On Hold: Discussion Open

Message/log tile?

MaxVonEvil 6 years ago in Panels (dashboards) / Event History updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 1

Hi all, I was wondering if anybody would find value in a scrolling text log tile. I would like to see a feature where one could specify a large tile, allowing one to display messages from Smartthings. Granted, I haven't thought out completely how it might work and how messages would get sent. I just figured it would be great if AT could provide a scrolling field to display things like:

DD-MM HH:mm: Gate/Door X opened

DD-MM HH:mm: Gate/Door X closed

DD-MM HH:mm: Something else happened

DD-MM HH:mm: ...

This would allow one to glance recent events (of course depending on available font/space and and what messages one would choose to send). Let me know if similar is in the backlog already, otherwise, any takers to this idea?

On Hold: Discussion Open

Thank-you for the Feature Request, Max. 

Indeed, we already have a whole Category for the Topic of Event History related features.

We're excited to know we will get to this Category... someday. There are a whole bunch of unique challenges to implementing Event History, so we are making sure to not plan it until prerequisite changes are completed in our platform architecture.

Stay tuned!


... Terry.