Pre-Filter Routines Tile(s) in Settings
Is there anyway to select just certain routines to be accessible in a Routines Tile? ... Instead of all of them.
A good idea, Jim!
We are currently working on individual Routine Tiles instead, since that is a popular request. If you don't have many Routines, it will be a good interim solution.
I have set up a few extra routines today and was just wishing for this feature.
Please implement if possible. Thanks
Like this idea but would vote for the individual routine tiles as a higher priority
One way to do individual routine tiles. Set up a simulated switch to run the routine. In the routine settings you can tell it to run when that switch turns on. Be sure and have the routine also turn the switch back off. Then create a tile with that switch.
That's a great suggest, Jim... a lot of SmartTiles users and Beta participants do that!
But the best news? We have Routine Tiles already in development this weekend. Unless we hit a snag... this will be one of our first official "post-launch" Features!!!
(But not yet this OP's request of filtering access to certain routines on the existing style of Routines Tile).
"Individual Routine Tiles" are implemented & deployed (v6.2.2).
This idea of a filtered Routine List is still open for discussion and votes.
Customer support service by UserEcho
"Individual Routine Tiles" are implemented & deployed (v6.2.2).
This idea of a filtered Routine List is still open for discussion and votes.