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Web login on Apple Watch silently fails

sourceholder 3 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Apple updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 2 years ago 2

I am trying to log into my ActionTiles account to view a panel on my Apple Watch.

The AT login page loads fine. However, after entering credentials and pressing the "LOG IN" button, nothing happens. Other links on the login page seem to load fine, such as Forgot Password and Terms of Service.


I am using µBrowser on my Apple Watch (Watch OS v8.3 - latest). The mobile browser is built on WebKit.


Hi,  is this topic still pending "moderation"? 

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The app was never tested on an Apple Watch. This is the first time this ever came up. I made a note of this, but I can't promise that we till be able to fix this...