC I want to be able to access the whole caboodle for configuration purposes.


ActionTiles integrated to my Grafana dashboard

Conrad 6 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated 4 years ago 10

I integrated ActionTiles in to my Grafana dashboard. I'm currently just using it for status.

Here's how the dashboard looks like.

Image 2712

This is how the display looks like on the wall. (Note: I didn't have AT integrated at the time I took the photo)

Image 2713

Although I can't turn devices on/off, I still think it turned out pretty cool!


iFrame Tiles (web page embedding)

dennybono 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 5 years ago 87 4 duplicates

It would be nice to be able to display a small iframe "tile" on my panel. For example my access points have apis that allow me to view their status. I'd like to show that on my panel.

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Wishlist: A Few Suggestions?

mr smith 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 5 years ago 1

Hello all!

I am a huge fan/user/advocate of ActionTiles!! I love all of the new formatting features too! I've spent a lot of quality time today updating our panels and Tilesets and I have a few wish list items I'd love to see in future versions/releases/updates:

  1. Tilesets: I notice that I'm creating a lot of Tilesets that are the same as others I've created in other panels. Now I know I can just go to that other Panel and copy the Tileset to the new Panel but I'd love to be able to "go and get" a copy of the Tileset FROM the current Panel.
  2. Tilesets: I think it would be absolutely cool to have a Tileset be a clone of another. In other words, changes in a source Tileset reflect in all of the cloned instances. This allows edits to a master Tileset to update in all the places the Tileset is used. Editing any one of them reflects in all of the others, etc.
  3. Tiles: Set an icon for a Tile once. For example, when I add "Kitchen Light" to a Panel I have to go in and change the icon for every instance. It's always the same light and so its icon should be set only once and show wherever "Kitchen Light" appears in any Panel/Tileset. > A HUGE timesaver. :)
  4. Panels: Would love to have a checkbox that allows "Show this Tileset on (at the top of bottom of) ALL Panels" This would be great for say three at the top that serve as "tabs" or a row of "rooms in the house" at the bottom of every panel, etc. Very useful for brining it all together into one house and another huge timesaver.
  5. Tile: Make the three dots bigger? I can't tell you how many times I fat-finger the screen when trying to hit those little tiny dots.

Oh, and one more I think I've already told you about: Absolute Must: Must be able to control color temperature. This is a make or break function for anyone who has Sylvania or Hue lights (or others).

Thank you for an amazing product! Keep up the good work and keep the updates coming!


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Ability to show a switch as a contact sensor

Neil Dingwall 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by James Batchelor 5 years ago 4

By way of background I use the elements theme because I find the different colors for different types of tile make for good visual grouping.

I have 10 or so contact sensors which are grouped together and appear as orange. However I am using some wyze contact sensors which are used via ifttt to set a virtual switch in smartthings. Therefore these “contact sensors” show as on/off on green tiles.

It would be helpful to be able to choose to represent  switches as contact sensors to fix this.

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Native Panel Navigation - Wrapper

Greg Walker 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by James Batchelor 5 years ago 3

I know many people set up a Navigation Bar at the top or the side of each of panels using Panel tiles. An existing feature request mentions that since you can’t have a Panel tile for the panel it’s on, (i.e., Panel—>Self), a consistent navigation bar is not quite possible. 

Also, using up a whole tile row/column for just panel navigation is a bit wasteful on precious wall panel real estate. I thought I had previously seen a request for quarter-height or other fractional tile sizes, but can’t find it right now. In any case, I think it would be a widely used feature if AT simply added an option to create a Panel wrapper to fit in a more confined space. Implemented as a native AT feature would save the trouble of users having to write/customize their own wrapper HTML, such as the LCARS interface documented on the ST Community. See photo of my example:

Answered: Discussion Open

Getting ActionTiles to Autostart on Android Tablet

Wallace 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by justindm6 5 years ago 20

I am attempting to create a Smartthings "Wall Panel" using an Android Tablet and ActionTiles. I have downloaded Tasker, Motion Detector and AutoStart ( But I am unable to figure out how to have my ActionTiles Panel automatically open when the tablet is turned on. It does not show as an App in AutoStart, nor have a I figured out how to call it in Tasker. Any help?

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Panel Loops

Greg Walker 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Kevin1 5 years ago 3

I would like to see a feature where I could create a Loop for a set of panels. The Loop would have its own Public URL, and would automatically transition from one panel’s Public URL to the next, with a user-specified delay. An option to refresh or not for each panel in a Loop sequence would be a good idea. Users accessing a Loop’s Public URL would naturally have to have permissions assigned to view the panels included in the Loop sequence.

For passive display-only panels, this should be fairly simple. It no doubt gets trickier if a user begins interacting with a panel. The Loop mechanism would need a way to pause or halt the sequence, plus a manual or timeout-based method for resuming the sequence.

For a lot of people, this would obviate the need to use Dakboard as a screensaver to prevent burn-in issues. It would also open up a lot of new use cases for AT, especially with the new iFrames feature.


Tiles color

Gian Marco 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) 0

I use action tiles for a few months and I am satisfied but more I implement it more I learn that 4 colors for tiles are few. One or two colors extra will be possible in the future ?


August Lock Functionality

Craig Thomas 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated 5 years ago 4


I was excited that August Smart Locks are now officially supported in SmartThings. Post here (

I have this set up and working in SmartThings. When I added it to ActionTiles today, I am able to see it and create a lock tile and a sensor tile. However, is there any way to combine these similar to my Garage Door tile with MyQ rather than having 2 tiles?

The type in is showing it as "placeholder" with "No states found." Just curious if there is anything else that can be done or I should select to make this better.


Craig T.


Intent URL for Google Chrome Remote Desktop for IOS

naps 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles 0

Would anyone have the launch url for the chrome remote desktop app on the ipad. I would like to open that app with a special tile.


IKEA FYRTUR Window blinds

PaddaOnIce 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 5 years ago 7

Hi all,

I have  IKEA FYRTUR Window blinds and on my Actionstiles I only see a Battery, no switch option. This is despite that in ST and in the ST app, I have full control of thye blinds including opening and closing. It would be really great to have my blinds on my Actiontiles tablets. 

Any ideas? 



How to add Sticky Notes

Adrew 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated 5 years ago 2

Hi all !

I looked around the forum but didn't find anything written on this other than a request.

Here's how to have sticky notes in AT (I wanted an easy way for everybody at home to be able to leave and delete notes)

I downloaded: Sticky Notes from the play store

Then in AT add a shortcut in My Shortcuts; use this link (and add the name you want):


Now add this shortcut tile to your Panel and you're good to go ! A sticky note will appear and will stay on-screen at all time until deleted.

(I did this on my fire tablet but I'm assuming it will be the same on all android devices)


Feature request: Folders for panels, media and shortcuts

Max R 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) 0

Hi, I'm coming up on quite the number of panels, shortcuts and media for various purposes.

I would like to suggest implementation of administrative folders. Initially they don't have to serve any other purpose than organizing panels. For example, I have a number of panels called ZBackup-<panelname> which drops them to the end of the list, however it would be nice to be able to get them off the main list of panels.

I think there's some legs to this idea as a later iteration of this folder feature perhaps could allow setting common configuration for the items in said folder, for example change theme for all panels in folder. This could address the feature request to assign default themes:

