
Make Tile click result Toast notifications optional

Tony Pastor 9 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Notifications & Sound updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 17

In my opinion,:

  • A notification window is kind of redundant to the visual indicators of the tiles themselves.
  • Notification windows should be an option, not default.
  • And if one is displayed, the current length of time that the window is displayed is way too long.



We are planning to put in a preference option to allow the user to disable toast notifications.

Just for info, though: Per Alex (SmartTiles):

The toast notification was put in place for one specific reason: to prevent accidental clicks to remain unnoticed. While this does not solve "pocket dialing" it may help to detect a tap when a swipe or a scroll was intended.

Another important aspect of the toast notification is to confirm if and when a command was actually received by SmartThings. There could be a prolonged network delay, depending on the load on SmartThings cloud, but the toast notification will appear only upon successful completion of the command.

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We are planning to put in a preference option to allow the user to disable toast notifications.

Just for info, though: Per Alex (SmartTiles):

The toast notification was put in place for one specific reason: to prevent accidental clicks to remain unnoticed. While this does not solve "pocket dialing" it may help to detect a tap when a swipe or a scroll was intended.

Another important aspect of the toast notification is to confirm if and when a command was actually received by SmartThings. There could be a prolonged network delay, depending on the load on SmartThings cloud, but the toast notification will appear only upon successful completion of the command.

The first week with V6. I thought toast was a great idea but after a couple of weeks I don't really pay much attention to it any longer. When I click on a tile. I just wait for that tile to change state. I would also like this to be an optional as well.


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I think toast notifications are good for routines, modes, etc. but not for switches where you get instant feedback of the change. On my SmartThings setup the "Good Night House" routine which turns off all the lights except those outside, and turns on the bedroom fan, sometimes takes a second or so to be noticed in the bedroom if there are lots of lights on. The toast notification is good here. On the other hand, I was playing with my kitchen cabinet dimmer switch to see if the DTH problem had been resolved. I noticed an instant change on my dashboard when using SmartThings app to turn the light on/off. Faster than the SmartThings app itself. The toast notification is unneeded here.

Thanks for the thoughtful observations...

Once this "master" preference is available to disable all toast notifications, we should revisit the concept in some form or another to decide if perhaps the notifications should be selectively enabled for Routines (and maybe what else?)...


Just voted for this. From a UI perspective, when a user clicks a tile, they're likely looking for a indication on that tile that their action took place, not as a Toast notification. As such, I think it'd be a great idea to do away with this or at least make it optional.

Toast notification serves several purposes. They are

  • indication of a success of failure of command send to SmartThings (because you know, SmartThings sometimes craps out for no reason)
  • indication of when the command was accepted (because you know, SmartThings sometimes craps out for no reason)
  • prevention of accidental tap
  • If a user taps and then scrolls/navigates away, they will not see a confirmation

For the above reasons, I don't believe it should be removed completely and I'm very reluctant to disable it by default.

All valid points. If that's the case, removing it completely doesn't seem wise, but I agree at the least, whether default or not, an option to disable it would be nice.

This option is redundant for my purposes.  Can there be an option to remove it for those who do not find it useful or at least move it to the bottom left of the screen where it is less intrusive?  The top of the screen is where my favorite buttons are kept.

I only need a few simple tiles for my paid license.  This notification gets in the way of a cleaner looking install. 


The top notification toast is annoying. Is there any option to enable/disable?

Thank you.


This is just a Feature Request to make the toast notification optional.

We're taking this Feature Request into consideration, Daniel.  Thanks!

Please allow toast notifications to be disabled! The ability to toggle it per device would be an additional benefit. 

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