
IKEA FYRTUR Window blinds

PaddaOnIce 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 7

Hi all,

I have  IKEA FYRTUR Window blinds and on my Actionstiles I only see a Battery, no switch option. This is despite that in ST and in the ST app, I have full control of thye blinds including opening and closing. It would be really great to have my blinds on my Actiontiles tablets. 

Any ideas? 



I just purchased and installed the Ikea blinds and looking to integrate them into SmartThings and ActionTiles.

Which Device Type Handler are you using?

Hi any news / update on this? Have you managed to get this working within Action tiles?

I use the default DH within SM

This feature is in Beta as of today. I expect it to be released to the public very soon.

In Progress

Hi Peter,

The Ikea blinds integration is now in production. Please give it a try and let me know your thoughts.



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