Solution Exists
ActionTiles iPhone Safari iOS 11.2.6: Homescreen launch not working.
John Intorcio 7 years ago
in Browsers Tablets Phones / Apple
updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago •
Panels that previously worked on my iPhone (Safari on iOS 11.2.6) are coming up as white screens. Something change?

Hi John,
We have not changed anything. However: Please flush your browser's cache just in case ActionTiles code has not properly downloaded.
We're getting multiple reports (not many); but I cannot replicate this on iPad 11.2.6. I presume something has changed in iOS.

I’m an idiot. Should have checked that first. Problem resolved by flushing website data. Thanks.

Solution Exists
Thanks, John, for your confirmation that flushing ActionTiles from the browser cache fixes the problem!
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Thanks, John, for your confirmation that flushing ActionTiles from the browser cache fixes the problem!
I’m an idiot. Should have checked that first. Problem resolved by flushing website data. Thanks.