ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum
Public Forum for ActionTiles Customers. Please use the Search Box and carefully browse the results to look for existing relevant Topics before opening a new Topic or Private Helpdesk Ticket.
Estimated Time Of Arrival
I'd like to request that the "Estimated Time Of Arrival" capability be supported.
The capability has a single 'eta' attribute which is an ISO 8601 date so any implementation might like to allow a date format string to be specified.
The ETA has a wide variety of potential uses. There could ETAs for people. There could be ETAs of buses at stops, trains at stations, and planes at airports. There could be broader interpretations such as next appointments or medication times.
Basically it can be used for anything that needs a date and time and it is an 'official' capability.
Valve Tile needs PIN security protection
I find that the Tile Security option is not available for my Main Water Valve Tile. This device is a listed as Type: Z-Wave Water Valve. For obvious reason, I would like to not have this valve closed by accidental activation.
Scale or change units value of Power Meter
My Power Meter tiles currently displays power usage in watts, optionally with decimals. That's fine and dandy but for display purposes I'd find it useful to be able to apply a multiplier to the value supplied by SmartThings so I can use my own units. Those units might be kilowatts, ergs per second, horsepower, BTU per hour or (much) more likely my own user defined units which may differ for each device. With or without a multiplier it would be useful to be able to override the footer text for the tile.
There is also an ulterior motive, as using two of the less expensive available smart plugs in the UK (Hive Active Plug and Salus SP600) with the Zigbee Switch Power DTH to avoid using a custom DTH results in a reported power usage that is a factor of ten too low for whatever reason. So my choice of user defined units would 'correct' that. Again if I can't scale the value being able to have e.g. 'Power / 10' as the footer text would be a useful visual aid for me.
I guess parts of this may have the potential to fall foul of 'Works With SmartThings' in some way, but it is worth asking.
Anyone control Robovac hoover with ActionTiles?
Has anyone know or have done on action tiles that controls there if hoover. Just something I through the of last night as mine is set on a timer. But if I need it to come out for a reason I have to use the remote to get it out or ask Alexa. But would be good if I could just press a tile to start it.
I’m quite new to scene of tiles and all. I have added what I have as smart devices to it. But a couple I can’t at the moment which I no can’t as yet but I’ve not seen or heard anything bout a hoover.
Anyone got any ideas?!!
Battery in footer for Thermostat Tile?
I am looking to see if the battery percentage is on the thermostat. I see it for temp, humidity and battery tiles, but not the thermostat tiles. Is it planned for the single and dual thermostat tiles in v6?
Main Tiles for Things which are typically not powered by Batteries (e.g., Outlets, Switches, and Thermostats, ...) curently do not have the battery option available for their footers.
Thermostats are a good example, I guess, of Things that some Customer power via Battery (due to lack of a C-Wire from their heating/cooling system). We will try to add Battery as an option someday.
Skybell image or alerts in ActionTiles?
I have a SkyBell HD on the front door. Is it possible to get the Picture or Alert when the door bell rings into AT ?
Control Abode home security?
Hello! I am looking for a way to use my actiontiles to control my Abode home security system. I have 3 wall mounted tabllets by all entrances into the home. I dont want to add the Abode keypad as it is not very attractive. I know there is no direct support but is there a workaround someone can help me with?
FortrezZ Flow Meter Interface
We just installed a FortrezZ Flow Meter Interface (FMI) on our main water line. This device measures water consumption (tallies number of gallons) and flow rate (gallons per minute). The device handler also stores a resettable tally of usage and high flow rates.
If we could show a tally of number of gallons, flow rate (gpm), or even a resettable tally to display on a spare tablet in our kids bathroom - it could be a very useful tool to help show the impact of leaving the water running while brushing teeth, length of time in the shower, water usage of bath vs. shower.
Below is the hardware description in SmartThings API, please let me know if there's any additional data I can provide to help integration of this product with ActionTiles!
Changing units of Voltage Measurement Tile
Hi All,
I have a voltage sensor in ST actually measuring Water Tank levels and so was wanting to be able to have a % symbol rather than the 'V' units on the tile. I do have % showing in ST but I presume AT doesn't pull the unit from ST.
So is there a way for me to change the measurement unit symbol for the Voltage Sensor tile?
Homey (by Athom) flows?
Hello all
I've been working some bit with ActionTiles and Homey in my home to select on the best fit solution. Don't know how popular I will get with this, but my opinion is Homey serves the best automation flows from a easy GUI interface and better connectivity options, but AT gives a far better remote/dashboard presentation. So the questions is... would it be possible to be creative and get the best of both...
What I like to achieve is having commands like a virtual device or virtual simulation in AT to trigger flows in Homey. Is this doable and if yes, can someone explain this please?
Thanks a lot!
How to download & install NST Manager to SmartThings?
Have looked all over and do not see the exact link to use to download the NST Manager.
These two links are your starting point:
If you have further questions about NST Manager, please direct them to the SmartThings Commnity at the first link above.
Voltage Measurement
I have this device that has the official capability "Voltage Measurement".
Utilizing Info, Normal, Accent, and Warn with SmartThings
I am unclear if this is a possibility, but I had an idea.
Is there a way to utilize the 4 states (Info, Accent, Warn, Normal) to depict different states of a tile through SmartThings? What information is pulled from SmartThings to determine the status of the tile? Is there a specific simulated button or type or something that I can create to make use of this?
I prefer Sballoz (High Visibility) Style...
What I'd like to do... I would like for my "motion" sensors to be in Normal or Info when there is no motion... "Warn" when they are active... "Accent" for 5 minutes after they are active...
If there is a way to use WebCore to create a piston that sets particular aspects of the SmartThings object to particular settings, maybe I could do that? IE If for a motion sensor, "Accent" occurs when the object's battery drops below 25%, "Warn" occurs when the object detects motion, and "Normal" occurs when there is no motion and the battery level is high... Then I could create a WebCore piston to report a simulated object with the desired information...
Is this even plausible? I didn't find much of anything referencing these states when I did a search for it.
Combine Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Tiles
I use NST Manager to bring in my Nest devices. For the smoke/co device, it brings in three capabilities:
But to show both smoke and carbon monoxide, it takes up two tiles:
It would be really nice if you could combine these into a single tile, since it's really one device with two sensors.
Inconsistent handling of battery capability
I have several battery operated devices that I am monitoring with ActionTiles. Some, like my monoprice door/window sensors (listed a contact sensor in ActionTiles), allow me to specify whether to show the battery icon or the percentage remaining. Others, like the Samsung SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor (listed as a Temperature Measurement, as that's what I'm montioring), show a battery icon and don't give me any ability to change it. Still others, like a custom "radon fan" monitor DTH I created (list as a switch in ActionTiles) don't give the ability to show either an icon or a percentage, even those the battery capability exists and can be monitored in a separate tile. Yet another DTH I created, a water sensor based on a switch (listed as water sensor in ActionTiles) gives me full control over the battery icon and percentage.
In the grand scheme, this isn't a big deal, but I would like to be able to consistently and completely monitor the battery levels of my sensors in my panel. Am I doing something wrong, or is there some inconsistencies in the way the battery capability is currently handled?
I have a Garageio setup in SmartThings and it functions correctly. Controls Open/Close and tells me status. I'm trying to get it to function on ActionTiles and am only able to get the Open/Closed contact sensor to work. I have an option for Garage Control and an option for Switch. Neither of those options actual trigger the garage to do anything. Any ideas of what could be going on here?
Support for MQTT IoT Protocol?
Is there any support to read MQTT packets for sensor data?? If not, is there an API I can use to add this functionality?? All my weather sensors report using the MQTT protocol, and it would be nice if AT supported the protocol.
Wattvision Integration
Any chance to integrate Wattvision in the connector? For some reason I can't get it to show as an addable device currently. The Tile/Thing worked fine under under SmartTiles previously. All it does it output power values every minute, and also a graph URL as 'powerContent' (which would be nice to see also, somehow... Potentially in an iframe.) I've included a screenshot of the device and its reports. I'm not sure why it doesn't work with AT as far as I can tell, the device type is so similar to any ST Outlet device I don't see why it shouldn't... But it doesn't show up in the 'authorize devices'. Take little credence with the Inactive Status listed right now in my screenshots... My Rainforest Eagle loves to go up and down when connected to WV.
I'm filing under bugs because I don't see any reason that the device shouldn't be addable right now... But of course I haven't seen the AT code, so I'm unsure why it's not addable.
The Wattvision Manager integration is a standard SmartThings device handler that appears to just make a child device:
Thank you so much for all the work on AT. I will definitely be a subscriber once it's stable!!
Display Sense Home Energy Monitor
Has anyone tried to setup a display of the Sense Home Energy monitor? I know there is no public API yet, it would be nice if they even had a simple JSON API that could be used with
Chamberlain garage door
I followed the directions to the T on setting up MyQ with smartthings, and can open/closed the door via the app. What i can't seem to do is pull it into actiontiles. I've added other devices and they come right in. Any ideas what to look for that i may be doing something wrong?
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