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Set colors on a per-Tile basis

Stuart Salmon 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Steve 4 years ago 3

The new theme builder is a welcome addition, but is still rather limited.  How difficult would it be to give us granular color control over individual tiles?  I, like many here, use simple actuators and virtual switches to control or report on a variety of different functions that we might want to color code by type.  

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Thanks for the the request / feedback, Stuart...

I think we haven't ever bothered opening this as a Feature Request yet, is because the desire is somewhat "obvious". That doesn't mean we have dismissed the intention of implementing it, but no feature is trivial, and this has to be considered in terms of both UI complexity (providing a color UI in the Tile settings requires design consideration) and the usual implementation and testing effort ... and all that is in relative priority to a hundred other Feature Requests.

We also have a few other relevant related requests, some of which have significantly more "utility" than manually assigning colors to individual Tiles. Please be sure to review these and decide carefully where to allocate your Votes.


I've allocated my votes to some of the other threads listed, but to be honest this would still be the ideal case -- individual settings would be the best option, even if not the easiest to implement.


Just threw out some votes on this one.  I definitely liked the ability to override the CSS options on a competitor's app that I was using while waiting for the hubitat integration to come out.  With Hubitat I have been creating a TON of virtual devices that get used by triggers in rule machine.  Since most of these are switches they all look the same on my AT dashboards. 

Is it possible to embed tiles from another dashboard as an iframe?  (If so I'm thinking the work-around would be to have all my virtual switches to control lighting scenes on one dashboard with its own theme, secuirty sensors on another, etc).  If I then brought them all in on a single dashboard with iframes they might retain their original formatting?

EDIT: Wanted to also throw a shoutout to the Hubitat integration, I am already loving this in itself