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Connect 360Eye camera?

esalomo 7 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by J C 4 years ago 11


I remember seen in the past some thread about the Chinese cameras connection to action tiles but I'm unable to find it in the forum any longer for some reason... I found 2 like these in my attic and thought to try connect them to action tiles.

Anyone managed to connect these cheap cameras to action tiles?

The cameras are this ones that using the V380 mobile app to access them - one model is 360 Eye but there are many like this - https://www.bonanza.com/listings/Camera-Ip-Wireless-Cctv-Security-Wifi-Home-Hd-Night-Vision-720p-Network-1080p/570635208?goog_pla=1&gpid=76984451581&keyword=&goog_pla=1&pos=1o9&ad_type=pla&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzcbWBRDmARIsAM6uChUMDE5ZmrGMhNBFZHa_cXT0x-XZ_rgAJR-Wfy7-0oNq8-uDDO6CkXgaAhqTEALw_wcB

I finally managed to find this thread that provide the URLs to all these cheap cameras - http://community.netcamstudio.com/t/new-camera-from-china/1030/36

Mine works with this stream URL on PC- Rtsp://

So I guess this cannot be added to the tiles panel as its not supporting rtsp (?)


To process RTSP you need a transcoding server like Blue Iris, VLC, Kerberos, or try TinyCam Pro App for Android...

I have one camera like this which is connected to TinyCam server and I can see it in the app. itself working ok BUT not in the tile - I do see all the other cameras I have connected to the TinyCam as tiles - any idea what I'm missing?

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  1. What format URL are you using for the Media definition?
  2. How many concurrent Panels do you have running? tinyCam only supports 3 streams per Camera.

i bought this camera hoping I can get some security around the house. Unable to contact phone support and all I get is email support. But does anyone know if this company can pull footage through their cloud even if my camera was not recording??? Someone please help? Someone stole my puppy from my front yard!

any help regarding this camera will help. Thank you!

anyone know the email addy for 360eyes ?

for support or personal.  i've been looking for support for questions but cant find a number or site for it.  the sections they give you on your phone don't give an option.  

as far as finding your own personal information on the app....not finding it.  looked through every option....i can change my password and see my orders...but can't look at my own account or cloud info

I am having a problem with 360 eyes app. I can see when on my wifi but not when I am away from home.  Can anyone help me?  I tried sending the problem to them in the app and constantly says failed.  Very frustrating.   Or can anyone tell me an app that works 

It will work if you have data on your phone & it's turned on.  You have to be in wifi if that's what you chose on set up

I can not connect to mu 360eyes using wifi see the network states "internet not available

I have the 360 eyes pro and need a new DC12V/2000mA power adapter. Does anyone know where I can get one?