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Confirming Safari on iOS 4.2.1 (Gen2 iPod touch) is not Compatible

kroyster 8 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Apple updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 5

Update for your browser compatibility notes: My 2nd generation iPod Touch worked with SmartTiles, but no longer works with ActionTiles.  It is running iOS 4.2.1 and cannot update further, nor can I install any other browsers from the app store.  The behavior is that the login page will not display, so I cannot authenticate to access my panels. I have no idea if the panels would work post-auth.


Update... I've actually found that even the older SmartTiles that use to work now no longer works.  The problem appears to be with the authentication to SmartThings and has nothing to do with SmartTiles or ActionTiles.  When I load graph.api.smartthings.com and click the login button on my old iPod Touch, it attempts to open the login page at consigliere-regional.api.smartthings.com but it fails to load. I just get a blank white browser page. 

ActionTiles only uses the SmartThings web page when to install / Authenticate a new SmartThings Location.

The rest of the app is entirely independent. Thus, if Add Location is the only part that fails, you can perform that on another browsing device, desktop, etc..


Sorry for the confusion - you are right. But access is failing for both ActionTiles and SmartTiles, just at different locations.  I'm unable to reach the authN prompt in both cases.  No worries... I'm quite impressed with the new ActionTiles and plan to buy a cheap tablet to replace my old ipod touch.

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