ActionTiles Release 6.11.3
ActionTiles release 6.11.0 has been rolled out on June 10, 2020.
New Features
Color Temperature control.
Color Temperature slider will appear in Glass Dialog lights that support this capability. (RGB color light indicator has been removed from tiles, because it was too small to be really useful.)
IFrame Tiles.
The new IFrame Tiles allow you to embed another website into ActionTiles.
Please note that the website for IFrame must be served over HTTPS, otherwise it will not work with ActionTiles.
Your mileage may vary. Not every website is compatible with IFrame.
If you come up with interesting use case, please share with the community!
Some ideas for useful sites that can be used as Tiles:
SmartApp update.
Ability to select some newer models of garage door controllers, thermostats and window shades.
Updated wording.
Performance optimizations.
Changed event processing server, then rolled back.
Routines and Classic Smart Home Monitor are deprecated for new users.
SmartThings is pushing to deprecate some features of Classic app and ActionTiles is following suite. New users are often confused between Classic SHM and the new SmartThings Home Monitor. Routines and SHM options will not appear for user accounts created after June 1st.
If you know what you are doing and you need to be able to add routine and SHM Tiles, please contact support to turn on this option for you.
Options for bigger clock sizes.
Infrastructure upgrades.
Major changes to consolidate servers and optimize for cost and performance.
Customer support service by UserEcho
2020-06-17 Outage.
Partial outage occurred due to human error that affected a subset of users. The outage was resolved later that evening. The root cause of the outage was not related to the current release.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Whoa, iFrame support!! So I no longer have to use my own domain and embed a panel within an iFrame, I can do the converse. This is HUGE!! Thank you!
Thanks for adding the IFRAME capability. Do you have any plans to offer a "refresh after X minutes" setting?
Do you require the iFrame to be refreshed periodically?