
Inconsistent handling of battery capability

David LaPorte 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 5

I have several battery operated devices that I am monitoring with ActionTiles.  Some, like my monoprice door/window sensors (listed a contact sensor in ActionTiles), allow me to specify whether to show the battery icon or the percentage remaining.  Others, like the Samsung SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor (listed as a Temperature Measurement, as that's what I'm montioring), show a battery icon and don't give me any ability to change it.  Still others, like a custom "radon fan" monitor DTH I created (list as a switch in ActionTiles) don't give the ability to show either an icon or a percentage, even those the battery capability exists and can be monitored in a separate tile.  Yet another DTH I created, a water sensor based on a switch (listed as water sensor in ActionTiles) gives me full control over the battery icon and percentage.

In the grand scheme, this isn't a big deal, but I would like to be able to consistently and completely monitor the battery levels of my sensors in my panel.  Am I doing something wrong, or is there some inconsistencies in the way the battery capability is currently handled?

Fix in Progress
Others, like the Samsung SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor (listed as a Temperature Measurement, as that's what I'm monitoring), show a battery icon and don't give me any ability to change it.

This was an omission that is fixed in the upcoming release.

Still others, like a custom "radon fan" monitor DTH I created (list as a switch in ActionTiles) don't give the ability to show either an icon or a percentage, even those the battery capability exists and can be monitored in a separate tile.

We decided not to add a buttery indicator to the Switch Tiles, because there's already too much going on in the footer: Switch State, Level, Color Indicator and the Options Button. I don't believe there exists a "Works With SmartThings" device that has a battery capability. We don't have any immediate plans to add the battery indicator to the Switch Tile.

Thanks for the response! 


looks good, thanks for making the update

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