
Add Public Webcam Feed

Chris W 5 years ago in Media Tiles / Video Camera Feeds updated by paulthbrit 4 years ago 3

Hi all, 

I've found an excellent public webcam for the city of Bristol in the UK but struggling to incorporate it into a media tile.

Here is the link to the live feed: https://camera.deckchair.com/radisson-blu-bristol-uk and here is the link to the webpage that links to the previous link by clicking on the webcam image https://worldcam.eu/webcams/europe/united-kingdom/18890-bristol-panoramic-view 

Does anybody think it's possible? If I C+P the first link in the 'Add Media' it doesn't recognise the URL.



Hi Chris, it doesn't look like it's a standard life feed image. I think it's a slideshow kind of feed...

I have a question similar tp Chris W above.  I have found a public webcam of the town I live in that I would like to add alongside my home security webcams.  I can't seem to get it to display, even though it displays OK as a web page.  

Is there any way this link can be modified to work in ActionTiles?

Here is the link: 

