Not Our Issue / Scope

SmartThings Authentication "All Things"?

Adam 8 years ago in Security updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 1

So, I noticed, when adding my things to ActionTiles, that I had to manually select every item, before it's presented to ActionTiles. The Alexa SmartApp Authentication page has the option to allow access to "everything" without having to individually select items... would this be a possible future enhancement?


Not Our Issue / Scope

Very astute observation, Adam.

You've discovered an unfortunate fact...

SmartThings has internal APIs to functionality that they have not given to external developers. This includes the "Allow Access to all Things?" option in web services connector SmartApp authorization page.

They have some legitimate security concerns about this feature; so perhaps we need to earn some extra trust. Hopefully they will grant us access to this (or similar, or better) ... someday.

Not Our Issue / Scope

Very astute observation, Adam.

You've discovered an unfortunate fact...

SmartThings has internal APIs to functionality that they have not given to external developers. This includes the "Allow Access to all Things?" option in web services connector SmartApp authorization page.

They have some legitimate security concerns about this feature; so perhaps we need to earn some extra trust. Hopefully they will grant us access to this (or similar, or better) ... someday.

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