In Progress

Auto Hide Smart Home Monitor Selection Window

Major Nelson 6 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 2

When you select the SHM Tile a popup window appear at the bottom with the selection Away, Home, Disarm.  

Once a selection is made, it would be great to have the window automaticaly disappear. 

As it stand now, the window remain active until you either click the X or anywhere else outside the window. 



In Progress


The popup window is currently set to automatically close 30 seconds after the last tap.

The upcoming update includes major redesign of the popups, so you concern will certainly be addressed.

In Progress


The popup window is currently set to automatically close 30 seconds after the last tap.

The upcoming update includes major redesign of the popups, so you concern will certainly be addressed.

Great to hear and thanks for your quick reply!