ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

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Panel shortcut accent

JayUK 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 1

I think I know the answer to my own question, but thought I'd check...

I have a few panel shortcut tiles that link to other panels, is there anyway to change the accent/highlight on the panel shortcut tile if any of the sub tiles (in the destination panel) change their status?

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Layered Tiles

mikew707 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 4 years ago 1

With the removal of SHM support by SmartThings and current inability to access STHM it would be great with we were able to have layered tiles or put another way, a tile display based on a condition.  The old SHM tile used to display the current SHM status in a single tile.  The current work around using modes requires the use virtual switches to change the location mode and in turn sync the mode to change the STHM status.  When using the mode tile option in ActionTiles it just displayed the current mode in text format.  It would be great if we could have the ability to set conditions within the tiles so when a particular mode is active it will display a tile image and tile color.  Basically emulate what the SHM tile functionality/look used to be.   


HTTP response tile

I love Actiontiles! What I miss is a way to show a HTTP response as a tile. I'm using Yamaha Musiccast and it would be great with a tile that can display the current track playing. Also - it would be great with an album art tile!

I have searched the forum for a similar request, but couldn't find anything.


Static text on a tile?

Ryan McGinty 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Brian Diehl 4 years ago 5

I am wondering what the recommended method to simply add a tile that has information on it is? For instance, I am making an "Emergency Info" with the address, phone numbers for non-911 emergency services in my area etc. I just need to create a tile and essentially give it a caption. I've searched for other topics, but most get more complicated than what am looking to do. Is there a simple method to accomplish this? Thanks in advance for any information! 

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Custom tiles: group room information/controls into a single tile

SteveP 4 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Tom Bering 4 years ago 2

Not sure if there is already a feature request for this, couldnt find it, but please point me to it if there is.

I would like to group information/tiles for a single room. I know have different tiles from a single device, that really clutters the screen if you have a lot of rooms. Ideally you would also be able to include a light group/virtual switch

So the ideal user case, for example in case of heating/temp/humidity

min 2x2 tile


Thermostat -  20*  +

Room temperature 26*

Humidity 40%

Lights OFF  /  ON or icon

Answered: Discussion Open

ST Anything Virtual Contact Sensors

Kevin Ruschman 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Cesar Guiterrez 4 years ago 4

I currently have an Arduino with SmartShield running ST Anything with 4 virtual contact sensors. Is there any way to get the individual virtual contact sensors to show in ActionTiles? I don't think I can just add the capabilities to the DH because that would only be for the Arduino itself and not the virtual sensors. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Kevin,

See if the concept of "Composite Devices" is applicable in your case.

ActionTiles is able to display only standard Capabilities.


iFrame Tiles (web page embedding)

dennybono 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 5 years ago 87 4 duplicates

It would be nice to be able to display a small iframe "tile" on my panel. For example my access points have apis that allow me to view their status. I'd like to show that on my panel.

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Ability to show a switch as a contact sensor

Neil Dingwall 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by James Batchelor 5 years ago 4

By way of background I use the elements theme because I find the different colors for different types of tile make for good visual grouping.

I have 10 or so contact sensors which are grouped together and appear as orange. However I am using some wyze contact sensors which are used via ifttt to set a virtual switch in smartthings. Therefore these “contact sensors” show as on/off on green tiles.

It would be helpful to be able to choose to represent  switches as contact sensors to fix this.


August Lock Functionality

Craig Thomas 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated 5 years ago 4


I was excited that August Smart Locks are now officially supported in SmartThings. Post here (

I have this set up and working in SmartThings. When I added it to ActionTiles today, I am able to see it and create a lock tile and a sensor tile. However, is there any way to combine these similar to my Garage Door tile with MyQ rather than having 2 tiles?

The type in is showing it as "placeholder" with "No states found." Just curious if there is anything else that can be done or I should select to make this better.


Craig T.


Intent URL for Google Chrome Remote Desktop for IOS

naps 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles 0

Would anyone have the launch url for the chrome remote desktop app on the ipad. I would like to open that app with a special tile.


How to add Sticky Notes

Adrew 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated 5 years ago 2

Hi all !

I looked around the forum but didn't find anything written on this other than a request.

Here's how to have sticky notes in AT (I wanted an easy way for everybody at home to be able to leave and delete notes)

I downloaded: Sticky Notes from the play store

Then in AT add a shortcut in My Shortcuts; use this link (and add the name you want):


Now add this shortcut tile to your Panel and you're good to go ! A sticky note will appear and will stay on-screen at all time until deleted.

(I did this on my fire tablet but I'm assuming it will be the same on all android devices)

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Panel shortcut - option to bind to switch

MaxVonEvil 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Kevin1 5 years ago 3

Hi, I'd like to request a feature by where it's possible to bind the status of a switch device (virtual etc) to how a panel shortcut tile is presented. The use case is that I have a master panel, which breaks out into several sub panels for the house; garage, pool control, office, etc. When something is going on in a given sub panel, I would like it to light up (accent), letting me know something is out of the ordinary. I control all this with a dedicated webcore piston, keeping an eye on the status of specific devices in a given area, flipping a virtual switch,placed as a (security:read-only) tile underneath each shortcut tile, It currently looks like this:

Image 4897

The It works as intended, however it's wasting valuable tile space.

In summary I'd love to see an option by which a shortcut tile's appearance could be modified by way of a switch.


Only show tiles for Open windows and Doors?

Randy Rands 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by atlwolfpack 5 years ago 1

Is there a way to make tiles "disappear" when they meet certain conditions?  My use case is for the alarm - I only want to see tiles for the open windows and doors so that I can see at a glance if there are issues.  Is that possible?


Feature request: "Show device status" checkbox for power meters

MaxVonEvil 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated 5 years ago 1

Hi Terry & Alex,

I have a small item which I'd hope you'd consider including in the next update (presuming universal text tiles aren't around the corner just yet)

As of today we have the "Show device status" in the footer section for switch-type tiles and others.

My ask is to have the same option on powermeter-type tiles

Why? Because power meters are the only tile which currently supports showing an integer, which I can fudge backstage

What do I need that for?

So I created a webcore piston, which among other things queries the page count of my printer via it's built in web interface. In the ST IDE I created a virtual power meter, which I'm displaying in AT with the caption "Page count". Unfortunately one can't turn off the footer text/device status for a power meter, so underneath the page count it reads "power (w)", which irks my persnickety sense of order in the cosmos.. :)

Hope this makes sense.

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ADT ST Security Hub Arm / Disarm

paul_hernandez@me com 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Shane Trapp 5 years ago 15

Is it possible to arm / disarm (with pin) using the ADT ST Security Hub from a Tileset?


Hi Paul,

I changed your Question into a "Feature Request": Control of Arm/Disarm (and possibly other SmartThings ADT Security Hub functionality) is not a currently available ActionTiles function.

  • SmartThings has not published an API or any specifications for controlling the ADT Security Hub features.
  • SmartThings Community developers / power-users / hackers have discovered undocumented and unsupported APIs that seem to work.
  • ActionTiles could attempt to use these APIs, but we always hesitate to use unsanctioned hooks.
    • Since it is undocumented the functionality may be unstable and may change or be disabled by SmartThings and/or ADT at any time.
    • As a "Works With SmartThings"™ (WWST) certified app, we might be penalized for using the unsanctioned API, even after putting in the effort, testing it, and rolling it out to our customers.

That said; if there is significant customer interest here ( Topic VOTES! ), we might consider taking the risk: Though, seriously, we would be much more happy if the indication of customer interest convinced SmartThings to officially open the API, or at least grant ActionTiles a formal exception.




How to: Plex Tiles!

iam 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Jon Rohan 5 years ago 17

Image 4495

I started this project some time ago just don't have time to make it a "official project/app."


A (very basic) PHP file uses the Tautulli API to get the most recently played movie TV show ETC and re-displays the image.

Possible upgrades if anyone is interested in forking it.  Adding a global host and API Key, adding global specific methods to each action, image caching ETC..


  • Some basic tech knowledge  (I will answer some questions but have no plans of fully supporting this.)
  • Plex (obviously)
  • Tautulli -  (Even if you don't want to do this, is still a great tool.)
  • PHP web server

1.  Enable the Tautulli API from: /settings#tab_tabs-web_interface

2. Get Tautulli API Key also at the bottom of that page.

3.  Note all the section ids from /libraries using Tautulli (example: /library?section_id=8)

4. Save the attached file (recently_played.phprecently_played.php) to your web server.

5. Edit that file and add your $host and $api_key values (from step #2)

6. Add the media title to AT.  This will be your web server url along with the section id.  Example:

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Map Attribute value to custom value in Tile Footer

Ing. Ricardo Guevara 6 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Sim1011 5 years ago 2

I want to suggest a small change, but very important for my future projects.

I want to be able to change the tile status in the footer to a custom WORD status.

e.g.: When a contact sensor reports OPEN, the tile status should show ACTIVE, LIFTED or NOTHING AT ALL. -or- When that contact sensor is CLOSED, the tile status should show INACTIVE, LOCKED or NOTHING AT ALL. Same thing for other sensors.

Please check the picture attached to have a better idea. Please thumbs up in case you guys like the change.

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is there a way to make an infomation tile also execute a seperate url command?

tboguejr 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 5 years ago 1
Android Fire Windows

Dynamic Panel Shortcut?

Tom_G_2010 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated 5 years ago 3

Is there anyway to create a panel shortcut tile that can return you to whatever previous panel you came from?

At present I have four Fire Tablets around the house and I am at a point where I have enough smart devices in my home that I have them grouped across several Action Tiles panels:  Bedrooms, Kitchen/Living Room, Basement, Yard, Cameras.On each table I have a home page panel that is unique that tablet location with location specific content.  At the bottom of that panel I have a set of panel shortcuts to navigate to the shared panels mentioned above.

From the Home page panel (Kitchen home page panel shown below) I can navigate to any of the shared panels such as the Downstairs panel show below that.  However, the only way back to the main menu I came from would be to have a main menu button to go to each tablet home page or an addition shared page with panel shortcuts for each.  The panel shortcut tiles needed for the first idea eat up to much screen real-estate.  the second idea works but requires two steps to get back to a main menu.

What I would like to do instead is have the main menu panel shortcut tiles trigger a script that notes what main menu I came from before sending me to the sub panel.  And, when use the Main Menu panel shortcut tile on that sub panel to return the script then sends me back to where I came from.

Any ideas on how to do that?  I'm wondering if I can use a URL shortcut tile instead of panel shortcuts and use those to trigger a script that would manage this...

Any ideas or input would be greatly appreciated.


Tom G.

Image 4662

Image 4663

Solution Exists

Colour picker not showing up for my device

George Ricketts 5 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 5 years ago 2

I'm having issues getting the colour picker to show up in ActionTiles when using an H801 RGB device. It will show the current colour of the LED strip at the bottom of the switch tile but I can't see any way to enter the colour picker menu.

I saw previous threads around ensuring the color, hue and saturation attributes are populated correctly and that appears to be the case.

Image 4675

Image 4676