Media tiles working in some browsers but not all?
I'm rather a newbie with ActionTiles, and am using a trial, so forgive me if I'm wondering about something obvious.
I have two cameras currently, a Dahua (of the type without a reset button) and a Foscam (one of the problematic ones, apparently). I have long lost the ability to tweak with the Dahua settings, and so far, only the IP Cam Viewer Android app has ever been able to pull a feed from it with just (apparently) the IP address.
I'm using ActionTiles on Safari on both my MacBook and my iPad Mini (first generation, iOS version 9.3.5). I can see the Foscam feed just fine on the iPad Mini, but not the Dahua. Much to my surprise, I can see BOTH feeds on the MacBook (I've no idea how it's pulling the Dahua stream, but it is)! But Chrome doesn't show the Dahua on the MacBook, and neither streams show up on Silk or Chrome on my Fire tablet (10" 2017 model).
I'm trying to get both feeds to show up on any browser on one of the mobile devices, so either the Fire tablet or the iPad Mini.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much!

Hi Meghna,
The only way we can help isolate these issues is if you organize and share your test results ... don't worry about doing every test at once. Start with one camera model and try it across the different browsers:
- What is the URL format?
- Which browsers work, and which ones don't?
- Are there cases where it works sometimes and not others?
- On desktop browsers, press F12 to view the browser debugger ("Console" tab) to see if any warnings or errors.
- ... repeat with next camera model.

Thanks so much, Terry. Here goes (*deep breath*).
Camera: Foscam FI9803P (POE).
URL: https://INTERNAL-IP-ADDRESS-NO-PORT-SPECIFIED/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=snapPicture2&usr=USERNAME&pwd=PASSWORD
Browsers working: Safari and Chrome (on Macbook OS High Sierra).
Browsers not working: Safari (on iPad Mini first gen running iOS 9.3.5), Opera (on High Sierra), Firefox (on High Sierra), Silk (on 2017 Amazon Fire tablet).
I'm on a Mac, so hitting F12 isn't pulling up a console, but I was able to pull console up for Safari. Oddly enough, even though Safari is showing this camera stream, there are multiple instances of "Failed to load resource: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made."
I will try and post the same information for the other camera tomorrow... for some reason, the second camera feed has now fallen off Safari on my Macbook, but still is showing up on Safari on my iPad!

Chrome on PC will block embedded URLs that aren't not in SSL (i.e., must use "https://" not "http://").
However it is rare for cameras to offer SSL for a LAN (local network stream) because there's no way for a certificate to be verified for the SSL encryption. You can possibly input the URL in the address bar and might be prompted to ignore the invalid certificate security risk (it's not really a risk since it is your camera). If the override is saved by the browser, then the camera may continue to function as a Media Tile.
So far, mobile browsers (including Chrome) still are allowing non-SSL embedding, but we fear this won't last.
... Terry.

Camera: Dahua IPC-HFW4300S
URL: http://admin:admin@INTERNAL-IP-ADDRESS-NO-PORT-SPECIFIED/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi
Browsers working: Safari (on iPad Mini first gen running iOS 9.3.5), Safari (on Macbook OS High Sierra) intermittently.
Browsers not working: Opera (on High Sierra), Firefox (on High Sierra), Silk (on 2017 Amazon Fire tablet).
Note: this camera is a rather strange case. The username and password which appear to be working for this stream (at least on the iPad, and intermittently on the MacBook) do not actually get me into the device via a web browser, so I've no idea what's going on...
Does any of this provide a clue? I'm honestly ready to toss this camera out of a window!

It's not the camera specifically...
Embedded (Tile) URLs with basic html authentication (ie; http://user:password@address) are blocked by Chrome and Android Webview (including Fully). There is no solution to the block, but leaving off the user:password might successfully cause it to "prompt for login" in browser's native dialog box or in another tab where you pre-enter the URL in the address bar.
We have heard that this this blocking may or may not occur in other browsers (eg, Firefox Android) but don't know for sure. On desktop browsers (Mac Firefox, Chrome?) use F12 / Console tab when viewing the Panel and the blocking error should be obvious.

Okay, so what I understand from this is that we can't reliably expect media tiles to pull media streams as the browsers themselves are making things difficult. It's a shame, because the ability to view my security cameras on the same screen as my other controls was my main reason for using ActionTiles. I'll keep playing around with it, and if I get anywhere, I'll post back.
Thanks so much for your time and your help, Terry!

You're welcome, Meghna.
Things that help this situation:
- It's best to stick with one choice of browser and OS for consistent results.
- Cameras do not offer unlimited number of concurrent streams! If one of your tablets is failing from time to time, it may be because you have another tablet "stealing" the stream.
- Use of a transcoding server (like Blue Iris) can add more flexibility and power, especially if you have a variety of camera brands.

- Unfortunately, this is a multi-OS household, so while I'd love to put Safari on everything, I can't! Ugh. But that's on me.
- Oh! I had no idea! I'll try shutting it down to just the one iPad Mini, then—that's the one that really counts, after all.
- I did look into Blue Iris with a lot of interest, but we actually haven't any Windows PCs in the house; only Macs and various tablets. I'd love it if someone would suggest a Mac equivalent. We do have Synology, but it can't see the Dahua stream. :-(
Thanks again!

I know this thread is a couple years old but just in case someone runs across it.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Meghna,
The only way we can help isolate these issues is if you organize and share your test results ... don't worry about doing every test at once. Start with one camera model and try it across the different browsers: