ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
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I created a Sunrise/Sunset Tile!
I'm sharing this for others to use!
Use this Media Still Image URL:
Use the base URL for sunset and for sunrise
Required parameters:
lat (latitude)
long (longitude)
bgcolor (background color - hex color without #)
fgcolor (foreground color - hex color without #)
Optional parameters:
timeformat=24 (For 24 hour time)
offset= (number of minutes, positive or negative)
Please set the refresh time to at least every 12 hours (43200 seconds) to be nice to my server.
URL wont work in media tile
I'm sorry if this is a newby question this is my first time using ActionTiles. All I want to do is show this website on one of my tiles. And for some reason it says the URL is not valid. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you.
RTSP to ActionTiles
Hello - I am new to AT but I have found it to be one of the better dashboards for custom smart homing.. Anyway, one of my biggest issues right now is live video cam feeds. I've searched for days, on different dashboard apps as well and it seems RTSP is a huge issue for apps like this. Why don't any of these people support direct RTSP? whatever... the fact is, I am trying my hardest to get this to work even just for one tile and I can't.
I've got hikvision cameras, provision-isr cameras, even a few other IP cameras however I don't have any of those cloud based garbage cameras like nest or ring because I don't believe in having my security on a cloud where anybody can hack and gain access to millions of account including mine (i wonder where I get that insecurity from.. oh wait, it actually DOES Happen) so I prefer selling my customers camera systems which I can locally grant access and secure and know that there isn't a cloud account that can be hacked thus giving my customer, as well as my own set up a bit more security - in my opinion that is.
Anyway, I am hoping someone has figured out a solid way to do this because I have a few actiontiles I want to set up with one or two tiles displaying cameras like the front and back door, garage, etc.
I have the RTSP part of it working smoothly and across the network and internet, I just can't figure out how to turn them into HTTP streams or any other method that is supported in AT.
Here's hoping someone has an answer. Thanks in advance!
Live video from Amcrest NVR
Can an Amcrest NVR output a format that could be shown in ActionTiles?
Blue Iris MJPEG Video stream stops or locks up
Basically its the same thing thats is occuring in the topic above
OS - android
Browser - Firefox 52
Camera Feed - Blue iris Mjpg feed
The feed works great for 5-8 hrs then it freezes on the panel, a refresh fixes it and it works again for another 5+
Hi there!
I just purchased the Aeotec 360 Cam.
Works fine in the Android Smartthings App. But I cant find any information how to extract the stream and get it work with ActionTiles.
Any suggestions?
Rakete Shortcut open in same window doesn't work
It sucks that nest doesn't show up on action tiles like it does on smart things so I tried to use a workaround which makes "" a shortcut that opens in the same window as a dialog/popup but when its clicked it doesn't show the webpage.
Anyone know why and a solution to this?
Hikvision cameras for action tiles
This took me a while to figure out so I thought I would share. I have a number of Hikvision cameras around the house, I had a hard time getting them to display on Action tiles. All the literature said to do this:
The above did not work for me! Pasting the above worked great in a Chrome browser but not in IE or Edge. It didn't work at all in action tiles. I did not get any image either in My Media or on the panel.
I finally found something that worked... I had to encode the username and password into base64 and append to the end like this:
I added the part "?auth=" and then pasted in the encoded "username:password"
This worked great for pictures. I used this site for encoding:
It works for video too but while I can see the video on the "My Media" test, I can't get it to display on the actual panel.
Any ideas? Overall, I'm very happy with this product and bought two licenses (one for each of my hubs).
Swann NVR camera feeds using VLC to transcode.
i have a swann nvr8000 with 4 4k cameras and 2 4mp ptz's running on onvif on the nvr, 6 channels in all. im using vlc to transcode the 6 rstp channels from the nvr into an http mjpeg feed, ive added the transcoded feeds to my media in actiontiles, but im only able to see the feeds in windows running firefox, no other browser and os seems to pull up the feeds on the tiles, which is a real bummer because i had a fire hd10 ready to wall mount, now it looks like i need to go with a windows based wall tablet. ive read through a bunch of posts regarding the user:pass part of the rstp url causing problems with various browsers, but does that still apply if im letting vlc handle the rstp url and im using the http that vlc spits out. if anyone has any suggestions or troubleshooting ideas, id love to sort it out.
here are some technical details for anyone interested in the nvr configuration
swann nvr8000 rstp format is rtsp:// (change ip and port to match yours.102 is channel 1 (02) substream 101 for channel 1 (01) mainstream. 201, 202 and so forth.
the code to transcode in vlc commad promp is below (replace bold sections with your details)
vlc.exe -R rtsp://user:pass@ --sout "#transcode{vcodec=mjpg,vb=2500,scale=1.0,fps=10,acodec=none}:standard{access=http{mime=multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=7b3cc56e5f51db803f790dad720ed50a},mux=mpjpeg,dst=:8888/videostream.cgi}
the resulting http that vlc generates is http:// ip adress of device running vlc:8888/videostream.cgi
so mine was this is the url i input in my media for the tile
bonus points if you forward port 8888 and then use your ddns service if you want to use out of local network, i use dyndns and works great
Severe weather alert tile
Is there a way to build a severe weather tile that uses the smart weather station data from my ST hub?
Rotate through list of images or feeds in 1 Media Tile
Media tile that can be configured with two or more URL’s such that the tile rotates among the multiple images every ‘n’ seconds. Would enable rotating among multiple video cameras on a single tile, or rotating between video camera and weather images, for example.
show portion of a website as a tiles
I would like to show a portion of a website as a tile. The location of this content will be always in the same place of the website.
If possible I would like it to refresh every minutes or so
The website is to be logged in to see the content, but I don't mind letting the tablet or whatever to remember my login.
Use: I would like to show current Solar production, this stat is shown in my solar portal dashboard.
Ring Pro (doorbell camera)
Im looking into getting a Ring Pro doorbell but would I be able to add the live feed into action tiles?
Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, the Ring Pro uses a closed video feed locked to their cloud, and thus it cannot be accessed by ActionTiles.
Here's a reddit that discusses the issue:
But more up to date; SmartThings Community Topic:
We recommend that customers encourage their camera providers to provide video feeds in standard LAN (local area network) accessible formats.
FIXED: See Answer for details! What happened to Weather & News for Media Tiles?
Any idea what happened to this website? The weather forecast url for AT worked very well, but it disappeared a few days ago.
The website displays a notice
Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.
Thanks to everyone for your validation of this migration of @jggdev's tools to ActionTiles's Cloud in Beta mode!!!
But even bigger, super, thanks to John (@jggdev) for his creative and innovative development of this, sharing it with ActionTiles's customers over the past several months, and now licensing it to Thingterfaces LP, the makers of ActionTiles.
We caught and fixed a couple bugs and noted your comments for possible future tweaks, and perhaps eventual new features.
While we might do a "bulk migration" of all the existing* Media Objects in our database, you are now welcome and encouraged to self-migrate.
Please note that stability is not guaranteed. This is a "bonus feature" of ActionTiles. All usage is subject to ActionTiles's Terms of Service as well as any terms associated with the original scripts and/or JGG's website. ActionTiles takes no responsibility for the content provided. Please do not use copyright protected sources.
To migrate:
- Replace this portion of your Media Tile URLs:
" with "
To use:
Instructions for the 3 different generators (weather, news, and calendar) and their optional parameters, currently still reside at: ; but will be moved soon to an ActionTiles KB Article on
Please set the Still Image Media Tile "Refresh Rate" to greater than 900 seconds; preferably 3600 seconds or more (1 hour).
Please do not use the Beta URL anymore - unless invited. We may disable the beta server at anytime.
mjpg stream not showing
Dear All,
Having failed to get tinycam pro to stream cctv to a mediatile, I thought I'd try iCatcher Console ( This is a cctv software with webserver. I can successfully open a browser page to a static jpg image of a stream from the iCatcher webserver, as follows :-
however, using this link within a mediatile gives no result, just says invalid url. I have tried this with & without passing the user/password parameters. Any ideas please?
Connect 360Eye camera?
I remember seen in the past some thread about the Chinese cameras connection to action tiles but I'm unable to find it in the forum any longer for some reason... I found 2 like these in my attic and thought to try connect them to action tiles.
Anyone managed to connect these cheap cameras to action tiles?
The cameras are this ones that using the V380 mobile app to access them - one model is 360 Eye but there are many like this -
Live IP Camera Feed into AT using RPi3B - WORKING!!!
Hi All,
After many attempts to try and google the right URL, encoding login/pw into the URL, using RTSP vs. HTTP etc etc... I wanted to help others out by documenting what I did to finally get live feeds from my IP cameras into Action Tiles.
This method is NOT FREE, and will probably cost you about ~$60-$75 for all of the materials to set up.
No coding experience required. This is primarily all configuration.
What I tried and why it didn't work:
1) My NVR only provides RTSP feeds and therefore no http url would work for me, either to the cameras directly or to the NVR. If you're in a similar situation, I would recommend going this route.
2) RTSP feeds used as the URL in ActionTiles will also not work, especially if you're using the recommended Fully browser. You would not be able to pass your authentication credentials in the RTSP url (Fully will not allow it).
3) TinyCam Pro worked for a bit, however the webserver kept crashing. As a standalone on low bandwidth profile, compression 50 in ActionTiles, and only streaming 2 cameras, TinyCam Pro was using almost 40-50% of my Fire HD7. I believe my Fire HD7 couldn't handle the load and therefore just kept crashing, causing a blank image on my tiles. I'm glad I at least tried this route, since that's what gave me the initial idea of a webserver approach.
4) I don't subscribe to 3rd party services such as Blue Iris, but from what I know now, I'd say in the long run this method I'm about to describe can replace that service.
Basically we'll be taking the same approach as TinyCam Pro did, except running a similar Web Service approach on a separate device instead of the same device Action Tiles is running on.
Materials needed:
1) A Raspberry Pi (I used an RPi3 model B for mine)
2) RPi3 case and power adapter
3) MicroSD card that is at least 8 GB. I grabbed a Samsung Evo+ that was 32 GB off of Amazon for around ~$30
4) Your tablet running ActionTiles (I'm using a Fire HD7)
High Level Steps:
1) Set up our RPi with motionEyeOS.
2) Add your cameras into the motionEye software.
3) Grab the http stream url.
4) Add media tile using the stream url in Action Tiles.
5) Profit.
Step By Step Instructions:
1) Visit the github to grab motionEyeOS to be installed. Make sure you grab the right one for the particular Raspberry Pi version you have to play with.
2) Follow the installation instructions to flash motionEyeOS on your microSD card.
3) Put your RPi in the case, HDMI to a monitor, plug to your network via ethernet, put your microSD card in and power your RPi on.
4) Assuming their are no errors, the bootup text will provide the IP address for your RPi (You can change this later either when you log into the RPi or through your router settings). If everything boots up fine, you can safely go place your RPi somewhere, so long as its hooked up to the internet. We'll be doing everything remotely for now on.
5) After putting your RPi somewhere and powered back on, go back to your computer and enter in the RPi's IP address in your internet browser. This should bring you to MotionEye's login screen. Use admin with no pw as your initial login.
6) Now that you're in you can tweak stuff like turning on your RPi's wifi, changing the default pw, etc.
7) Start adding your cameras in. use the site AT recommends if you don't have access to your camera or NVR's manufacturer manuals. I did not embed credentials in my URL, there should be blanks provided for you to input login details when you add your cameras.
8) Assuming you added them correctly, you should now see them displayed in the GUI. I only have 2 in mine since that's all I wanted to display in AT, but I'm sure you can add many more.
9) After adding your cameras, now grab the stream URL in the camera settings. This should be just the IP address to your RPi followed by the port assigned to each camera you added.
10) Within ActionTile (you can even test in a separate browser tab if you want) this should show up instantly.
I hope this helps anyone trying to do this same thing. Good Luck!
Refresh on radar map
I am not seeing this refresh
should i have it set as a Gif with a refresh rate?
please help!!
Option for still image Media to open streaming video upon zoom
I'm pretty sure this has been discussed, but I couldn't find anything recent about it. So...
Has there ever been any more discussion about having the option to click a still image media tile and have it open the mjpg video feed when it enlarges?
I assume the reasoning is obvious, but for me, it would be ideal if I could have the thing that's on all the time just be an occasionally refreshed still image, and then go 'live' when I click on it.
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