
Tile Header force wrap Option

Jim 6 years ago in Configuration & Settings updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 5 years ago 1

This may have been covered already, but I can't find it. 

In creating a custom Tile header it would be nice to have some formatting options. I have 2 tiles side by side on one of my panels.

One says 'Outdoor Humidity' the other 'Indoor Humidity'. The outdoor one is just long enough that it shows up on 2 lines. The indoor shows up on 1 line.

I tried various ways to get the indoor on 2 lines as I think it looks better, but the only way I found was to add additional characters such as a dash. Adding spaces didn't work, it appears they are ignored.

Just my 2 bits worth.

Hi Jim,

Have you found a way to force wrap the Tile Headers?  I'm having the same issue.
