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Help getting Media Tile URL from NOAA satellite?

Willis 7 years ago in Media Tiles / Weather & Traffic updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 4

I found this link:  https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/GOES16_CONUS_Band.php?band=GEOCOLOR&length=72

Which has a really cool looking weather .GIF loop.  However, the way the site is setup, I cannot turn it into a Media tile.  Anyone have any ideas on how show the loop in a tile?


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The URL link you posted doesn't yield a GIF, but rather a web page that has a series of JPG images in it that are cycled through (like a slideshow!) via script on that page. Such a "slideshow" is not compatible with a Media Tile.


Nice find, here are the gifs for CONUS and great lakes (I found these links in the blue menu bar under "all channels" or "region selector")...



Perfect!  Thank you!

These are great!!!! Here's Northeast -  


Answered: Discussion Open


The URL link you posted doesn't yield a GIF, but rather a web page that has a series of JPG images in it that are cycled through (like a slideshow!) via script on that page. Such a "slideshow" is not compatible with a Media Tile.