Show me your Panels! - Gallery 1
Hi Everyone - new here but am pretty excited about this App. To me, it seems to smartly tie the Smart Home together. As a newbie, I am very interested in see everyone's creative panels. I would post up first but I don't think a few light switches, a clock and the weather are too interesting.

Using a AT&T Trek HD 8" tablet running Fully Kiosk Browser. Also using the front camera for motion detection to turn the screen on. The wallmount is made by Tabcare and purchased on Amazon.

Fire 7 Tablet (2017), Fully Kiosk Browser, Nest Thermostats / Smoke Detector, Phillips Hue, Abode Security. Made a custom wood frame.

This is our weekend place in New Hampshire. Some of the Drop Cams are no longer offering snapshots (can't wait for the video integration on those!) and the lakewater temperature tracker is tied to the Hot Tub for the winter. Other than that, I'm pretty happy about my ability to keep an eye on the place when we're not there!

Love it, Markus! While some folks think a lot of Tiles are "cluttered", personally I become familiar with the position of a particular Tile, it's really easy to find.

Hey Markus where are you getting your weather image from? I am also from the GTA area and looking for local content.
beautiful setup! very clean!

Thanks...here you go.
Your local news channel website sites are your best options for this region. I use CP24, or you can also try ctvnews. Enjoy!

Is that nest photo static and coincidentally the same temperature? I like the visual cue either way, would be awesome if it were live. I run a little web server that feeds family photos into tiles for my setup I might play around with a dynamic nest visual like yours. Awesome Panel!

Hey thanks! All of the visual cues are animated GIFs...Nest, fireplace, Sonos, etc. It adds some “eye candy” to the panel but also acts as a functional aid to help draw attention to a specific panel segment.
This Dashboard competes as my primary interface along with Google Home...everything on the panel can also be activated by voice. Cool stuff!

Sharing my mobile dashboard, optimized and designed for an iPhone X.
The AT team did an excellent job of designing the web app to exclude the infamous “notch”. Nice touch guys.
The UX/UI works really well in my case. Fast and comprehensive access to weather, automated entertainment (audio/video) and all home automation activities. The visual cues are “moving” gif animations.

- What model tablet is that? Looks great!
- How'd you do the Sonos control and graphic?

It's an older iPad 4...
The Sonos Tile points to a single "master speaker" that's grouped to control and playback on all speakers to achieve whole home audio. The Sonos graphic is a Gif animation that points to a URL and saved as a Media Tile. Same for all other graphics on the panel.

Hey thanks Terry! Agreed, once systematically designed, your brain tends to become hard wired and instinctive on where to find what. That said, this is version 4 after a week of using AT ;) I used a few very cool but useful gif animations as visual references to assist in navigation.
The build was very simple, however the design takes a significant amount of time to customize just right. An awesome feature request and perhaps something to consider in a future road map would be to add on device dynamic drag and drop to quickly rearrange tiles. This will greatly enhance the UX. Just a though... otherwise awesome work so far!

Thanks for your thoughts, Markus.
We have a few "layout" related Feature Requests, but "drag & drop" is certainly one of the more obvious ones, even though it is not trivial to implement. The Feature Request is here for Votes: https://support.actiontiles.com/forums/12-actiontiles-forum/topics/1097-drag-drop-layout-directly-on-a-user-defined-grid-size/

Does anyone have a large touchscreen monitor setup ( > 18" ) powered by a Pi? I currently have a Raspberry Pi Informational display I built a while back - https://imgur.com/a/z94Vr that I would like to know turn into an AT setup.. I'm just getting into all this.. My current display in the link isn't a touchscreen so I would obviously have to get something new.. Just curious if it's been done yet..
I did see the one poster using a Windows 10 stick which is an idea, but that ups the cost..

that poster was me... I did it cause my 23" acer needed USB3 for the touchscreen and the pi doesn't have USB3. . I've had other screens up using a rpi and as long as it can run a web browser, it should work fine with AT..

We all tend to squeeze as much on the screen as possible, and forget that the simplest solution is sometimes the best. I like that you've created a home screen with very little distraction, to act as a jumping point to all of the details.

it would be great if there were more icons, or custom images for panel tiles.

Hi Ron,
We know there's a desire for infinite icons, and other abilities to control Tile appearance. We've got some back-end work to do for a bit, and then we're cycling through the feature requests again. Always evolving... Thanks for your support.

Just finished building my first set of panels for my phone. I've got a main panel with a summary of my home and a more detailed panel for each area of my home. One the main panel I oriented things vertically on the bottom half for each area. On the detail panels I orient each room on the floor horizontally. Looking forward to starting a second set of panels for a tablet interface with more real estate.

Updated my setup with new frames. The most fun is actually making the frames :)

new to this. I plan to expand/improve later. This is a rush job so that my dog sitter can control some of the outside lights without having to remember the Alexa controls and she can accommodate our picky dogs by playing music for them while she is gone. I would like to integrate a security camera screenshot and alarm.com account that I have at another residence but haven’t discovered if that is possible yet.

Here is my first attempt after a week or so of playing around. I start with a HOME panel that has my most used items as well as links to 5 other panels with additional, deeper information. Each panel's top row has a has title header and shows TIME/DATE information, presence status of family, and navigation to the other deeper dive panels. It still needs some design polish...
I'm using ActionTiles with DAKboard (screensaver) and Fully Kiosk Browser on Amazon Fire 7", 8", and 10" tablets.
The APP:xxxx tiles bring up the local Android app on the tablet. I haven't yet found a Life360 apk that works on the Amazon Fire tablets. Control4 is whole-home audio; although I don't know of any API or integration of Control4 into SmartThings. :-( I haven't figured out how to have the SkyBell video (or still) show up in an ActionTile. Or live STOCK ticker information. HELP!!! I wish there was way to further customize the icons for the AT tiles...
Traffic Cams are MY MEDIA links (MJPEG video stream) defined as:
http:// secure.franklintn.gov/uiserver/CTV%23103.jpg?randomNumber=1839805824
Weather Cams are MY MEDIA links defined as:
- Mosaic Weather Radar (MJPEG video stream):
https://www. nashvillesevereweather.com/nashvillesevereweather.com/radar1/mosaic/nashville25_anim.gif
- Weather Forecast 7-day (still image or GIF):
http:// lmgcorporate.com/wsmv/weather/maps/7_DAY_FORECAST.jpg
Security cameras are ($55 @ Amazon) DLink DCS-5222LB with MY SHORTCUTS links defined as:
I also have MY SHORTCUTS links to the home page of each camera, allowing me full control (PTZ) of the cameras, in addition to the simple live streaming from the URL listed above.
Blinds & Shades are SOMFY controlled. Irrigation is a SPRUCE controller with several remote soil sensors. Smart switches and outlets are almost exclusively Leviton.

OMG Dude.. The amount of things you have is insane!! (I'm jealous).. I'm new to this and don't have anything near what you have.. Would you mind emailing me (tbird2340@gmail.com) and giving me some info about your setup?
Some questions I have are:
* What routines do you have setup?
* What all do you automate?
* Why would you even need a smartbulb or smart switch for a light in your shower!?!?
Love to read ideas of what users are using this stuff for.. Great great stuff!!

The best place to discuss general SmartThings "tips and tricks" (i.e., that aren't specific to ActionTiles), is the SmartThings Community Forum, please. https://community.SmartThings.com
It is a tremendous resource and generous Community. Thanks!

"I also have MY SHORTCUTS links to the home page of each camera, allowing me full control (PTZ) of the cameras, in addition to the simple live streaming from the URL listed above."
What's the link you use for this?

My Shortcuts
Absolute URL:
Tile Settings:
- Open shortcut in the same window

ah. so you didn't embed the camera feeds in Actiontiles...instead you opted to create a shortcut tile which opens up the feed directly. I'll have to try that. my 5222LB has been a real pain in the ass. I can't even access it from the Dlink app half the time.

Right. I couldn't get a live feed embedded in the tile. Let me know if you ever figure that out! ;-)

From my experience....they work sometimes. And, there is no apparent reason why or when. I have found best results with cameras that have direct access url's that accept the credentials within the url. ipaddress:port/xxxx?user=USER&pwd=PASS The issue being, not all cameras have this capability.....

@keat - yes exactly what I mean. Given how today's standards and protocols work, I dont know why this crap just doesnt work all the time the same way.

I don't understand why is there such a huge performance hit when playing video streams through the browser- I have IP cameras that with generic IP camera apps can play over 6 streams @30fps on my Kindle Fire 8, but put them in the browser and it goes to crap.

We're getting off the Topic of "Show me your Panels", so please create a new Discussion for video performance.
Short answer is that dedicated IP camera Apps likely make use of hardware video acceleration that browsers don't.
Please keep in mind that ActionTiles is a SmartThings view & control system foremost. Media Tiles are a side effect - a mixed blessing, unfortunately.

This is nothing spectacular, but with ActionTiles I was able to build a very utilitarian control panel.
I'm using a Nexus 9 tablet, 32 GB, running Nougat 7.1.1. It is running the Tinycam Webcam server in the background which provides the streaming service to ActionTiles. About half of the switches are old X10 plugs and switches. I'm interfacing those units to the Smartthings Hub using a PC server that hosts the X10 software/drivers as well as a Hue Bridge emulator. All of this is connected to Alexa, of course, for voice control.
I'm still on the trial version of ActionTiles, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be purchasing the license! :) It's a Terrific piece of software...thanks to the Devs!

Nothing fancy, but gives me a good view of all my "Things" except for the Blink cameras.
Maybe some day I'll invest in IP cameras.
Great job creating and supporting ActionTiles!!
I like the fact that I can also view this from my phone.

It is actually a z-wave outlet in the living room. I have the cable box and a TV plugged into it.

I'd never guess this was the creation of a brand new Customer, EricK! Great looking Panel!
Little note, everyone - Reviews?:
Please share your home-smartening experiences as an official Review on our Facebook page. Such endorsements are priceless in keeping us growing. Can't thank y'all enough for bringing our tool to life. It's been exactly 1 year of sales; but unlike a puppy, we're not "full grown". We are building, building, building!

Thanks for the reminder Terry - I just went to Facebook to like the page. Everyone - let's show some AT love!

Hello everyone.
Here is my Panel. It is so simple for now based on my devices.

I have some troubles finding out updatable Weather forecast for my region (Santiago, CL). Can you provide me some useful links with image based forecast?
Special thanks to all developers and staff.

for weather you have a couple of options. Some folks just search for local TV stations that have forecast images that update daily.
Otherwise, there is the old jggdev solution (search the forum and you'll find the info)
And the third option is to use https://www.theweather.com/widget/ to generate an image of the forecast. It should work in Chile.

"The old JGGDEV solution" is now run by us, renamed to MTG, and documented here: Media Tile Generator (MTG was jggdev/atiles): Weather, Calendar, News

Yes, I used it, it is the first tile. Thank you Terry. You will get my License surely ;-)

I've been working on my AT dashboard for about a month and am loving it (great job)! This is still a work in progress, and I'm not sure if I ever plan to stop working on it. I haven't really optimized the layout or organized the tiles as I plan to add a lot more devices and features. I ultimately one a one stop panel for home controls and information (weather, traffic, sports, news, stocks, etc) on either single or multi-panels/pages.
I picked up two 11.6" Android Insignia tablets from Best Buy (major sale price of $75 -- MSRP $150). I'm running Fully Kiosk with AT as the main page and Dakboard (free version) as the screensaver. I am using Fully's motion detection feature to turn on the screen. I'm impressed with how easy it was to setup and how well it runs. I highly recommend this for those that are mounting a tablet on a wall.
I installed a recessed outlet, which ties into a light switch below. I currently am using some car dash magnetic mounts to hold the tablet. I'm not completely happy with the setup, as it sticks out about an inch, so I'm still looking for other options (please provide any suggestions if you have any). Although I loved the frame and mount ideas on this forum, I definitely want the option to remove the tablet from the wall to use as a handheld device. I currently use a 90degree USB charger to plug into the side of the tablet, but am considering buying a QI adapter and charger to make mounting/removing the tablet even easier.
Fan/Light - Zwave Switches (Leviton or GE)
Under Cabinet lights - GE Zwave Plug (2 plugs, synced with a Smartthings Virtual Dimmer)
Garage Door - Tilt Sensor gives open/close status only - I dont feel confortable giving the internet access to my locks or garage door.
Google Calendar -- Pop up link to my public calendar
TV/Music/SmartCast - Logitech Harmony Smart Hub
Nest Doorbell -- works pretty well other than an annoying pop up ad for Nest Cam
Home Monitor and Weather tile - loads another AT Panel
Traffic map - Popup of Houston Transtar's traffic page with traffic cams
Alexa - Link to Alexa web portal - alexa.amazon.com
Links to various home media tools
Things I would like to add/improve:
-- A way to display sports scores of my favorite teams, similar to the top of espn.com
-- Link to gamecast of my favorite live games
-- Link to launch apps (I currently have placeholders Plex, Alexa, Harmony) -- Also to be able change the icon to the app icon.
-- Ticker bar for stocks quotes and RSS feeds (similar to ESPN bottomline)
-- A prettier way to display the RSS feeds than I currently have

Very cool- I have a suggestion if you don't like the magnetic mounting. I use industrial grade Velcro. https://www.amazon.com/VELCRO-Brand-Industrial-Strength-Black/dp/B00006IC2T
Its perfect, it does not budge at all and probably much sturdier than the magnets and much closer than you have it now and you can take it off if need be. Just a thought.

I have a main panel an all switches and a monitor panel with links back to each panel.

Ongoing (new) project but showing what was recently added to Plex dynamically.

Sorry for bugging you, how did you integrate plex movie as tiles into actiontiles?

Looks awesome, but that screenshot is a total tease. We need to know more!
What exactly are we looking at here? If you click on the posters, what happens? Does it open the Plex app (or webapp in the browser) to the appropriate section?

Please discuss Plex integration in this other Topic: http://support.actiontiles.com/communities/12/topics/2986-tile-for-plex#comment-15788

This one is a doozy and I've done a lot of back-end programming to make everything work together. This baby gives me full control over just about everything in my home, and most importantly very customized music and speaker options. The speaker tiles run a vbs script on my main computer that hosts Spotify, and each individual speaker is controlled through Airfoil (also running on the main computer), which streams music to AirPlay enabled devices.
The lighting is all Philips Hue based with 42 lights spread throughout my home. I can't tell you what a hit those are when it comes time for entertaining!
I display the panel on a variety of different devices throughout my home, but the main screen is an iPad mounted to the wall.

Just started the trial and I have to say I love ActionTiles! Check out my dashboard, and please excuse the language as I'm hoping the wife would accept this tool and in turn the whole SmartThings platform:-)

Media Tiles:
I used streameye application to stream photos and video into the dashboard. See https://github.com/ccrisan/streameye for more information.
But in high level I installed streameye in my NAS where the photos and videos are stored, and run:
"while true; do for file in *.jpg; do cat $file; sleep 5; done; done | streameye" to enable a web server on NAS to serve these photos, then create a media tile and point to that web server.
For the video run:
"while true; do ffmpeg -i somevideo.mp4 -s 640x480 -f mjpeg -qscale 5 - 2>/dev/null; sleep 5; done | streameye -p 8081" to convert the video to mjpeg then posted to the web server on port 8081. You will need to create another media tile that points to the web server on port 8081.
My Theme:
"accent-tile-background-color": "#00BCD4",
"accent-tile-content-color": "white",
"accent-tile-footer-color": "white",
"accent-tile-header-color": "white",
"info-tile-background-color": "#E0F7FA",
"info-tile-content-color": "#000000",
"info-tile-footer-color": "#212121",
"info-tile-header-color": "#546E7A",
"normal-tile-background-color": "#ECEFF1",
"normal-tile-content-color": "#000000",
"normal-tile-footer-color": "#212121",
"normal-tile-header-color": "#607D8B",
"panel-background-color": "black",
"tileset-header-color": "white",
"warn-tile-background-color": "#FFAB00",
"warn-tile-content-color": "white",
"warn-tile-footer-color": "white",
"warn-tile-header-color": "white"

Beautiful Panel and children, Mr. W! ... Please let me know if you have any problem with us sharing this in any of our marketing materials or social media sites, blogs, etc.. (This permission is explicitly granted in our Terms of Service.)
Thank-you for the concise explanation of how you implemented your photo and video Media Tiles.
I also like the color Theme!

I have four panels -- first floor, second floor and two panels of music controls.
The first panel shows the first floor things, the second panel controls the things on my second floor, the third panel is the first music panel you access if you tap Music on the First Floor panel, and the fourth panel is the second Music panel you get to by tapping More Music from the first Music panel.

I've noticed you got a plex navigation on your panel, can I ask how you managed to do that? Thanks

Here is a new take on my panel. My son wrote me a editor that lets me load any website into custom frames. More to come.

Thomas: That looks amazing... sharing that editor with us would be great! ; )))))

Is that radar tile you have on both panels just an static, never changing image? Or is it an active display of something?
They look wicked cool. Same goes for the desktop tiles in blue on the bottom.

A couple simple panels...
Mobile Panel from Galaxy S8:

Tablet Panel from Galaxy Tab A 7.0 with VidaMount:

Here is mine and I love the look of it. Fire 7 with wall mount on fully kiosk.

Fourth from the right on the bottom. It's showing 95 degrees.
I've noticed a number of users have tiles that resemble this, but I'm unable to produce a condition icon or location info on the tile. I'm using two device types -- Weather Station 2.0 and Accuweather -- but neither seem to pass the condition icon.

Amazon Fire 7 wall mounted with power from original alarm keypad, using Konnected 18 zone alarm Panel

Looks great, Andy!
Everyone (well, at least me) is going to want to know the details of what cameras and/or NVR / transcoder you are using...?

Yeah, everyone loves a good camera story I guess! They're foscam wifi cameras which only support RTSP, which is an issue for ActionTiles of course. So I added MotionEye to an existing Pi3 I have on my network, and used that to transcode the feeds to MJPEG. I may get another Pi3 to offload the camera stuff to a dedicated bit of hardware because I'm not sure it can handle the load with the other jobs it does as well, but it totally works. Thanks to rijosroberto and his thread here for showing the way - https://support.actiontiles.com/communities/12/topics/3801-live-ip-camera-feed-into-at-using-rpi3b-working

Just a quick update - MotionEye ended up using 40-50% of the Pi3's cpu to stream the three cameras. Not awful, but it was causing problems with other tasks running on the device so I picked up another one and moved the camera function over to that one. All fine now, much more stable overall, but worth bearing in mind if anyone else goes down this route.

That's a super nice bathroom, Metalheadtec!
Have you explored the My Themes theme builder in ActionTiles to perhaps try a lavender (?) theme to match your cabinet lighting? Though I suppose you do change the colors of that lightstrip...
Love to see more of that Panel in action, along with the details of the tablet used and the frame / mounting.

LCD touchscreen with a raspberry pi.
tiles turn on heated rail, fan & lighting.
next tile is to turn on the shower.
Already have amazon dot running the shower, all RGB lighting, heated rail & fan.
It is possible to flush the digital toilet a project for later.

"flush the digital toilet"
If there was any doubt we are living the future, that statement has removed it.

look at japan with toilets
sci-fi from the 80's is here.
red dwarf with the talking toaster
5G will change everything

Regarding action tiles in my smart home I will replace analog switches with raspberry pi touchscreens, also tiles with routines, linking switches together, delays etc.
speech recognition on amazon, google & raspberry pi with
action tiles as my switches

@Metalheadtec - your tiles and background appear to have a gradient.... how do you do that in ActionTiles?

Sballoz (High Visibility). No gradient -- it is just the lighting of the photograph.

Finally got a kindle fire 7, haven't mounted to wall yet but have been setting up an ActionTiles panel for it. Also got a couple SmartThings multi-purpose sensors and stuck one to the dog food container lid. WebCore piston counts up every hour and turns red/on at 8 hours to let me know kiddos need to feed doggo (need a dog icon, he hops like a rabbit when chasing them, so it will do). When they open the food container the sensor movement sets the counter back to 0.

Thanks Kevin looks great..
But gotta tell you as a WebCoRE user, I am curious about your piston now:))))
It would be amazing if you share that on WebCoRE website and maybe put a link here :)))

Thanks for sharing all your tiles everyone, those are fantastic.
I've been using ActionTiles for a few weeks now and it's been great.
The next step is to update the security system and get those added to ActionTiles.
Currently I have the following tiles in place:
Clock | Lamp Control | Outside Temp | Link to all traffic cameras for my area | Thermostat control | Fireplace Control | Random Photos | My Drive Time | The Wife's Drive Time | Post it Note message
Next Row
Local Weather | Radar Weather | Satellite Weather | Satellite Weather | Traffic Cam | Traffic Cam
Next Row
| Traffic Cam | Traffic Cam | Traffic Cam | Ping of HS Server | Ping of my Phone | Ping of Internet Connection
It's pretty early but it's been a lot of fun playing around with ActionTiles. Thanks again for sharing yours.


Jay, vary cool your panels... have a few questions... how are you performing the ping to your server? and the Drive Time tile as well... find this ones to be very cool but cannot figure out how to do it...

Thank you.
Both are provided by an application I wrote called ActionPiXX
The program runs on a windows machine and produces the drive time tiles and the ping tiles.
The drive times have been really solid but the pings are having some issues. The ping on the first device is pretty consistent but the 2nd and 3rd devices are hit and miss at the moment.
Although in writing this I may try putting all 3 devices on a single tile to see if that resolves my issue.
Anyway, if you give it a try please let me know how it works for you.
Thanks again,

Replaced my old wired alarm keypads with two Amazon Fire 8 tablets mounted with mounts from 3WE Designs.
Now I control my home alarm wired devices with Konnected alarm panel.

Mounts are from Jason Thomas: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SmartThingsUsersGroup/permalink/1307414599401612/

I Hi all, want to share my panel, which is less about the panel itself but more about what I wanted to achieve with a wall mounted dashboard.
My main objective was to have a tablet mounted on the wall, but to be able to easily remove it from the wall so that it can still be used as a family tablet. It also needed to be a very cheap project to get buy-in from Wifey. Fortunately I had a nest thermostat with USB power feed from the wall exactly where I wanted the dashboard so I set to work.
The ideal solution was to get a tablet that supported wireless charging, attach a wireless charger to the back of a photoframe, and to stick some slim magnetic strips to the back of the tablet and to the front of the frame.
So I bought a Nexus 7 tablet from ebay for £50 and set to work.
The next challenge was to get a correctly sized photoframe, you can buy custom sized frames but my budget couldnt stretch to that so I accidently-on-purpose knocked one of our existing frames off the wall so that it broke. I removed the glass and back panel, cut the frame down to size, and stuck it all back together with a staple gun and plenty of glue so that it was the perfect size for the nexus 7.
- I bought a £5 wireless charger from ebay, removed the outer casing and stuck the actual charger to the back of the frame.
- I bought some magnetic strips from ebay and stuck them to the front of the frame and back of the tablet.
- Gave the new frame a lick of paint and mounted it on the wall with the charger hidden nicely behind it.
The easy thing to do would be to simply be to open up chrome browser in full screen mode with my Action tiles panel. However, given this is a family tablet mainly to be used by the kids to watch youtube it was a pain to keep opening the AT panel each time I got home from work.
The solution to this was to install the AutoMagic app. With this app I could set the tablet to wake at 6.30 in the morning and open the AT dashboard in chrome. It would then keep the screen active till 10.30 at night. You can also set it to open the AT panel when the wireless charging was activated. This meant that whenever the kids were done with the tablet they could put it back in the wall and the AT panel would automatically come on. Amazing!
However I still wasn't done. AT is great but having read on this forum about Dakboard I really liked the idea of using Dakboard as a screensaver that could show my google calender, Nest thermostat, weather, and google photo albums etc... The best way to do this was to install Fully Kiosk browser which shows everything in full screenmode, and allows you to set a URL for a screensaver (i,e the Dakboard panel) and the standard URL (i,e the AT panel).
I now have a fully functioning tablet that can be used as a tablet (which is now always fully charged!) but also a great looking dashboard mounted on the wall. All thanks to ActionTiles and inspiration from this forum!
Here are the pics... (in case anyone is wondering I have Philips Hue bulbs, Nest thermostat, and Logitech Harmony to control all my AV equipment)
ActionTiles Panel:

One day I might shell out on a custom sized photoframe that is a bit plainer than this one that I bodged together but I think it looks pretty good really.
Dakboard Screensaver

Panel mounted on the wall in the living area

Photoframe with tablet removed

Hi Ashley,
I'm curious about the method you used to power. You said: "Fortunately I had a nest thermostat with USB power feed from the wall exactly where I wanted the dashboard so I set to work." Im a little confused how it fits together

hi steven
We had a kitchen extension and i got the builder to put a mains power outlet under the cupboard just to the left of where the panel currently is and ran a 3m usb cable from there behind the wall so that i could power the nest thermostat.
I decided the panel would be more useful there so used the cable to power the photoframe instead and moved the thermostat to a stand somewhere else.
Hope that makes sense?

here we go, another panel with cameras :)))
- Jealousy mode ON... Level = 75%
Can you elaborate on the camera settings and the integration of it?
Thank you so much...

yes, I’m using Arlo cameras. The way I have them integrated is using the ArloPilot smart app. It takes a screenshot anytime Motion is detected and allows you to add the jpg to your action tile dashboard. It doesn’t show the video feed in real-time but shows you screen captures in real time. It’s just as effective letting you know if someone is at the front or side door.

So it's been 9 months since I shared my first tablet and mobile phone dashboard as a new user of AT. Lots of changes, additions and integrations followed. Thank you to everyone on this thread for sharing your creativity and helping to inspire us all.
A blurb on the updates...great to see the continued improvements on the AT platform evolve over the last few months (awesome updated icon library!...those 3,000 icons came in handy Terry!).
Firstly, design and aesthetics are important considerations in building the tablet dashboard. That said, I built a custom themed (onyx/gold) dashboard to seamlessly blend into the surrounding wall paint colour and wall hardware e.g. switches and thermostat in the hallway. The calendar, weather and news feeds were also given some custom treatment.
With a "mobile first" design outlook, I preferred to use an "infinite scroll" approach to quickly access device status and automation sequences, without having to embed a shortcut to open another panel. In my opinion, it's quicker and more efficient to scroll up / down to a purpose built categorized tile segment than to toggle between separate panels. For more advanced functionality, I embedded app link-outs e.g. Harmony, Sonos, Nest, etc. with gif animations and image tiles (media tiles) to add visual cues in order to quickly navigate to a desired action (plus it adds some eye
candy to an otherwise utilitarian tool...design is as important as function, and the dashboard is indeed dense with function, useful and glancable home status information and data.
So now for the reveal...first the tablet dashboard, then the smartphone dashboard images.


This is my first ever panel I've just created it! Can't wait to add and develop this!

Amazing work everyone and thank-you so much for sharing! 😄
This Topic has become super long now, so I've Closed it and started a fresh Topic... Please visit and post to:
Customer support service by UserEcho
Amazing work everyone and thank-you so much for sharing! 😄
This Topic has become super long now, so I've Closed it and started a fresh Topic... Please visit and post to: