On Hold: Discussion Open

Sports scores

jpozzoli 6 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Special Tiles updated by Mike Reuben 3 years ago 5

Is it possible to have a tile, or perhaps several, to show scores of certain teams (which I define) across different sports?


On Hold: Discussion Open

Hi Brian,

There no direct way to implement this functionality. However, you could create a Media Tile and link to an image that displays the score and have the image refresh periodically.



Any chance you found a solution to this? I'd love this for my wall-mounted tablet by my bar (as well as a similar tile for ski conditions and weather forecasts for a few nearby ski resorts .. .but that's another topic!

On Hold: Discussion Open

Hi Brian,

There no direct way to implement this functionality. However, you could create a Media Tile and link to an image that displays the score and have the image refresh periodically.



thanks! i ended up converting my panel to an embedded iframe hosted on my own domain. used my sports score widget as another iframe, and all is now hunky dory


what you've done with the sports scores is incredible. Would you be willing to post instructions on how you were able to create it? Thanks!