Wattvision Integration
Any chance to integrate Wattvision in the connector? For some reason I can't get it to show as an addable device currently. The Tile/Thing worked fine under under SmartTiles previously. All it does it output power values every minute, and also a graph URL as 'powerContent' (which would be nice to see also, somehow... Potentially in an iframe.) I've included a screenshot of the device and its reports. I'm not sure why it doesn't work with AT as far as I can tell, the device type is so similar to any ST Outlet device I don't see why it shouldn't... But it doesn't show up in the 'authorize devices'. Take little credence with the Inactive Status listed right now in my screenshots... My Rainforest Eagle loves to go up and down when connected to WV.
I'm filing under bugs because I don't see any reason that the device shouldn't be addable right now... But of course I haven't seen the AT code, so I'm unsure why it's not addable.
The Wattvision Manager integration is a standard SmartThings device handler that appears to just make a child device: https://github.com/SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic/tree/master/smartapps/smartthings/wattvision-manager.src
Thank you so much for all the work on AT. I will definitely be a subscriber once it's stable!!

Hi Danny,
You've run into one of our most common issues with SmartThings -- their Device Type Handlers sometimes don't conform to their own standards. 😖
Please reference this linked KB: Some Devices are missing from the Authorize Things (Add Location) screen?
If you know how to make a copy of the DTH, you can add "Capability Sensor" yourself while we ask and wait for SmartThings to fix it.

Thank you so much! Apologies for missing that KB article. All makes sense now. Will definitely be bugging ST Support about the bad DTH! Shouldn't have assumed it was AT just because with was working in SmartTiles!
Thanks again!

Thank you so much for taking the time to resolve this one! ST support was, unfortunately, no help!
AT fixing ST bugs, I love it! Much appreciated thank you, Terry!

You're welcome, Danny...
SmartThings has accepted our Pull Request, and it will now go through their QA and staging, roll-out process. We do not know the exact timeline.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Submitted SmartThings Pull Request #1865.