STHM and Simulated Switches issues, July 2023

Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago in Announcements updated 2 years ago 0

In early July 2023, some unspecified SmartThings platform changes had unexpected consequences that affected some Virtual/Simulated switches.


This had impact on SmartThings Home Monitor workaround that many users have been using successfully for years.

SmartThings platform is changing rapidly with some tools and processes become obsolete. We created a new knowledge base article that describes the process to integrate SmartThings Home Monitor with ActionTiles using the current tools.

SmartThings released the the IDE that facilitates creation of virtual devices:


If your existing STHM integration workaround is not working, it is recommended to remove previously created Virtual/Simulated switches and recreate the integration using the following instructions:
