
Screen Saver to use NAS Picture Folder

myoung84 6 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones updated by Jay 6 years ago 5

I tried Dakboard but I don't like the slow loading time from AT the Dakboard website. I would rather my tablet just cycle pics from a folder on my NAS. Is this possible? I played with folder sharing on my QNAP NAS but couldn't figure out how to get fully to point to it. I could just download pics to the tablet but I want my wife to be able to dump her preferred pics to a NAS folder and fully cycle them (I don't want to have to manage the pics, LOL)

  1. Are you using Fully? It may be worth asking them. They might also consider a Feature Request.
  2. There's also this recent new post on our Forum that's somewhat relevant and might be the path to a solution:  https://support.actiontiles.com/communities/12/topics/4446-actionpixx-photo-slideshow-media-tiles

I am using Fully. I emailed them last night to ask some questions. For now I'm just using ES File Explorer to dump some pics on the tablet over wifi, works fine for now.

I have another issue regarding the Fire tablet and screensavers. Since you can't turn off the screen due to the lockscreen issue, I just have screen saver running 24/7. Really would like some better options on either blacking the screen with 0 brightness, or reducing brightness dependent on room darkness and/or time of day. I'll look into ActionPixx, that may be a good path...


I'm writing an app that runs on Windows that servers up photos from a directory.  It currently uses photos from directories inside it's home location.  I'm curious if it was installed in a directory on the NAS and you shared it's directory if your wife would have access to it.  Also, you can specify different directories for different tablets so your wife's tablet could have one set of photos and another tablet could have another set of photos (all via the same ActionTiles URL - Tablets would need a static IP).  You can get an idea of how it works here: http://jayhobo.com/actionpixx 

It servers up photos randomly if you specify "random.jpg" as the photo, it doesn't serve photos in sequence.

If you are interested in beta testing it let me know.



I'd be happy to beta test. This may work great for me. Let me know what you need from me. Thanks! 


The zip file is available for download on the website now.  Let me know how it works out in a NAS directory.

Also, if you have other ideas for features, let me know.


